SL7B/Philip speech
Text transcript
Currently being assembled by Torley...
Okay everyone! I realize not that everyone there can hear me and I'm sorry for that, but I've got until 11:30 this morning and I've got a drop-off at summer school to do so I absolutely have to leave. So I just wanted to get started and again, I'm sure someone will — maybe if we're lucky here — will do the favor of recording and translating me. I can't type as quickly as I can talk, so I'm not going to try to. I'm just gonna speak a little bit here and let everybody — well, let's get on with the experience of celebrating Second Life's 7th Birthday this week!
It's amazing for me personally looking back. I sat and thought about this 7th year of operation — you know, for me, it is, of course more than 10 years. I started the company in 1999 so in fact I've been at this for 10 or 11 years now. In fact for me personally, my 30s were basically spent building an experience — experiencing and growing alongside Second Life.