Linden Lab Official:Registration API Request Form

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General procedure

Request form

  1. Fill out the form below. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
  2. Click Submit. The information you entered will be displayed in the area underneath the form.
  3. Copy the text from the Copy and Paste box into your email and send to

Linden Lab will respond by email.

Reg API Request Form
The site where you will host the reg form (Example:
What are you trying to achieve by using the Reg API.

Please indicate why DirectSLURL is not sufficient.

Max 1200 characters
Please separate region names with commas.
Please enter only numerical values.
I understand the API setup requires PHP and Web Server expertise.
I have read and agree to the API Terms of Use & Second Life Terms of Service.

Copy and paste into email and send to

Using the API

When you recieve your response from Linden Lab stating that you have been accepted into the Registration API program, follow these steps:

  1. Verify your capabilities using the capabilities form.
  2. Make sure you have permission from the owner of the estate where your users will appear inworld. You must have permission of the landowner (except for Linden Lab Orientation Islands). If you have multiple registrations and need to send people to different locations, contact us to obtain additional assignments.
  3. Create your registration web page
  4. If using PHP, make sure the necessary libraries are installed and working (see )
  5. Test your registration application:
    • Register several new users.
    • If you aren't getting results you expect, check the error code.
    • Create registrations to test the most common error codes and verify that you receive and properly handle them appropriately.


If you are using the Reg API to sign up registrants on the main grid, users under 18 will not be allowed to register, since they are not permitted on the Main Grid. Therefore, when testing, use a birth date that makes the registrant older than 18 years.

Use an email address that does not currently exist in Second Life. If a user has already registered with an email address, the Reg API will return error 95, email exists. If you trap errors, you will see this error code, but if not, registration will simply fail.

Check your capabilities

Use the following form to display your current capabilities. See Using capability URLs for more information.

First Name
Last Name

The form above simply POSTs your "first_name", "last_name" and "password" to to get your capabilities.