Profile Picture Retrieval
Revision as of 18:32, 8 August 2010 by Pazako Karu (talk | contribs) (Created page with 'Profile Picture Retrieval by Pazako Karu (Quick, Dirty, NEW WAY - August 8, 2010) <lsl> //Couldnt care less about saying I did this, have fun with it //Pazako Karu 8/8/2010 k...')
Profile Picture Retrieval by Pazako Karu (Quick, Dirty, NEW WAY - August 8, 2010)
<lsl> //Couldnt care less about saying I did this, have fun with it //Pazako Karu 8/8/2010
key ppReqID; key ProfilePic; getProfilePic(key AvatarKey) {
ppReqID = llHTTPRequest( "" + (string)AvatarKey,[HTTP_METHOD,"GET"],"");
} setProfilePic(key Texture) {
if (Texture != NULL_KEY) { llSetTexture(Texture,ALL_SIDES); } else llOwnerSay("Invalid texture returned!");
} default {
state_entry() { getProfilePic(llGetOwner()); }
http_response(key req,integer stat, list meta, string body) { if (req == ppReqID) { integer s1 = llSubStringIndex(body,"<meta name=\"imageid\" content=\""); integer s1l = llStringLength("<meta name=\"imageid\" content=\""); integer s2 = llSubStringIndex(body,"\" /> \n <meta name=\"agentid\"") - 1; if(s1 == -1) ProfilePic = NULL_KEY; else ProfilePic = (key)llGetSubString(body,s1+s1l,s2); setProfilePic(ProfilePic); } }
} </lsl>