Education Support Faire

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Revision as of 13:46, 26 January 2009 by George Linden (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the Education Support Faire wiki. Support for Real Life Educators in Second Life comes from both Linden Lab and Resident Support Organizations. The goal of this wiki is to provide links and information on all support opportunities that can help Real Life Educators succeed.

This is a living document that will grow and evolve over time. Initially it will be used to share details on the first Education Support Faire on Jan 25-30, 2009.

We plan to use this page as a frequently updated resource that helps direct Real Life Educators to new Linden Lab support channels as well as Resident Support Organizations. Stay tuned!

Welcome to the Faire!

Greetings and welcome to the first annual Real Life Education Support Faire in Second Life.

I'm Pathfinder Linden, and my work at Linden Lab focuses on helping real life educators succeed in using Second Life for educational and teaching purposes.

Linden Lab works very hard to help educators find the support they need to be successful. Our Customer Support team answers a wide range of educator questions through the support ticket system found on our Support Portal. Be sure to check out our new Educator focused section on that page (just click on the image that says "Educators"). We'll be further developing that and adding more resources in the future that are tailored to real life educators in Second Life. Our Concierge team is also accessible via our Support Portal, helping edcuators set up and manage their own regions efficiently.

Also on our Support Portal you will find many Knowledge Base articles written by our Documentation Team, providing answers to common questions that educators may have while setting up classes or islands for teaching purposes. A wealth of knowledge!

Finally, we have a new and growing Customer Market Development team that, in addition to helping other segments, focuses on proactive ways we can support the educator community. Folks on this team like myself, George and Claudia are educator focused, dedicated to helping the real life educator community grow and thrive.

In addition to the resources Linden Lab provides to support educators, it is important to remember additional support opportunities that are available. These include other real life educators who are all potential colleagues and collaborators. A great way to find them is to join the Second Life Educators mailing list (also known as the SLED list) and simply introduce yourself to the community. You can learn more about SLED and join the conversations here.

But the support opportunities are even broader than all those resources.

I like to use the phrase "Ecosystems of Support" when thinking about opportunities for educator success. This includes not only Linden Lab and fellow real life educators, but also the Resident-run organizations that can help real life educators find support. There are organizations that provide classes for anyone who wants to learn basic or advanced Second Life skills. Others provide tools that can help educators design innovative learning modules, integrate with existing course management systems, or gather important statistics on the use of their classrooms in Second Life (critical both in evaluating new learning environments and providing metrics to your administration). Other groups work to organize inworld academic conferences, provide tools for language training in international classes, or help educators pool their collective resources by allowing them to own land next to other educators. There are even organizations that can help you learn more about how to work with students or faculty in Second Life who may be challenged by real life disabilities.

Which is why the theme of this Faire is "Ecosystems of Support." Around you will find representatives from all of these different areas, working together to help educators succeed.

Our hope is that this Faire will not only be a wonderful opportunity for visiting educators to learn more about support opportunities, but also give everyone involved in this beautiful Ecosystem a chance to find each other and discover new ways to help each other help educators succeed.

Please explore and use this wiki page as your guide to the many booths and scheduled events in the central Pavilion. All of us who have worked to organize this event, both Lindens and Residents, welcome you.

Take care, -Pathfinder Linden

P. S. If you'd like to be part of an open inworld group that focuses on Real Life Education, please join "Real Life Education in Second Life."

Second Life Education Support Faire 2009 - Schedule and General Info

Schedule of Presentations in the Pavilion

Pavilion Location (SLURL)

Main Entrance to Faire (SLURL)

Initial announcement on Second Life Blog

Second announcement on Second Life Blog

The Second Life Educators mailing list (also know as SLED)

Linden Lab Support Resources - Booth Locations

Be sure to stop by these booths between 9am-1pm SLT on Monday, January 26 to speak with Lindens who can help you learn more about what Linden Lab offers to educators in terms of support and strategies for success!

Claudia - Education Initiatives - Supporte (160, 145, 37)

George - Education Initiatives - Supporte (152, 105, 37)

Pathfinder - Education Initiatives - Supporte (158, 129, 37)

Rowan - Concierge - Supporte (173, 109, 38)

Kate, Jeremy, and Jon's "Tree of Knowledge" - Documentation Team - Supporte (127, 209, 39)

"Torley Tutorials" - Documentation Team - Supporte (121, 161, 37)

Resident Support Organizations - Booth Locations

  • Georgia State University - Tutorials and exhibits of best practices for educators. - The Ye (171, 111, 29)
  • Insight Virtual College - Insight Virtual College is a "bridge between worlds" offering first life teachers the opportunity to teach to Second Life residents. IVC also offers Second Life skills classes such as building, scripting, role play, business, and new resident orientation. Olde (194, 29, 35)
  • IntelliGroup - Creators of Intellibooks and other Second Life tools for educators and students. - The Ye (197, 104, 30)
  • The Islands of jokaydia - Olde (145, 42, 35) - The Islands of jokaydia provides a space to explore the uses of virtual worlds in education, the arts and social change. We are self-funded and support a range of events, activities and services. We also host a vibrant community of educators and artists as part of our rental community on the Islands.
  • The Journal of Virtual Worlds and Education] - Olde (124, 44, 35) - the Journal of Virtual Worlds and Education is a newly launched peer-reviewed academic journal presenting the best writing and thinking available about Virtual Worlds and their possibilities and implications for education. The Journal is seeking contributors and reviewers for upcoming issues, and welcomes institutional and educator input and interest.
  • Second Life Education Roundtable (SLER) and Montclair State University - Hosted by Montclair State University, SLER’s mission is to provide a roundtable setting for interested parties to discuss various topics relevant to furthering the use of Second Life for education. Roundtables occur weekly and often have up to 50 participants. All are welcome to attend, whether presenting or just sitting in to learn about new possibilities. - Faire (26, 191, 35)
  • Second Life Teachers without Borders (SLT) - A free teaching network community providing teaching tools and student support. - Olde (198, 48, 36)
  • The Tech Virtual - The Ye (211, 155, 29) - The Tech Virtual is a collaborative design platform for developing museum exhibits. Contact us to find out how your museum or university can work with an international group of designers, scientists and curators to design educational exhibits for science and technology centers worldwide!
  • University of Michigan-Flint - Teaching and Learning World Music. - Olde (16, 73, 30)
  • vARTS Sponsor Project - Australian project to promote sponsorship of the arts in Second Life. - Olde (75, 87, 30)

Archives of Presentations

Presenters at the Faire are encouraged to log in to this wiki (see the far upper right of the screen for the login link) and add links to presentation resources you'd like to share with everyone such as links to archived slides, text transcripts, or SLURLs to places inworld where they can pick up items. Just add them below as you wish.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

  • 4:00pm Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education 2009 SL Conference (PPS) - Faire (33, 143, 35)
    Presenter: Phelan Corrimal
    Abstract: From March 27th to March 29th, 2009 - the education community of Second Life will be hosting a 3 day conference on best practices in education. This conference will promote the best and brightest from the Second Life education community in various fields of practice including everything from demonstrations to hands on theory.

Monday, January 26, 2009

  • 0:00pm

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

  • 0:00pm

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

  • 0:00pm

Thursday, January 29, 2009

  • 0:00pm

Friday, January 30, 2009

  • 4:00pm Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education 2009 SL Conference (PPS) - Faire (33, 143, 35)
    Presenter: Phelan Corrimal
    Abstract: From March 27th to March 29th, 2009 - the education community of Second Life will be hosting a 3 day conference on best practices in education. This conference will promote the best and brightest from the Second Life education community in various fields of practice including everything from demonstrations to hands on theory.