User:Allen Kerensky/Myriad Lite FAQ
Myriad Lite FAQ
Q1: How close is the Myriad RPG System to completion?
A1: Um, well "not very" is about all I could answer. It's a large book and I haven't made a detailed timeline of steps and progress and milestones and such. It does sort of depend on how much of it you would actually use for your particular game.
Q2: How do I ... ?
A2: Well, you read the Myriad RPG book to see what the pen and paper rules are. Then you read the scripts to see how they implement things... and ask questions to other Myriad folks in the Myriad RPG group in SecondLife or OSgrid
Q3: Does Myriad include ... ?
A3: Get the Marketplace version with the included e-text, or the PDF version from the link included with it and give the book a skim. That is the best way to see what features are in Myriad and what might not be included.
Q4: Can you add ... ?
A4: Once I get the basic book converted into a game, I'd be happy to consider extending Myriad Lite to include your feature suggestion. Or better yet, grab the source, figure out how to add it yourself, with the Myriad RPG group in SecondLife and OSgrid alongside to advise.
Q5: Can you give me pre-made items that already have all the scripts in them?
A5: A fair question, I could... but I haven't spent the time to make items *I* own that I can freely give away. Also, due to SecondLife's export policy changes in April 2010, even if I made objects, you could not export, save, or back them up because you are limited to backing up items that show YOU as the creator, rather than me.
Q6: Can you give me a live demo of Myriad Lite right now?
A6: Yes, in [OSgrid] where Lani Global maintains the Ixi combat sandbox region, graciously provided by Snoopy Pfeffer of [Dreamland Metaverse Hosting] - Connecting to OSgrid requires a viewer with the ability to connect to OpenSimulator grids, and an account on OSgrid itself. Contact me as Allen Kerensky in SL or OSG and let me know if you are interested in a live demo in Ixi.
Q7: Can I use Myriad Lite in commercial/for-sale products.
A7: No, not using the materials as published since those are limited by the "NonCommercial" clause in their Creative Commons license. If you wish to make sellable items based on Myriad Lite, contact Allen Kerensky to discuss license terms for Myriad Lite under the Attribution-Share-Alike or Attribution terms only.
Q8: What happens if I use your scripts in a for-sale item anyway?
Q8: If caught, I simply report you to Linden or OSgrid admins and request your account and inventory be removed. You steal my stuff, I return that favor. That seems fair.