Profile Picture Retrieval

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Profile Picture Retrieval by Pazako Karu UPDATED 9/5/18

//Released as Public Domain
//Pazako Karu 9/5/18
key ppReqID;
key ProfilePic;
getProfilePic(key AvatarKey)
    ppReqID = llHTTPRequest( "" + (string)AvatarKey,[HTTP_METHOD,"GET"],"");
setProfilePic(key Texture)
    if (Texture != NULL_KEY)
    else llOwnerSay("Invalid texture returned!");
    http_response(key req,integer stat, list meta, string body)
        if (req == ppReqID)
            integer s1  = llSubStringIndex(body,"<meta name=\"imageid\" content=\""); // Find the image in html
            ProfilePic = (key)llGetSubString(body,s1+30,s1+65); // After the search text, and for 35 chars is UUID
            if(s1 == -1) ProfilePic = NULL_KEY; // If it wasn't found, they have no profile pic
            setProfilePic(ProfilePic); // Set the texture