XTEA Strong Encryption Implementation

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//XTEA Strong Encryption Implementation - Linden Scripting Language (LSL)
//Version 1.0
//Copyright (C) 2007 by Morse Dillon (morseATmorsedillon.com)
//This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
//modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
//as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
//of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
//This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//GNU General Public License for more details.
//You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
//02110-1301, USA.
//Included at the end of this source listing is a small bit of example 
//code that shows the usage.  If you wish to include this implementation 
//in your own work, just replace the example code with your own.  Also, 
//please do not reuse or redistribute this work without including the 
//above text attributing this code to its author Morse Dillon, the above
//GPL statement, and this documentation.
//This is an implentation of the XTEA (eXtended Tiny Encryption Algorithm) 
//block cypher.  (X)TEA is a very good choice of cipher when security
//is important but computational power is limited.  Although I did a
//lot of work on this implementation, enormous amounts of credit must
//be given to the creators of the algorithm and those who came before
//me to implement it in other languages and computing environments.
//***If you do decide to use this code in a project, I'd appreciate 
//hearing about it.  You can reach me by e-mail at:  
//TEA was originally designed by David Wheeler and Roger Needham 
//of the Cambridge Computer Laboratory.  The algorithm itself is not
//subject to any patents.  While the original TEA was found to have
//some minor weaknesses, XTEA (implemented herein) addresses these.  
//TEA and its derivatives consist of 64-bit block Feistel network 
//with a 128-bit key.  This implementation uses six cycles, or rounds,
//which is less than one would like but still provides a reasonable
//level of security (16 is sufficient while 8 is enough for most 
//applications).  Six is said to achieve theoretically good dispersion, 
//but should more security be desired the number of cycles can easily be 
//modified by changing the CYCLES global variable.  Due to the low 
//execution speed of LSL scripts, it's suggested to make this as low as 
//your comfort level allows.  Encryption time scales linearly with the 
//number of cycles.
//For more information about XTEA, see the following:
//Original Paper by Walker and Needham
//Wikipedia on TEA
//This is a barebones implementation, and is meant to be included in
//the body of the script needing encryption facilities or wrapped
//in a link message handler.  If the latter approach is desired, care
//should be taken to only send link messages to the prim containing
//this implementation.  If ALL_PRIMS is used as the destination,
//one could link a link message listener to the object and intercept
//cleartext communications.  
//If you plan to place this code into the same script as that needing
//encryption facilities, you need only call the following functions:
//string Encrypt(string cleartext)
//string Decrypt(string cyphertext)
//Simple as that.
//This implementation does not provide any secure key exchange, so in
//terms of key generation and exchange you're on your own.
//The 128-bit key is contained in four LSL integers:  KEY1, KEY2, KEY3,
//and KEY4.  These are global variables at the beginning of the source
//and can be set using a method that works for you.
//**************IF YOU READ ONE THING IN HERE, READ THIS*******************
//It is VERY important to remember that there is no such thing as
//'cookbook cryptography'!  Simply using this cypher does not guarantee
//security.  Security is an end-to-end concern and responsibility lies
//with you to thoroughly examine your project from all possible angles
//if valuable data is at risk.  If you doubt this, ask any thief how they'd
//rather break into your house - futzing about with picking a high-security
//deadbolt on the front door or walking in through the back door that you 
//left open.

//******************USER-CONFIGURABLE GLOBALS BEGIN HERE*******************

//These together make up the 128-bit XTEA encryption key.  See the above 
//documentation for details.  Whatever you do, don't leave them as the default.
integer KEY1 = 11111111;
integer KEY2 = 22222222;
integer KEY3 = 33333333;
integer KEY4 = 44444444;

//If set to 1, will cause debug text to be printed containing some 
//intermediate cleartext/cyphertext and the resultant cyphertext/cleartext.  
//Do not leave this enabled in production environments!!!!
integer DEBUG_FLAG = 0;

//Specifies which channel should be used for debug and test harness communication.
integer COMM_CHANNEL = 0;

//Specifies the number of rounds to be used.  See the above documentation for
integer CYCLES = 6;

//******************USER-CONFIGURABLE GLOBALS END HERE*********************

//Other Globals
list cypherkey = [];
integer delta = 0x9E3779B9;

//Function: ord
//Returns the index of an ASCII character
integer ord(string chr)
    string ASCII = "             \n                    !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~";
    if(llStringLength(chr) != 1) return -1;
    if(chr == " ") return 32;
    return llSubStringIndex(ASCII, chr);

//Function: chr
//Returns the ASCII character correspondent to index i
string chr(integer i)
    string ASCII = "             \n                    !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~";
    i %= 127;
    return llGetSubString(ASCII, i, i);

//Function:  DWord2Hex
//Converts a dword containted in a LSL integer to hexadecimal format.        
string DWord2Hex(integer m){
    string result;
    integer i = 0;
    integer index = 0;
    //Define character string [0-F] for use in building the hex.
    string characters = "0123456789ABCDEF";   
    //Step through 8 times, for a total of 32 bits, 8 nibbles, and 8 hexadecimal digits.
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++){
        //Get a nibble by right-shifting and masking off 4 bits.
        index  = (m >> (i * 4)) & 0xF;
        //Grab character from the characters string at index position and add it to the result string.
        result = llInsertString(result, 0, llGetSubString(characters,index,index));
    return result;

