Linden Lab Official:Maturity ratings: an overview

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KBcaution.png Important: Viewer 2 has renamed maturity ratings: The definitions for each maturity rating remain the same, so if you're using an older Viewer, keep this in mind. Keep reading for details.

What are maturity ratings?

Maturity ratings are a way to designate what type of content and behavior is allowed on a region.

There are three maturity ratings in Second Life: Parcel lght G.png General, Parcel lght M.png Moderate, and Parcel lght A.png Adult.

Why did the maturity ratings names change?

Before Viewer 2, the maturity ratings were PG, Mature, and Adult.

We needed to change the names to General, Moderate, and Adult for two reasons:

  1. The main grid is 18 and over, so no "parental guidance" is necessary. "General" is a better reflection of the content type than "PG". We've changed that designation so that it more accurately represents the type of content on those regions — any Resident can go there and the content should be fine for work, school, or home.
  2. Reducing international confusion. Translating the difference between "Mature" and "Adult" was tricky, especially in languages other than English, and was very difficult to communicate. "Moderate" and "Adult" have very different meanings and cross languages much more easily.

Also see Cyn Linden's "Updating Region Maturity Labels" blog post from March 31, 2010.

Is the rating name change another way to separate Adult content?

No. The name change is just a name change. It doesn't affect the way Residents find or access regions or content.

Differences between Maturity Ratings

Parcel lght G.png General

There are some landowners and Residents who desire a Second Life experience distinct from the activity that occurs in Parcel lght M.png Moderate and Parcel lght A.png Adult Regions. Region owners who wish to host this sort of Second Life experience can (but need not) designate their Regions as Parcel lght G.png General. A Region may be designated Parcel lght G.png General if it does not advertise or make available content or activity that's sexually explicit, violent or depicts nudity. Likewise, sexually-oriented objects such as "sex beds" or poseballs may not be located or sold in Parcel lght G.png General regions.

As we've also often said, Parcel lght G.png General regions are areas where you'd feel free to say and do things that you'd be comfortable saying and doing in front of your grandmother, or a grade school class. Institutions such as universities, conference organizers, and real world businesses, for instance, may wish to designate their Regions as Parcel lght G.png General. Likewise their users (and others) may wish to employ Second Life's Parcel lght G.png General search setting to deliver further targeted search results.

If you're unsure whether your region is Parcel lght G.png General or Parcel lght M.png Moderate, or feel there's some ambiguity as to whether your content and activities are allowed in Parcel lght G.png General regions, it's probably best to designate your region as Parcel lght M.png Moderate.

Please refer to our FAQs for further guidance on the implementation and enforcement of this policy, information on our account verification procedures, and information on how we will transition our Region owners and merchants to this system in an efficient way.

KBtip2.png Tip: Bookmark our Community Standards and Terms of Service so you have our overall rules close by!

Parcel lght M.png Moderate

Second Life's Parcel lght M.png Moderate Designation is intended to accommodate most of the non-adult activities that are common in Second Life. For instance, social and dance clubs (unless those clubs promote sexual conduct or use adult search tags), bars, stores and malls, galleries, music venues, beaches, parks (and other spaces for socializing, creating, and learning) all support a Parcel lght M.png Moderate designation so long as they don't host publicly promoted adult activities or content.

Thus, Residents in these spaces should expect to see a variety of themes and content. For instance, stores that sell a range of content that includes some "sexy" clothing or objects can generally reside in Parcel lght M.png Moderate rather than Parcel lght A.png Adult Regions. Dance clubs that feature "burlesque" acts can also generally reside in Parcel lght M.png Moderate Regions so long as they don't promote sexual conduct, such as through pose balls (whether in "backrooms" or more visible spaces). However, if any of these businesses uses adult-oriented search tags, it may be categorized as Parcel lght A.png Adult and also blocked from appearing in non-adult search.

Groups, events and classifieds that relate to this broad range of activities and themes generally should also be designated as Parcel lght M.png Moderate.

Parcel lght A.png Adult

The Parcel lght A.png Adult designation applies to Second Life® Regions that host conduct or display content that is sexually explicit or intensely violent, or depicts illicit drug use. Any Region must be designated Parcel lght A.png Adult and therefore require account verification, if it advertises or publicly promotes the following:

  • Representations of intensely violent acts, whether or not photo-realistic (for example, depicting death, torture, dismemberment or other severe bodily harm)
  • Photo-realistic nudity; photo-realistic means that an image either is or cannot be distinguished from a photograph
  • Expressly sexually themed content, spaces or activities (whether or not photo-realistic); we will broadly define what is "sexually themed" to include any sexually oriented activities and conduct

Groups, event listings and classified ads that reference these themes or content must also be designated Parcel lght A.png Adult. Linden Lab will enforce these rules. However, we can't monitor all ephemeral content and conduct within Second Life. We will therefore rely on several factors in implementing these Parcel lght A.png Adult designation requirements:

  1. First and foremost, Regions, groups, and event or classified ad listings that employ search tags plainly suggestive of adult behavior or content will require the respective Parcel lght A.png Adult designation, and not be viewable to Residents who are not account verified.
  2. Second, we will conduct proactive monitoring and rely on abuse reports that identify adult content or conduct that is promoted or advertised publicly. Where adult content or conduct on a Region is publicly advertised or promoted, that Region must be designated as Parcel lght A.png Adult (or such content must be removed). We will re-designate such Regions if adult content is not removed.
  3. We may take into account whether apparent or reported adult content or conduct on a particular Region serves only an extremely limited or passive function, or an important educational or cultural function, and therefore would be appropriate for all Second Life audiences.
  4. As with all reported activity in violation of our policies, we will actively review all reports of adult conduct and provide Residents with a channel for rebuttal.

In the linked FAQs, we offer examples as to what types of Regions are and are not considered Parcel lght A.png Adult, based on, for example, distinctions between "public" and "private" content, as well as distinctions between content that is "expressly sexually themed" and content that is not. Linden Lab has created a special-use "Adult Continent" — a "mainland" alternative where Parcel lght A.png Adult content and activities can be located and found by Residents. Landowners wishing to host Parcel lght A.png Adult activities or make available Parcel lght A.png Adult content can either

  • Locate on this Adult continent - Zindra
  • Locate on a Region that has been designated by its owner as Parcel lght A.png Adult

Region owners are responsible for designating a Region's maturity level. Occupants of Regions will be expected to locate in a Region suitable to each occupant's content and conduct.

Can I help spread the word?

Please do! Let any confused friends know about this page.

If you edit wiki pages and spot instances of the old maturity rating names, take a few seconds to update them to the current ones using these templates:

Also, for when multiple inclusive ratings are needed as shown in Preferences:

We'll be optimizing these templates over time as word gets out. In the meantime, we really appreciate it, thanks!