User:Kitto Flora

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Revision as of 23:48, 4 June 2008 by Kitto Flora (talk | contribs)
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== Kitto's Toys News== Visit:

If you read this, please IM Kitto Flora that you have, he wants to know if this gets any use.

June 4th 2008

Green and Purple Steam Engines

A bug has been found and fixed in Green and Purple Engines that prevented applying logo textures to the sides of the cab. Fixed version for these colors is V14.1.1, you can get a free update at the Self-Service location, below.

Self-Service Updates

You can now carry out your own update any time by taking your old Steam Engine or Wagon to and following the instructions. Diesel updates are not available yet.

May 13th 2008

Boats and Swans

Updated Egyptian Boat and Swan rides are now on sale in Wish sim. These are fixed for H4 changes, and also have user adjustable float height. The Egyptian Boat now has an option to make the roof invisible, making an open-top boat for better views.

If you want free trade-in for updated rezzers, please IM Kitto Flora.


Error! The first V1.5 Egyptian Boat Boxes were sold with the OLD End and Stop markers in them! New ones have a description of 'Mk2'. If you have old ones - which don't work right, visit the store in Wish Sim, by the Boat Sales is a cube which will give you free corrected markers when you touch it.


V14.1.0 Steam Trains are now on Sale. These include updates to deal with Havok 4 minor differences, 8-channel operation, better headlight and Smokestack News! Click the chimney for a link to this page and read what the latest news is.

Diesel Updates soon!

As usual IM Kitto Flora to update your old train for free.

Future link:Steam Trains