//Function:  Hex2DWword
//Converts a string containing a hexadecimal number to a dword contained in a LSL integer.
integer Hex2DWord(string m){
    integer result = 0;
    integer i = 0;
    string digit;
    integer value;
    integer index;
    string characters = "0123456789ABCDEF";
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++){
        index = 8 - (i + 1);
        digit = llGetSubString(m,index,index);
        value = llSubStringIndex(characters, digit);
        result = result | value << (i * 4);
    return result;

//Function: Encrypt
//Takes cleartext string, pads and bitpacks it, then encrypts it using TEAEncrypt().
string Encrypt(string cleartext){
        //Initialize variables.
        integer dword1 = 0;
        integer dword2 = 0;
        integer cyphertext_numeric;
        list cypherblock;
        string cyphertext = "";

        //Pad cleartext string to the nearest multiple of 8.
        while(llStringLength(cleartext) & 0x7) {
            cleartext += " ";
        //Define more variables pertaining to while loop.
        integer stringlength = llStringLength(cleartext); 
        integer i=0;
        integer character;
        //Step through cleartext string, encrypting it in 64-bit (8 character) blocks.
        while (i < stringlength){
            //Pack dword1 with 4 bytes.  Do so by bit-shifting in each character.
            //4th byte winds up in the most-significant position.
            dword1 =  ord(llGetSubString(cleartext,i,i));
            dword1 =  dword1 | (ord(llGetSubString(cleartext,i,i)) << 8);
            dword1 =  dword1 | (ord(llGetSubString(cleartext,i,i)) << 16);
            dword1 =  dword1 | (ord(llGetSubString(cleartext,i,i)) << 24);
            //Do it again, this time for dword2                            
            dword2 =  ord(llGetSubString(cleartext,i,i));
            dword2 =  dword2 | ord(llGetSubString(cleartext,i,i)) << 8;
            dword2 =  dword2 | ord(llGetSubString(cleartext,i,i)) << 16;
            dword2 =  dword2 | ord(llGetSubString(cleartext,i,i)) << 24;

            //Call TEAencrypt() with dword1, dword2, and the cypher key and store result in cypherblock.
            cypherblock = TEAEncrypt(dword1,dword2,cypherkey);
            //Convert dword values from cypherblock to hex and append to cyphertext.
            cyphertext = cyphertext + DWord2Hex(llList2Integer(cypherblock,0)) + DWord2Hex(llList2Integer(cypherblock,1));
            //Reset variables for the next round, just to be safe.
            dword1 = 0;
            dword2 = 0;
            cypherblock = [];
                llOwnerSay("Pre-Crypt DWords: " + (string)dword1 + "," + (string)dword2);
                llOwnerSay("Post-Crypt DWords: " + (string)llList2Integer(cypherblock,1) + "," + (string)llList2Integer(cypherblock,2));    
                llOwnerSay("Post-Crypt Hex: " + DWord2Hex(llList2Integer(cypherblock,1)) + "," + DWord2Hex(llList2Integer(cypherblock,2)));
        return cyphertext;        

//Function: Decrypt
//Takes cyphertext, decrypts it with TEADecrypt(), and unpacks it into a string.
string Decrypt(string cyphertext){
        //Initialize variables.
        string hexvalue1 = "";
        string hexvalue2 = "";
        integer dword1 = 0;
        integer dword2 = 0;
        list clearblock = []; //res
        string cleartext = "";
        integer i;
        //Step through cyphertext string, descrypting it block by block.
        while (i < llStringLength(cyphertext)){
            //Pull first 32 bits worth of hexadecimal into hexvalue1
            hexvalue1 += llGetSubString(cyphertext,i,i + 7);
            i = i + 8;
            //Pull second 32 bits worth of hexadecimal into hexvalue2
            hexvalue2 += llGetSubString(cyphertext,i,i + 7);
            i = i + 8;

            //Convert hexvalues to dwords contained in LSL integers.
            dword1 = Hex2DWord(hexvalue1);
            dword2 = Hex2DWord(hexvalue2); 
            //Call TEADecrypt() with dword1, dword2, and the cypher key and store result in clearblock list.
            clearblock = TEADecrypt(dword1, dword2, cypherkey);
            //Append first 4 characters of ASCII to cleartext string.
            //This is done by pulling the decrypted dwords from the clearblock list and looking up their ASCII values.
            cleartext += chr( llList2Integer(clearblock,0) & 0x000000FF);
            cleartext += chr( (llList2Integer(clearblock,0) & 0x0000FF00)  >> 8);
            cleartext += chr( (llList2Integer(clearblock,0) & 0x00FF0000)  >> 16);
            cleartext += chr( (llList2Integer(clearblock,0) & 0xFF000000)  >> 24);

            //Append second 4 characters of ASCII to cleartext string.
            cleartext += chr( llList2Integer(clearblock,1) & 0x000000FF);
            cleartext += chr( (llList2Integer(clearblock,1) & 0x0000FF00)  >> 8);
            cleartext += chr( (llList2Integer(clearblock,1) & 0x00FF0000)  >> 16);
            cleartext += chr( (llList2Integer(clearblock,1) & 0xFF000000)  >> 24);

            //Reset variables for the next two blocks of decrypt.            
            hexvalue1 = "";
            hexvalue2 = "";
            dword1 = 0;
            dword2 = 0;
            clearblock = [];
                llOwnerSay("Pre-Decrypt Hex: " + hexvalue1 + "," + hexvalue2);
                llOwnerSay("Pre-Decrypt DWords: " + (string)dword1 + "," + (string)dword2);
                llOwnerSay("Post-Decrypt DWords: " + (string)llList2Integer(clearblock,1) + "," + (string)llList2Integer(clearblock,2));
        return cleartext;        

