Second Life Education/Resources
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The Education Community is Among the Most Vibrant and Active in Second Life
The education community is the fastest growing and among the most vibrant, active, and dynamic in Second Life. The email lists and groups are free to join and are places where you can listen to the conversations or join in. When you ask a question to the group, you are drawing on a deep well of experience and good will, where people generously share best practices, common mistakes, quick tips, and make connections.
Second Life Education Forum
General Learning Resources
- Second Life Knowledge Base
- Video Tutorials (SL Wiki)
- New Resident Resources in the SL Destination Guide
- Second Life Lexicon
Language Learning
Places to Learn Second Life Skills
- Orientation Center, Virtual Ability (Basic operation -- Direct SLurl)
- Ivory Tower of Prims (How to build objects - Direct SLurl)
- Texture Tutorial (How to use textures - Direct SLurl)
- College of Scripting (How to use Linden Script Language - Direct SLurl)
- The Particle Laboratory ((How to use particle - Direct SLurl)
- Vehicle Laboratory (How to build vehicle physics - Direct SLurl)
SL Education Blogs
- Virtual Center for Archives and Records Management (VCARA), SJSU/SLIS—virtual space for those interested in archives, records, and special collections to network and collaborate
- Virtual Worlds Education Roundtable (VWER)
- International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
- Nonprofits in Second Life (NPSL)
Videos Showcasing Educators in SL
- ISTE Eduverse Series
- Metanomics Robert Bloomfield interview with Dr. Leslie Jarmon (In Memoriam 1952-2009), Faculty Development Specialist and Senior Lecturer at the University of Texas at Austin
- Solar System
- International Spaceflight Center
- NMC Campus
- Disaster Preparedness Training in Second Life
- Second Life - Heart Murmur Sim
- Games in Education
- Bobcat Village: Texas State's Second Life Campus Tour
- Virtual Learning Machinima Videos
- The Second Life Project: An Interview with Douglas Danforth
Learning Tools
- S.L.O.O.D.L.E - Simulation Linked Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment
- Blackboard Integration
Interesting Virtual Campuses (Direct SLurls)
- Educators and Non-Profits in the SL Destination Guide
- Harvard Law School's Austin Hall
- New Media Consortium Campus
- Ohio University Campus
- Bowling Green State University Virtual Campus
- Northern Illinois University, Glidden Campus
- Virtual University of Edinburgh (Vue)
- Saint Leo University Virtual Campus
- Democracy Island (NYLS)
- East Carolina University
- The Aho Museum, New Media Consortium (Direct SLurl)
- The Exploratorium
- The Splo (Direct SLurl)
- The Tech Museum of Innovation in Second Life
- Oddprofessor's Museum and Science Center (Direct SLurl)
- Museum of Natural History of Vienna (Direct SLurl)
- Abyss Observatory (Direct SLurl)
- International Spaceflight Museum (Direct SLurl)
- The Modern Museum (Direct SLurl)
- US Holocaust Museum (Direct SLurl)
- Cold War Museum (Direct SLurl)
Science and Health Resources
- Science Related Places in Second Life
- Educational Places in Second Life- Destinations of Teleport Hub System
- Worlds of Education - Lesson Plan Database
- Scilands (Science Lands) the website is not avalable
- Second Life Health Care Wiki
- UC Davis' Virtual Hallucinations
- HealthInfo Island (Direct SLurl)
- Genome (Biology, Genetics - Direct SLurl)
- Anatomica, American Cancer Society (Direct SLurl)
- Tox Town at Virtual NLM (Direct SLurl)