Talk:LSL Protocol/Restrained Love Open Relay Group/listen

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Satomi Ahn: After reading your page, I still don't understand what the relay is
 supposed to do with the channel that was opened by !x-listen, btw...
 If you ask a device to open a channel, shouldn't you also specify for
 what protocol it is opened?
 Suppose, I don't know, my relay has a feature for discussing weather,
 and another for playing poker, how am I supposed to know if what I
 receive on the channel I opened should be sent to the weather plugin
 or the poker plugin?
 Could you write some examples in the wiki page?
[9:20] Chloe1982 Constantine: the key is in the discussion.. and largely is because
 I see the relay as being embedded in some  bigger device so that it would be the 
 thing that contains the relay's responsibility to direct weather stuff to the 
 weather script and poker to the poker script...
[9:21] Chloe1982 Constantine: Ideally, we'd have this discussion on the wiki :)
Satomi Ahn: Ok, I copy/paste this into the talk page.

Considering your answer, then why not a command like this: !x-listen/<protocol-string>/<channel>? This way the relay should immediately know what plugin to wake up. I removed the "time" argument, as I don't really see the use of it... can't the plugin know alone when to close the channel? Or maybe add time as an optionnal argument at the end of the command? !x-listen/<protocol-string>/<channel>/[time]

Another thing we should consider is the way it would interact with !x-email. (imagine all those protocols working gridwide!)

--Satomi Ahn 16:58, 11 June 2009 (UTC)

This makes me think that in this case, !x-channel/xxxx is almost synonym to !x-listen/RLVR/xxxx, maybe should we rationalize this? --Satomi Ahn 17:11, 11 June 2009 (UTC)

Chloe, there is this enhancement request I've seen on OpenCollar bug tracker: [1]. Is it a possible use case for !x-listen?--Satomi Ahn 12:34, 3 July 2009 (UTC)