//Function: TEADecrypt
//This is the implementation of XTEA proper.  It takes a block of cleartext
//consisting of two dwords contained in LSL integers and a 128-bit key 
//contained in an LSL list of 4 integers.  The function then returns 
//the cyphertext in an LSL list of two integers.
list TEAEncrypt(integer dword1, integer dword2,list cypherkey){
            list cryptlist = [];
            //Set n to the number of cycles given in the CYCLES global variable
            integer n = CYCLES;
            integer sum = 0;
            //Operate for the specified number of cycles.
            while (n-- > 0){
                dword1 = dword1 + ( ( dword2 << 4 ^ dword2 >> 5 ) + dword2 ^ sum + llList2Integer(cypherkey, (sum & 3) ) );
                sum += delta;
                dword2 = dword2 + ( ( dword1 << 4 ^ dword1 >> 5 ) + dword1 ^ sum + llList2Integer(cypherkey, (sum >> 11 & 3) ) );
            cryptlist = [dword1,dword2];

            return cryptlist;

//Function: TEADecrypt
//This is the implementation of XTEA proper.  It takes a block of cyphertext
//consisting of two dwords contained in LSL integers and a 128-bit key 
//contained in an LSL list of 4 integers.  The function then returns 
//the cleartext in an LSL list of two integers.
list TEADecrypt(integer dword1, integer dword2,list cypherkey){
            list cryptlist = [];
            //Set n to the number of cycles given in the CYCLES global variable
            integer n = CYCLES;
            integer sum = delta * CYCLES;

            //Operate for the specified number of cycles.        
            while (n-- > 0){
                dword2 = dword2 - ( ( dword1 << 4 ^ dword1 >> 5 ) + dword1 ^ sum + llList2Integer(cypherkey, (sum >> 11 & 3) ) );
                sum -= delta;
                dword1 = dword1 - ( ( dword2 << 4 ^ dword2 >> 5 ) + dword2 ^ sum + llList2Integer(cypherkey, (sum & 3) ) );        
            cryptlist = [dword1,dword2];
            return cryptlist;

//XTEA Usage Example
//Listens on COMM_CHANNEL for a message and encrypts it, then turns around and decrypts the resultant cyphertext.
//Object than says the encrypted and decrypted messages to the owner.
        llListen(COMM_CHANNEL, "", NULL_KEY, "");
        cypherkey = [KEY1,KEY2,KEY3,KEY4];

    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
        string temp_cyphertext = Encrypt(message);
        string temp_cleartext = Decrypt(temp_cyphertext);
        llOwnerSay("\nOriginal Cleartext: " + message + "\nCyphertext: " + temp_cyphertext + "\nDecrypted Cleartext: " + temp_cleartext);


This version is untested but if it works should run faster (and be able to handle larger strings).

//XTEA Strong Encryption Implementation - Linden Scripting Language (LSL)
//Version 1.0a Alpha
//Copyright (C) 2007 by Strife Onizuka (blindwandererATgmail.com)
//Version 1.0
//Copyright (C) 2007 by Morse Dillon (morseATmorsedillon.com)
//This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
//modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
//as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
//of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
//This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//GNU General Public License for more details.
//You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
//02110-1301, USA.
//Included at the end of this source listing is a small bit of example 
//code that shows the usage.  If you wish to include this implementation 
//in your own work, just replace the example code with your own.  Also, 
//please do not reuse or redistribute this work without including the 
//above text attributing this code to its author Morse Dillon, the above
//GPL statement, and this documentation.
//This is an implentation of the XTEA (eXtended Tiny Encryption Algorithm) 
//block cypher.  (X)TEA is a very good choice of cipher when security
//is important but computational power is limited.  Although I did a
//lot of work on this implementation, enormous amounts of credit must
//be given to the creators of the algorithm and those who came before
//me to implement it in other languages and computing environments.
//***If you do decide to use this code in a project, I'd appreciate 
//hearing about it.  You can reach me by e-mail at:  
//TEA was originally designed by David Wheeler and Roger Needham 
//of the Cambridge Computer Laboratory.  The algorithm itself is not
//subject to any patents.  While the original TEA was found to have
//some minor weaknesses, XTEA (implemented herein) addresses these.  
//TEA and its derivatives consist of 64-bit block Feistel network 
//with a 128-bit key.  This implementation uses six cycles, or rounds,
//which is less than one would like but still provides a reasonable
//level of security (16 is sufficient while 8 is enough for most 
//applications).  Six is said to achieve theoretically good dispersion, 
//but should more security be desired the number of cycles can easily be 
//modified by changing the CYCLES global variable.  Due to the low 
//execution speed of LSL scripts, it's suggested to make this as low as 
//your comfort level allows.  Encryption time scales linearly with the 
//number of cycles.
//For more information about XTEA, see the following:
//Original Paper by Walker and Needham
//Wikipedia on TEA
//This is a barebones implementation, and is meant to be included in
//the body of the script needing encryption facilities or wrapped
//in a link message handler.  If the latter approach is desired, care
//should be taken to only send link messages to the prim containing
//this implementation.  If ALL_PRIMS is used as the destination,
//one could link a link message listener to the object and intercept
//cleartext communications.  
//If you plan to place this code into the same script as that needing
//encryption facilities, you need only call the following functions:
//string Encrypt(string cleartext)
//string Decrypt(string cyphertext)
//Simple as that.
//This implementation does not provide any secure key exchange, so in
//terms of key generation and exchange you're on your own.
//The 128-bit key is contained in four LSL integers:  KEY1, KEY2, KEY3,
//and KEY4.  These are global variables at the beginning of the source
//and can be set using a method that works for you.
//1.0a - Alpha
//*General optimization to run faster and use less bytecode.
//*Encrypt: Pad works differently, no longer extra characters appended to the output.
//*TEAEncrypt: Changed the return type
//*ord: Added null support.
//*Initial Release
//It would be nice if it supported UTF-8; but adding that would be alot
//of work. The main issue is the decoding, the bytes would have to be
//reassembled into characters. It would be time consuming. Another possibility
//would be to implement XTEA to output to BASE64 instead of hex strings (also
//time consuming to implement).
//**************IF YOU READ ONE THING IN HERE, READ THIS*******************
//It is VERY important to remember that there is no such thing as
//'cookbook cryptography'!  Simply using this cypher does not guarantee
//security.  Security is an end-to-end concern and responsibility lies
//with you to thoroughly examine your project from all possible angles
//if valuable data is at risk.  If you doubt this, ask any thief how they'd
//rather break into your house - futzing about with picking a high-security
//deadbolt on the front door or walking in through the back door that you 
//left open.

