User:Ppmediadev Blinker
About me
Hi there, and welcome to my WIKI-page.
First thing most people ask me is how to pronounce my avatar name. One advice; don't even try it (your tongue might get stuck in the worst possible way), just call me "Phil". Second Life is for me an extension of my "real life", being the same guy in both realities. On this page you'll find more info about me, my involvement in Second Life and my Second Life projects.
"The computer industry has frequently borrowed from mythology: Witness the sprites in computer graphics, the demons in artificial intelligence, and the trolls in the marketing department." - Jeff Meyer
In "real life" I'm a consultant/writer on media & marketing. I design Second Life bases for real life companies, being part of the Business Solution Provider Program and give trainings in / write articles on the use of Second Life for business purposes. I just love my job, so if you're looking for some marketing advice, have a product idea, want to introduce a real life company in Second Life, or have questions/remarks on other aspects of marketing, feel free to drop me a notecard/send me a mail.
Beta testing
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rich Cook
What's even worse then being an idiot? Being an idiot with the goal to be an idiot... I'm one of those that love blue screens, crashes and re-installs while testing out all kinds of new software and applications. I've been a member of several closed beta's and public beta's. I also test scripted creations in Second Life, and when testing I try to test from a end-user point of view, trying to comment the user experience. Outside Second Life, i'm testing the soon-to-be-released game "Battlefield Heroes", which is currently in closed beta, phase 2.
Art promotion
"A work of art is never really finished; it is abandoned." - Brooke McEldowney
Both in real life and in Second Life I'm active in the arts scene. Not as an artist, and surely not as one spending big money on arts, but as a promotor. I try to use modern media and technologies to give artists a bigger exposure, and let art lovers taste from art which they maybe otherwise never would have seen. Under the title "My Projects", you'll find more information.
My Second Life Projects
=== Da Vinci Isle ===