LSL Operators

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Operators are used to cause an operation (or mathematical action) to be performed on two operands. The easy and common example is 1 + 2 where 1 and 2 are operands, and the + is the operator.

This concept can be extended much further with LSL since operands can be variables with the special case of the assignment operators requiring that the left hand side be a variable.

Operator Description Usage Example
() [] . Parenthesis, Brackets, and Dot do this second (do this first)
! ~ ++ -- NOT, One's Compliment, Increment, Decrement counter++;
* / % Multiply, Divide, Modulus rollover = (count + 1)%5;
- Subtraction one = 3 - 2;
+ Addition or joining Strings two = 1+1;

text = "Hello" + "World";

<< >> Left Shift, Right Shift eight = 4 << 1;
< <= > >= Less Than, Less Than Or Equal To,

Greater Than, Greater Than or Equal To

isFalse = (6 <= 4);
==  != Comparison Equal, Comparison Not Equal isFalse = ("this" == "that");
& Bitwise AND zero = 4 & 6;

four = 4 & 4;

^ Bitwise XOR zero = 4 ^ 4;

six = 4 ^ 2;

| Bitwise OR 4;

six = 4 | 2;

&& Comparison AND isFalse = (FALSE && TRUE);
|| Comparison OR isTrue = (FALSE || TRUE);
= += -= *= /= %= Assignment four = 4;