Access (NewAge)
Access Script
How to use?
Change the Access variable to one of the three; 'Public' 'Group' 'Owner'
Returns TRUE if user UUID is allowed to continue using. Returns FALSE if user UUID is not permitted to use.
<lsl> // NewAge Access Script // By Asia Snowfall // Version 2 // // Access Mode: // public = anybody // group = agents with the same active group // owner = owner only
string accessMode = "public";
integer asAccessCheck(key id) {
string accessModeToLower = llToLower(accessMode);
if (accessModeToLower == "public" || id == llGetOwner() ) return TRUE;
if (accessModeToLower == "group") return llSameGroup(id);
return FALSE;
default {
touch_start(integer num_detected) { if (asAccessCheck( llDetectedKey(0) )) llWhisper(0, "Access Granted"); else llWhisper(0, "Access Denied"); }
} </lsl>