Linden Lab Official:Registration API Error Codes
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NOTE: This is an official Second Life API provided and documented by Linden Lab. Its use is subject to the API Terms of Use.
Unofficial APIs
The Reg API has a detailed set of error codes, to help you handle user and software errors. To see a list of the error codes, use the get_error_codes operation. See the API Reference for more information.
Error codes
The Reg API provides the error codes shown in the following table.
Code | Message | Description |
10 | missing required field | You are missing one of the required fields |
11 | invalid post | Could not parse post body submitted. |
12 | unallowed extra field | You are including a field that is not being used |
50 | invalid last name id | Last name id does not exist |
51 | invalid username | Username is not valid (must be alphanumeric between 2-31 characters) |
52 | invalid user | The user requested does not exist |
53 | invalid start_local_x | start_local_x must be between 0-256 |
54 | invalid start_local_y | start_local_y must be between 0-256 |
55 | invalid start_local_z | start_local_z must be between 0-4000 |
56 | invalid start_look_at_x | start_look_at_x must be between -1 and 1 |
57 | invalid start_look_at_y | start_look_at_y must be between -1 and 1 |
58 | invalid start_look_at_z | start_look_at_z must be between -1 and 1 |
59 | invalid agent_id | agent_id does not exist |
60 | invalid group id | Failed to find group requested |
61 | invalid experience_id | The requested experience does not exist |
62 | invalid avatar_id | The requested avatar does not exist |
63 | invalid start_region_name | Start location region does not exist |
64 | invalid limited_to_estate | Limited estate cannot be set to an estate does not exist |
65 | invalid url length | Success and Error URLs must be 500 or fewer characters in length. |
66 | invalid maximum maturity | Maximum maturity must be G(eneral), M(oderate), or A(dult). |
67 | invalid email address | Not a valid email |
70 | banned username | Username is on the banned list |
71 | user exists | User with specified username and last_name_id already exists |
72 | missing orientation island or start location | You cannot set up a user to be on an estate without either 1) the estate having an orientation island or 2) setting the user's start location to a region that is in the estate |
100 | no perm user | only the original registrar of this user can set values for it |
101 | no perm last name id | You are not allowed to register a user with this last name id |
102 | no perm experience | only administrators of an experience can add users to it |
103 | no perm upgrade | only original registrar of user can upgrade |
104 | no perm start_region_name | You do not have permission to place a user in this region, because you do not own the estate that it is in |
105 | no perm limited_to_estate | Limited estate cannot be set to an estate you do not own, besides mainland (estate_id = 1) |
106 | invalid group perm | not allowed to add members to this group |
107 | timeout perm user | the registrar can no longer set values for this user |
108 | already logged | this user has already logged in and cannot have values modified by their registrar |
109 | already activated | this user has already activated their account |
130 | group set failed | failed to set active group |
131 | group set exists | the group operation attempted has already been completed |
300 | wrong type username | username must be type string |
301 | wrong type last_name_id | last_name_id must be type integer |
303 | wrong type limited_to_estate | limited_to_estate id must be type integer |
304 | wrong type start_region_name | start_region_name must be type string |
305 | wrong type start_local_x | start_local_x must be type real |
306 | wrong type start_local_y | start_local_y must be type real |
307 | wrong type start_local_z | start_local_z must be type real |
308 | wrong type start_look_at_x | start_look_at_x must be type real |
309 | wrong type start_look_at_y | start_look_at_y must be type real |
311 | wrong type start_look_at_z | start_look_at_z must be type real |
312 | wrong type agent_id | user id must be type UUID |
313 | wrong type avatar_id | avatar id must be type UUID |
314 | wrong type experience_id | experience id must be type UUID |
315 | wrong type success_url | success url must be type URI |
316 | wrong type error_url | error url must be type URI |
317 | wrong type first | 'first' must be type string |
318 | wrong type last | 'last' must be type string |
319 | wrong type group_name | group name must be type string |
320 | wrong type marketing_emails | marketing emails must be type boolean |
321 | wrong type maximum_maturity | maximum maturity must by type string |
500 | over registration limit | you have registered over your maximum amount of users you can register in a 24 hour period. |
600 | invalid credentials | Invalid credentials. |
1500 | unhandled exception | There was an unhandled exception attempting to process this request. Please contact support with the endpoint you were attempting to access. |