User talk:Malwina Dollinger
"Today, after more than a century of electric technology, we have extended our central nervous system itself in a global embrace, abolishing both space and time as far as our planet is concerned."
[McLuhan], Understanding Media, 1964.
More specific I am able to help with:
- support/knowledge portal questions
- problems with avatar (appearance/inventory)
- logistic problems/questions
- grid developing
- terraformations
- security/problems with griefers
- experience with building communities and organization of events (music/social)
- translation and direct help for Polish speaking Residents
User of:
[1] / JIRA
[2] / Chttp Dev
[3] / Open Grid Protocol / Gridnauts
[4] / RegApi
Educators in SL
In order to understand Residents of Second Life and their necessaries even more, I have joined to the Academia Electronica, non-profit organization, where people can discover and celebrate power of mind with the 10 Truths about the Electronic World by Sidey Myoo as framework.
Presentations and lectures about the Second Life in Second Life:
- The art of flying in collaborative virtual environments (CVEs): Second Life
(Sztuka latania we wspólnocie środowiska elektronicznego: Second Life (CVEs)) (February 25, 2008)
- In search of Vitruvian Man: synthetic world of avatar
(W poszukiwaniu witruwiańskiego człowieka: syntetyczny świat awatarów) (March 31, 2008)
- Cogito ergo Second Life: Descartes entangled in magic circles of synthetic worlds
(Cogito ergo Second Life: czyli Kartezjusz uwikłany w magiczne kręgi elektronicznych światów) (April 21, 2008)
- Law and intellectual property in electronic worlds: new face of the courts?
(Prawo i własność intelektualna w elektronicznych środowiskach: nowa twarz wymiaru sprawiedliwości?) (April 28, 2008)
- Reconstruction of image in age of new media: from Lascaux to hipersession
(Rekonstrukcja obrazu w epoce mediów elektronicznych: od Lascaux do hipersesji) (May 19, 2008)
- Collective phenomenon: few words about intelligence and emotionalism in collaborative environments
(Fenomeny kolektywne-czyli o inteligencji i emocjonalności środowisk elektronicznych słów kilka) (upcoming)
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