Vision Quest Stories
Vision Quest Stories 2010
Anyone who is blind or visually impaired will tell you there are many ways to see. Eyesight is just one of them.
Nevertheless, without sight a person lives with extraordinary challenges.
Starting at the Virtual Guide Dog Center (VGDC) in Second Life, participants will embark on a series of explorations designed to help them experience what it is like to function as someone who is visually impaired in Second Life (SL). Their companion on these journeys will be Max the Virtual Guide Dog. There they will also meet Madison, a woman who was able to come to terms with being blind with the help of Max.
Participants will be asked to share their thoughts, feelings, and personal experiences/stories in a wide variety of formats throughout the Quest. Their contributions will be shared at the Helen Keller Day celebration on June 19, 2010 and preserved as part of an ongoing Story Garden and Display at the Virtual Guide Dog Center.
WHEN: The 2010 Vision Quest begins Saturday, June 12 at 8:00 am SLT
WHERE: The Virtual Guide Dog Museum and Information Center on Storybook Island: [1]
WHO: Open to anyone in Second Life
HOW: Participants are encouraged to join the "Adventures in Vision" group so that instructions on how to complete the sections of the Quest can be sent to them each day. If you don't have room for a group, visit the Vision Quest Center each day to pick up instructions.
LENGTH: The Vision Quest will run from Saturday June 12 through Thursday June 17th. Friday, the day before Helen Keller Day, will be used to gather submissions and prepare them for presentation on Helen Keller Day.
SUBMISSIONS: Submissions can be made to the Quest in one of four ways: 1) Post to this Wiki (you must have an SL account and log in to post) 2) Drop your submission into the mailbox at the Vision Quest Center in Second Life 3) Email Jenaia at 4) Post photos you have taken to the Helen Keller Day Flickr site: [2]
Participants are also encouraged to Tweet and post information and pictures to their Facebook, MySpace, Ning, and blog pages. If you blog, please take a moment to let us know. We will be blogging about this as well on the Virtual Worlds Story Project blog: [3]. Please feel free to drop us a line there as well.
RESULTS: While this is not a competition, submissions will be used to enhance and expand the Quest, with the best being placed in the Story Garden at the Center.
Question? IM Jenaia Morane or Saxet Uralia inworld or email Jenaia at:
See you on the Quest!
Starting at the Vision Quest Center,