//******************USER-CONFIGURABLE GLOBALS BEGIN HERE*******************

//These together make up the 128-bit XTEA encryption key.  See the above 
//documentation for details.  Whatever you do, don't leave them as the default.
//Don't be stupid and make it obvious like your av's key.
integer KEY1 = 11111111;
integer KEY2 = 22222222;
integer KEY3 = 33333333;
integer KEY4 = 44444444;

//Specifies which channel should be used for debug and test harness communication.
integer COMM_CHANNEL = 0;

//Specifies the number of rounds to be used.  See the above documentation for
integer CYCLES = 6;

//******************USER-CONFIGURABLE GLOBALS END HERE*********************

//Other Globals
list cypherkey = [];
integer delta = 0x9E3779B9;

string ASCII = "             \n                    !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~";
string characters = "0123456789ABCDEF";

//Function: ord
//Returns the index of an ASCII character
integer ord(string chr)
        if(llStringLength(chr) > 1) return -1;
        if(chr == " ") return 32;
        return llSubStringIndex(ASCII, chr);
    return 0;

//Function: chr
//Returns the ASCII character correspondent to index i
string chr(integer i)
        return llGetSubString(ASCII, i %= 127, i);
    return "";

//Function:  DWord2Hex
//Converts a dword contained in a LSL integer to hexadecimal format.        
string DWord2Hex(integer m)
    string result;
    integer i = 0;

    //Define character string [0-F] for use in building the hex.
    //Step through 8 times, for a total of 32 bits, 8 nibbles, and 8 hexadecimal digits.
        integer index = (m >> i) & 0xF;
        result = llGetSubString(characters, index, index) + result;
    }while((i += 4) < 32);
    return result;

//Function: Encrypt
//Takes cleartext string, pads and bitpacks it, then encrypts it using TEAEncrypt().
string Encrypt(string cleartext)
    string cyphertext = "";
    integer i = llStringLength(cleartext);
    if((i += (0x7 & -i)))//Pad cleartext string to the nearest multiple of 8.
        //Step through cleartext string backwords, encrypting it in 64-bit (8 character) blocks.
            //i=~-i is the same as --i, just a bit faster and lighter on bytecode; requires one less stack manipulation.
            //Pack dword1 with 4 bytes.  Do so by bit-shifting in each character.
            //4th byte winds up in the most-significant position.
            integer dword2 =    (    ord(llGetSubString(cleartext,i=~-i,i))      )    |
                                (    ord(llGetSubString(cleartext,i=~-i,i)) << 8 )    |
                                (    ord(llGetSubString(cleartext,i=~-i,i)) << 16)    |
                                (    ord(llGetSubString(cleartext,i=~-i,i)) << 24)    ;

            //Do it again, this time for dword1                            
            integer dword1 =    (    ord(llGetSubString(cleartext,i=~-i,i))      )    |
                                (    ord(llGetSubString(cleartext,i=~-i,i)) << 8 )    |
                                (    ord(llGetSubString(cleartext,i=~-i,i)) << 16)    |
                                (    ord(llGetSubString(cleartext,i=~-i,i)) << 24)    ;

            //Call TEAencrypt() with dword1, dword2, and the cypher key and store result in cypherblock.

            //Convert dword values from cypherblock to hex and append to cyphertext.
            cyphertext = TEAEncrypt(dword1,dword2,cypherkey) + cyphertext;
    return cyphertext;

//Function: Decrypt
//Takes cyphertext, decrypts it with TEADecrypt(), and unpacks it into a string.
string Decrypt(string cyphertext){

    //Initialize variables.
    string cleartext = "";
    integer i = -llStringLength(cyphertext);

    //Step through cyphertext string, decrypting it block by block.
    if((i -= (0xF & i)))//Pad cyphertext string to the nearest multiple of 16.

