Viewerhelp:Landmarks and teleporting

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Revision as of 17:08, 13 April 2011 by Rand Linden (talk | contribs)
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See also:

In the Knowledge Base:


Landmarks are similar to bookmarks or favorites in a web browser. They record a Second Life inworld location, so you can teleport back there whenever you want.

To create a landmark for your current location, click the Landmark btn.jpg icon in the location bar at the top of the Viewer.


To teleport, double-click a landmark or a location on the World Map, or click a saved location in your favorites bar.

  • Map - Chose World > World Map or World > Mini-Map.
  • Using SLurls - Click on a SLurl to display the Place Profile, then click Teleport to teleport there.

To offer to teleport a friend to your location:

  • Click
  • Click MY FRIENDS
  • Mouse over your friend's name then click
  • Click Teleport

Your friend will see a message offering to telport them to your location; they can accept or refuse the offer.