LSL Constants/llRezObjectWithParams

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parameter integer value values to set description
REZ_PARAM 0 integer param Start parameter passed into the rezzed object's on_rez(integer) event.
REZ_FLAGS 1 integer flags Flags applied to rezzed object when it is created in the world.
REZ_POS 2 vector pos, integer relative, integer at_root Position to rez the new object in the world. If relative is FALSE the position is in region coordinates. If relative is TRUE, the position will be relative to the rezzing object.

If at_root is FALSE, the center of the object will be at the position specified by pos(llRezObject). Set at_root to TRUE to set the position of the root prim(llRezAtRoot).

REZ_ROT 3 rotation rot, integer relative The initial rotation to apply to the object. If relative is TRUE, the rotation is relative to the rezzing object, otherwise it is absolute.
REZ_VEL 4 vector velocity, integer local, integer inherit The initial velocity to apply to the object. If local is TRUE the velocity is in the local object coordinate frame, otherwise it is in world coordinates.

If inherit is TRUE the object also inherits it's rezzer's velocity.

REZ_ACCEL 5 vector force, integer local A constant force to apply to the object. If local is TRUE, the force vector is in local coordinates.
REZ_OMEGA 7 vector axis, integer local, float spin, float gain Spin the object around the specified axis. If local is TRUE that axis is in local coordinates, otherwise they are global.
REZ_DAMAGE 8 float damage The amount of damage applied to an agent upon collision with this object.
REZ_SOUND 9 string sound, float volume, integer loop A sound to attach to this object. It will be played at the specified volume.

If loop is TRUE the sound will loop continuously for the life of the object. The sound parameter may be either a sound file in the rezzer's inventory or the UUID of a sound asset.

REZ_SOUND_COLLIDE 10 string sound, float volume A sound to play upon collision with another object, the ground or an avatar.

The sound parameter may be either a sound file in the rezzer's inventory or the UUID of a sound asset.

REZ_LOCK_AXES 11 vector locks Prevent the object from spinning on certain axes. Setting the vector's coordinate to non-zero will prevent the object from spinning on that axis.

For instance
REZ_LOCK_AXES, <1.0, 1.0, 0.0>
will allow the object to only rotate around its Z-axis.