            //Convert hexvalues to dwords contained in LSL integers.
            //Call TEADecrypt() with dword1, dword2, and the cypher key and store result in clearblock list.
            list clearblock = TEADecrypt((integer)("0x"+llGetSubString(cyphertext,i, ~-(i -= 8))), 
                                         (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString(cyphertext,i, ~-(i -= 8))), cypherkey);

            //Append first 4 characters of ASCII to cleartext string.
            //This is done by pulling the decrypted dwords from the clearblock list and looking up their ASCII values.
            integer t = llList2Integer(clearblock,1);
            cleartext += chr( (t      ) & 0xFF) +
                         chr( (t >> 8 ) & 0xFF) +
                         chr( (t >> 16) & 0xFF) +
                         chr( (t = llList2Integer(clearblock,0) >> 24) & 0xFF) +
                         chr( (t      ) & 0xFF) +
                         chr( (t >> 8 ) & 0xFF) +
                         chr( (t >> 16) & 0xFF) +
                         chr( (t >> 24) & 0xFF) ;
    return cleartext;        

//Function: TEADecrypt
//This is the implementation of XTEA proper.  It takes a block of cleartext
//consisting of two dwords contained in LSL integers and a 128-bit key 
//contained in an LSL list of 4 integers.  The function then returns 
//the cyphertext in an LSL list of two integers.
string TEAEncrypt(integer dword1, integer dword2, list cypherkey_)
    if(CYCLES > 0)//$[E20011] /*lslint ignore*/
        //Set n to the number of cycles given in the CYCLES global variable
        integer n = CYCLES;
        integer sum = 0;
        //Operate for the specified number of cycles.
            dword1 = dword1 + ( ( dword2 << 4 ^ dword2 >> 5 ) + dword2 ^ sum + llList2Integer(cypherkey_, (sum & 3) ) );
            dword2 = dword2 + ( ( dword1 << 4 ^ dword1 >> 5 ) + dword1 ^ sum + llList2Integer(cypherkey_, ((sum += delta) >> 11 & 3) ) );
        }while (n = ~-n);
    return DWord2Hex(dword1) + DWord2Hex(dword2);

//Function: TEADecrypt
//This is the implementation of XTEA proper.  It takes a block of cyphertext
//consisting of two dwords contained in LSL integers and a 128-bit key 
//contained in an LSL list of 4 integers.  The function then returns 
//the cleartext in an LSL list of two integers.
list TEADecrypt(integer dword1, integer dword2,list cypherkey_)
    if(CYCLES > 0)//$[E20011] /*lslint ignore*/
        //Set n to the number of cycles given in the CYCLES global variable
        integer n = CYCLES;
        integer sum = delta * CYCLES;
        //Operate for the specified number of cycles.        
            dword2 = dword2 - ( ( dword1 << 4 ^ dword1 >> 5 ) + dword1 ^ sum + llList2Integer(cypherkey_, (sum >> 11 & 3) ) );
            dword1 = dword1 - ( ( dword2 << 4 ^ dword2 >> 5 ) + dword2 ^ sum + llList2Integer(cypherkey_, ((sum -= delta) & 3) ) );        
        }while (n = ~-n);
    return [dword1,dword2];

//XTEA Usage Example
//Listens on COMM_CHANNEL for a message and encrypts it, then turns around and decrypts the resultant cyphertext.
//Object than says the encrypted and decrypted messages to the owner.
        llListen(COMM_CHANNEL, "", NULL_KEY, "");
        cypherkey = [KEY1,KEY2,KEY3,KEY4];

    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
        string temp_cyphertext = Encrypt(message);

        string temp_cleartext = Decrypt(temp_cyphertext);

        llOwnerSay("\nOriginal Cleartext: " + message + "\nCyphertext: " + temp_cyphertext + "\nDecrypted Cleartext: " + temp_cleartext);


This is an XTEA implementation that has both LSL and PHP scripts to allow strong encryption not only inside LSL but also between LSL and a PHP serverscript.

For those who want to see this in action with your Web server try these. Be sure that if you edit these that Rounds and Key Phrase are the same in both LSL and PHP versions.

LSL - PLACE IN PRIM -- Edit to change URL and tosend text.

//* Masa's XTEA encryption/decryption v3         *// 
//* Modified by SleightOf Hand for Stability and *// 
//* intercommunication with PHP version          *// 
// NOTE: This version only encodes 60 bits per 64-bit block! 
// This code is public domain. 
// Sleight was here 20070522 
// masa was here 20070315 
// so was strife 20070315 
// so was adz 20070812
// This was Modified by SleightOf Hand to allow
// Strong encryption between LSL and PHP. 
//* XTEA IMPLEMENTATION                          *// 

integer XTEA_DELTA      = 0x9E3779B9; // (sqrt(5) - 1) * 2^31 
integer xtea_num_rounds = 6; 
list    xtea_key        = [0, 0, 0, 0]; 

integer hex2int(string hex) {
    if(llGetSubString(hex,0,1) == "0x")
        return (integer)hex;
    if(llGetSubString(hex,0,0) == "x")
        return (integer)("0"+hex);

// Convers any string to a 32 char MD5 string and then to a list of
// 4 * 32 bit integers = 128 bit Key. MD5 ensures always a specific
// 128 bit key is generated for any string passed.
list xtea_key_from_string( string str )
    str = llMD5String(str,0); // Use Nonce = 0
    return [    hex2int(llGetSubString(  str,  0,  7)), 
                hex2int(llGetSubString(  str,  8,  15)), 
                hex2int(llGetSubString(  str,  16,  23)), 
                hex2int(llGetSubString(  str,  24,  31))]; 

