Classe: Script
- DATE: Monday 15 september 2008 >DONE / TERMINÉ
- TIME (Europe/France): 21:45 - 23:30 + 30 minutes for questions/Answers
- Length: 2h
- Location: France3d Saint Denis Sandbox
- Language: FRENCH in VOICE
Iko Aker Language: FR/EN /Coash - Script
- Subject: Course#2 to create and evaluate an AO (Animation Overrider).
The aim of this courses set (3 depending on the learning speed) is to understand
the behaviour of an AO. After the study of simple things in the first course,
we'll see other simple things (animation) and will study simple AO. At the end of
this second course, everything wil be available to create an AO able to modifier
a subset of your avatar animations.