Vienna Freebies Welcome Area
Revision as of 03:54, 13 June 2008 by Ice Stawberry (talk | contribs)
Group Name: Vienna Freebies Welcome Area
This Document Is Current As Of: 6/13/08
Founder's Second Life Name: Ice Stawberry
Total Group Members: 63
Group Charter: Tao of Volunteers
Mission Focus & Statement:
- Main Focus: New Resident Basics
* Other: Language (German), General Help, Exploration of the possibilities of Second Life
We are a broadly focused group who volunteer to help new and seasoned residents. Meeting, greeting and answering questions is our specialty!
Best Practices:
* Vienna Freebies German Tutorial [1] * Vienna Freebies Freebie Stores [2] * Freebie Travel Agency "Lucky Landmark" [3]
Group Representatives:
* Holger Gilruth * Ice Stawberry
Group Documentarians:
* Holger Gilruth
Requirements to Join: Everyone is welcome to join the group. Mentor applicants must be 6 months or older in Second Life and apply at one of the groups representives.