// Encipher two integers and return the result as a 12-byte string 
// containing two base64-encoded integers. 
string xtea_encipher( integer v0, integer v1 )
    integer num_rounds = xtea_num_rounds; 
    integer sum = 0; 
    do { 
        // LSL does not have unsigned integers, so when shifting right we 
        // have to mask out sign-extension bits. 
        v0  += (((v1 << 4) ^ ((v1 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + v1) ^ (sum + llList2Integer(xtea_key, sum & 3));
        sum +=  XTEA_DELTA;
        v1  += (((v0 << 4) ^ ((v0 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + v0) ^ (sum + llList2Integer(xtea_key, (sum >> 11) & 3)); 

    } while( num_rounds = ~-num_rounds ); 
    //return only first 6 chars to remove "=="'s and compact encrypted text.
    return llGetSubString(llIntegerToBase64(v0),0,5) +

// Decipher two base64-encoded integers and return the FIRST 30 BITS of 
// each as one 10-byte base64-encoded string. 
string xtea_decipher( integer v0, integer v1 )
    integer num_rounds = xtea_num_rounds; 
    integer sum = XTEA_DELTA*xtea_num_rounds; 
    do { 
        // LSL does not have unsigned integers, so when shifting right we 
        // have to mask out sign-extension bits. 
        v1  -= (((v0 << 4) ^ ((v0 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + v0) ^ (sum + llList2Integer(xtea_key, (sum>>11) & 3)); 
        sum -= XTEA_DELTA;
        v0  -= (((v1 << 4) ^ ((v1 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + v1) ^ (sum + llList2Integer(xtea_key, sum  & 3)); 
    } while ( num_rounds = ~-num_rounds ); 

    return llGetSubString(llIntegerToBase64(v0), 0, 4) + 
           llGetSubString(llIntegerToBase64(v1), 0, 4); 

// Encrypt a full string using XTEA. 
string xtea_encrypt_string( string str )
    // encode string 
    str = llStringToBase64(str); 
    // remove trailing =s so we can do our own 0 padding 
    integer i = llSubStringIndex( str, "=" ); 
    if ( i != -1 ) 
        str = llDeleteSubString( str, i, -1 ); 

    // we don't want to process padding, so get length before adding it 
    integer len = llStringLength(str); 

    // zero pad 
    str += "AAAAAAAAAA="; 

    string result; 
    i = 0; 

    do { 
        // encipher 30 (5*6) bits at a time. 
        result += xtea_encipher( 
            llBase64ToInteger(llGetSubString(str,   i, i += 4) + "A="), 
            llBase64ToInteger(llGetSubString(str, ++i, i += 4) + "A=") 
    } while ( ++i < len ); 

    return result; 

// Decrypt a full string using XTEA 
string xtea_decrypt_string( string str ) { 
    integer len = llStringLength(str); 
    integer i; 
    string result; 
    do { 
        result += xtea_decipher( 
            llBase64ToInteger(llGetSubString(str,   i, i += 5) + "=="), 
            llBase64ToInteger(llGetSubString(str, ++i, i += 5) + "==") 
    } while ( ++i < len ); 

    // Replace multiple trailing zeroes with a single one 
    i = llStringLength(result) - 1; 
    while ( llGetSubString(result, --i, i+1) == "AA" ) 
        result = llDeleteSubString(result, i+1, i+1); 
    return llBase64ToString( result + "====" ); 

key requestid; // just to check if we're getting the result we've asked for; all scripts in the same object get the same replies

                          "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" + 

string url = "http://<enter your URL here>/test-script.php";

    touch_start(integer number)
        string tosend = "this is a message to send";
        llWhisper(0, "Message to Send = " + tosend);
        xtea_key = xtea_key_from_string("this is a test key");
        string message = xtea_encrypt_string(tosend);
        llWhisper(0, "Message to Server = " + message);
        requestid = llHTTPRequest(url, 
            [HTTP_METHOD, "POST",
             HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],
            "parameter1=" + llEscapeURL(message));

    http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body)
        if (request_id == requestid)
            llWhisper(0, "Web server sent: " + body);
            integer clean = 0;
            string cleanbody = "";
                cleanbody += llGetSubString(body,clean,clean++);
            llWhisper(0, "Cleaned : " + cleanbody);
            llWhisper(0, "Web server said: " + xtea_decrypt_string( cleanbody ));

PHP Code - Place on web server at location that LSL URL will be looking for.

//* Sleight's PHP XTEA encryption/decryption v3  *//
//* Modified by SleightOf Hand for Stability and *//
//* intercommunication between PHP & LSL         *//
// NOTE: This version only encodes 60 bits per 64-bit block!
// This code is public domain.
// Sleight was here 20070522
// masa was here 20070315
// so was strife 20070315
// This was converted from the LSL version by
// SleightOf Hand to allow Strong encryption
// between LSL and PHP. If you find this usefull
// any donations apreciated.
//* XTEA IMPLEMENTATION                          *//

$_XTEA_DELTA      = 0x9E3779B9; // (sqrt(5) - 1) * 2^31
$_xtea_num_rounds = 6;
$_xtea_key        = array(0, 0, 0, 0);

// Returns Integer based on 8 byte Base64 Code XXXXXX== (llBase64ToInteger)
function base64_integer($str){
 global $_base64;
 if(strlen($str) != 8) return 0;
 return ((strpos($_base64,$str{0}) << 26)|
 (strpos($_base64,$str{1}) << 20)|
 (strpos($_base64,$str{2}) << 14)|
 (strpos($_base64,$str{3}) << 8) |
 (strpos($_base64,$str{4}) << 2) |
 (strpos($_base64,$str{5}) >> 4));

// Returns 8 Byte Base64 code based on 32 bit integer ((llIntegerToBase64)
function integer_base64($int){
 global $_base64;
 if($int != (integer) $int) return 0;
 return  $_base64{($int >> 26 & 0x3F)} .
 $_base64{($int >> 20 & 0x3F)} .
 $_base64{($int >> 14 & 0x3F)} .
 $_base64{($int >> 8 & 0x3F)}  .
 $_base64{($int >> 2 & 0x3F)}  .
 $_base64{($int << 4 & 0x3F)} . "==";

//strict 32 bit addition using logic
function binadd($val1 , $val2){
 $tc = $val1 & $val2;
 $ta = $val1 ^ $val2;
  $tac = ($tc << 1) & 0x0FFFFFFFF;
  $tc = $ta & $tac;
  $ta = $ta ^ $tac;
 return $ta; // $ta will now be the result so return it

// Convers any string to a 32 char MD5 string and then to a list of
// 4 * 32 bit integers = 128 bit Key.
function xtea_key_from_string( $str ) {
 global $_xtea_key;
 $str = md5($str . ":0"); // Use nonce = 0 in LSL for same output
 eval("\$_xtea_key[0] = 0x" . substr($str,0,8) . ";");
 eval("\$_xtea_key[1] = 0x" . substr($str,8,8) . ";");
 eval("\$_xtea_key[2] = 0x" . substr($str,16,8) . ";");
 eval("\$_xtea_key[3] = 0x" . substr($str,24,8) . ";");

// Encipher two integers and return the result as a 12-byte string
// containing two base64-encoded integers.
function xtea_encipher( $v0 , $v1 ) {
 global  $_xtea_num_rounds , $_xtea_key , $_XTEA_DELTA;
 $num_rounds = $_xtea_num_rounds;
 $sum = 0;
 do {
  // LSL only has 32 bit integers. However PHP automaticly changes
  // 32 bit integers to 64 bit floats as nessesary. This causes
  // incompatibilities between the LSL Encryption and the PHP
  // counterpart. I got round this by changing all addition to
  // binary addition using logical & and ^ and loops to handle bit
  // carries. This forces the 32 bit integer to remain 32 bits as
  // I mask out any carry over 32 bits. this bring the output of the
  // encrypt routine to conform with the output of its LSL counterpart.

  // LSL does not have unsigned integers, so when shifting right we
  // have to mask out sign-extension bits.

  // calculate ((($v1 << 4) ^ (($v1 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + $v1)
  $v0a = binadd((($v1 << 4) ^ (($v1 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) , $v1);
  // calculate ($sum + $_xtea_key[$sum & 3])
  $v0b = binadd($sum , $_xtea_key[$sum & 3]);
  // Calculate ($v0 + ((($v1 << 4) ^ (($v1 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + $v1)
  //            ^ ($sum + $_xtea_key[$sum & 3]))
  $v0 = binadd($v0 , ($v0a  ^ $v0b));

  //Calculate ($sum + $_XTEA_DELTA)
  $sum = binadd($sum , $_XTEA_DELTA);

  //Calculate ((($v0 << 4) ^ (($v0 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + $v0)
  $v1a = binadd((($v0 << 4) ^ (($v0 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF))  , $v0);
  // Calculate ($sum + $_xtea_key[($sum >>11) & 3])
  $v1b = binadd($sum , $_xtea_key[($sum >>11) & 3]);
  //Calculate ($v1 + ((($v0 << 4) ^ (($v0 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + $v0
  //           ^ ($sum & $_xtea_key[($sum >>11) & 3]))
  $v1 = binadd($v1 , ($v1a  ^ $v1b));
 } while( $num_rounds = ~-$num_rounds );
 //return only first 6 chars to remove "=="'s and compact encrypted text.
 return substr(integer_base64($v0),0,6) . substr(integer_base64($v1),0,6);

// Decipher two base64-encoded integers and return the FIRST 30 BITS of
// each as one 10-byte base64-encoded string.
function xtea_decipher( $v0, $v1 ) {
 global  $_xtea_num_rounds , $_xtea_key , $_XTEA_DELTA;
 $num_rounds = $_xtea_num_rounds;
 $sum = 0; // $_XTEA_DELTA * $_xtea_num_rounds;
 $tda = $_XTEA_DELTA;
 do{ // Binary multiplication using binary manipulation
  if($num_rounds & 1){
   $sum = binadd($sum , $tda);
  $num_rounds = $num_rounds >> 1;
  $tda = ($tda << 1) & 0x0FFFFFFFF;
 $num_rounds = $_xtea_num_rounds; // reset $num_rounds back to its propper setting;

 do {
  // LSL only has 32 bit integers. However PHP automaticly changes
  // 32 bit integers to 64 bit floats as nessesary. This causes
  // incompatibilities between the LSL Encryption and the PHP
  // counterpart. I got round this by changing all addition to
  // binary addition using logical & and ^ and loops to handle bit
  // carries. This forces the 32 bit integer to remain 32 bits as
  // I mask out any carry over 32 bits. this bring the output of the
  // decrypt routine to conform with the output of its LSL counterpart.
  // Subtrations are handled by using 2's compliment

  // LSL does not have unsigned integers, so when shifting right we
  // have to mask out sign-extension bits.

  // calculate ((($v0 << 4) ^ (($v0 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + $v0)
  $v1a = binadd((($v0 << 4) ^ (($v0 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) , $v0);
  // calculate ($sum + $_xtea_key[($sum>>11) & 3])
  $v1b = binadd($sum , $_xtea_key[($sum>>11) & 3]);
  //Calculate 2's compliment of ($v1a ^ $v1b) for subtraction
  $v1c = binadd((~($v1a ^ $v1b)) , 1);
  //Calculate ($v1 - ((($v0 << 4) ^ (($v0 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + $v0)
  //            ^ ($sum + $_xtea_key[($sum>>11) & 3]))
  $v1 = binadd($v1 , $v1c);

  // Calculate new $sum based on $num_rounds - 1
  $tnr = $num_rounds - 1;  // Temp $num_rounds
  $sum = 0; // $_XTEA_DELTA * ($num_rounds - 1);
  $tda = $_XTEA_DELTA;
  do{ // Binary multiplication using binary manipulation
   if($tnr & 1){
    $sum = binadd($sum , $tda);
   $tnr = $tnr >> 1;
   $tda = ($tda << 1) & 0x0FFFFFFFF;

  //Calculate ((($v1 << 4) ^ (($v1 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + $v1)
  $v0a = binadd((($v1 << 4) ^ (($v1 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) , $v1);
  //Calculate ($sum + $_xtea_key[$sum & 3])
  $v0b = binadd($sum , $_xtea_key[$sum & 3]);
  //Calculate 2's compliment of ($v0a ^ $v0b) for subtraction
  $v0c = binadd((~($v0a ^ $v0b)) , 1);
  //Calculate ($v0 - ((($v1 << 4) ^ (($v1 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + $v1
  //           ^ ($sum + $_xtea_key[$sum & 3]))
  $v0 = binadd($v0 , $v0c);
 } while ( $num_rounds = ~-$num_rounds );

 return substr(integer_base64($v0), 0, 5) . substr(integer_base64($v1), 0, 5);

// Encrypt a full string using XTEA.
function xtea_encrypt_string( $str ) {
 // encode Binany string to Base64
 $str = base64_encode($str);

 // remove trailing =s so we can do our own 0 padding
 $i = strpos($str, '=', 0);
 if ( $i !== FALSE  ){
  $str = substr( $str, 0, $i);
 // we don't want to process padding, so get length before adding it
 $len = strlen($str);
 // zero pad
 $str .= "AAAAAAAAAA=";
 $result = "";
 $i = 0;

 do {
  // encipher 30 (5*6) bits at a time.
  $enc1 = base64_integer(substr($str , $i , 5) . "A==");
  $i += 5;
  $enc2 = base64_integer(substr($str , $i , 5) . "A==");
  $i += 5;
  $result .= xtea_encipher($enc1, $enc2);
 } while ( $i < $len );
 return $result; //Return Encrypted string

// Decrypt a full string using XTEA
function xtea_decrypt_string( $str ) {
 global $_base64 ;

 $len = strlen($str);
 do {
  $dec1 = base64_integer(substr($str , $i , 6)."==");
  $i += 6;
  $dec2 = base64_integer(substr($str , $i , 6)."==");
  $i += 6;
  $result .= xtea_decipher( $dec1, $dec2);
 } while ( $i < $len );

 // Replace multiple trailing zeroes with a single one
 $i = strlen($result);
 while ( substr($result, --$i, 1) == "A" );
 $result = substr($result, 0, $i+1);
 $i = strlen($result);
 $mod = $i%4; //Depending on encoded length diffrent appends are needed
 if($mod == 1) $result .= "A==";
 else if($mod == 2 ) $result .= "==";
 else if($mod == 3) $result .= "=";

 return base64_decode( $result );

// Only works with PHP compiled as an Apache module
$headers = apache_request_headers();

$objectName = $headers["X-SecondLife-Object-Name"];
$objectKey     = $headers["X-SecondLife-Object-Key"];
$ownerKey     = $headers["X-SecondLife-Owner-Key"];
$ownerName = $headers["X-SecondLife-Owner-Name"];
$region        = $headers["X-SecondLife-Region"];
// and so on for getting all the other variables ...

//to pull out this headers in other kinds of installations, use this (Adz)
$region        = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_SECONDLIFE_REGION'];

xtea_key_from_string("this is a test key");
// get things from $_POST[]
// Naturally enough, if this is empty, you won't get anything
$parameter1 = xtea_decrypt_string($_POST["parameter1"]);

echo xtea_encrypt_string($ownerName . " just said " . $parameter1) . "\n";

This should result in the following output.

Object whispers: Message to Send = this is a message to send Object whispers: Message to Server = JSdgCA0FDyhgLlUnSgqMQWkAxz1AzA1vr9zwSEDnCgwJ6GNQ Object whispers: Web server sent: SVbqNQ5XdkngeUI3bgP+s6eAT6GM4AWnYCYApcfxagrPbxmwiY7WXA4J+gEQ1AYhRQNvcnEwfZSo/AuKVtIw Object whispers: Cleaned : SVbqNQ5XdkngeUI3bgP+s6eAT6GM4AWnYCYApcfxagrPbxmwiY7WXA4J+gEQ1AYhRQNvcnEwfZSo/AuKVtIw Object whispers: Web server said: SleightOf Hand just said this is a message to send