Smooth Sliding Door

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Smooth Sliding Door Script


It really annoys me that there are so many bad looking doors out there that jerk around. While you can use llSetPos for a sliding door you have no control at what speed it moves. This sliding door script i created because i wanted to time my sliding door movements with the door sounds i had. It uses llMoveToTarget to move the door, with the door temporally turning phantom as it moves.

In laggy sims it will behave a little bit funky .. the door somtimes seeming to zoom off to the side as the door becomes a physical object. However, even with that defect it still looks much better IMHO

The Script

<lsl> // ******************************************************************** // // Basic Physical Sliding Door Script // by SimonT Quinnell // 11/07/2009 // // If a notecard is in the prim it will be read as a configuration notecard // // NOTE: If you are going to reposition the door, do it while the door is closed. // Otherwise it will try and use the old close position as a reference point. // // Licensed under the "OpenCollar License" // Ie. Licensed under the GPLv2, with the additional requirement that these scripts remain "full perms" in Second Life. // // ********************************************************************

// ******************************************************************** // CONSTANTS // ********************************************************************

// NOTE: All of these constants can be set in the contained notecard // Movement Constants vector OFFSET = <-2.0, 0.0, 0.0>; // Directional offset for moving the door float OPENTIME = 3.5; // Time taken to open door float CLOSETIME = 3.5; // Time taken to close door

// Sound/volume to play on open and close, either a UUID or a name in the door contents string OPENSOUND = ""; float OPENVOL = 1.0; string CLOSESOUND = ""; float CLOSEVOL = 1.0;

// Misc. Constants float MAX_DISTANCE = 10.00; // Maximum distance the touching avatar can be away integer DEBUG = FALSE;

// ******************************************************************** // Variables // ********************************************************************

vector vPosition; rotation rRot; float omega=0.0; vector vTargetPos; integer bOpen = FALSE;

// internals for reading notecards string strNotecard; integer intLine1; key keyConfigQueryhandle; key keyConfigUUID;

// ******************************************************************** // Functions // ********************************************************************

debug(string debug) {

   if (DEBUG) llWhisper(0,"DEBUG:"+llGetScriptName()+":"+debug);


string CropName(string name) {// Crops avatar's name to first name

   return llDeleteSubString(name,llSubStringIndex(name," "),llStringLength(name) - 1);    


LoadNotecard() {

   if (llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_NOTECARD) > 0)
   {   // First notecard is used as the configuration notecard
       strNotecard = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD,0);
       keyConfigQueryhandle = llGetNotecardLine(strNotecard, intLine1 = 0);
       keyConfigUUID = llGetInventoryKey(strNotecard);
   else llOwnerSay("Door Configuration Notecard is missing!");


CheckVariable(string token, string data) {

   if (token == "offset") OFFSET = (vector)data;
   else if (token == "max_distance") MAX_DISTANCE = (float)data;
   else if (token == "open_time") OPENTIME = (float)data;
   else if (token == "close_time") CLOSETIME = (float)data;
   else if (token == "open_sound") OPENSOUND = data;
   else if (token == "open_volume") OPENVOL = (float)data;
   else if (token == "close_sound") CLOSESOUND = data;
   else if (token == "close_volume") CLOSEVOL = (float)data;
   else if (token == "debug") DEBUG = (integer)data;


MoveDoor() {

   {   // Initial conditions
       rRot = llGetRot();
       vPosition = llGetPos();
       // Target Position
       vTargetPos = vPosition+OFFSET*rRot;
       // Set the timer to cleanup position .. nesessary for laggy sims
       bOpen = TRUE;                
       if(OPENSOUND != "") llTriggerSound(OPENSOUND, OPENVOL);
       // Target Position
       vTargetPos = vPosition;
       // Set the timer to cleanup position .. nesessary for laggy sims
       bOpen = FALSE;
       if(CLOSESOUND != "") llTriggerSound(CLOSESOUND, CLOSEVOL);                       
   // Set Door Physical and move it


default {

   touch_start(integer num_detected)
       // Empty Touch State.  Fixes problems with missing touch events
   dataserver(key keyQueryId, string strData)
       if (keyQueryId == keyConfigQueryhandle)
           if (strData != EOF)
               string strToken;
               strData = llStringTrim(strData, STRING_TRIM_HEAD);    // Trim Whitespace
               if (llGetSubString (strData, 0, 0) != "#")         // is it a comment?
                   integer s = llSubStringIndex(strData, "=");
                   if(~s)//does it have an "=" in it?
                       strToken = llToLower(llStringTrim(llDeleteSubString(strData, s, -1), STRING_TRIM));
                       strData = llStringTrim(llDeleteSubString(strData, 0, s), STRING_TRIM);
                       CheckVariable(strToken, strData);
               keyConfigQueryhandle = llGetNotecardLine(strNotecard, ++intLine1);
               llOwnerSay("Done Reading Config Notecard");
               state stopped;
   changed(integer change)         
       if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY)


state stopped {

   touch_start(integer num_detected)
       key         keyTouchingAvatar = llDetectedKey(0);
       float       distance = llVecDist(llGetPos(),llDetectedPos(0));
       if (distance < MAX_DISTANCE)
           state moving;
       else llInstantMessage(keyTouchingAvatar, "You need to get a little closer to the door "+CropName(llKey2Name(keyTouchingAvatar)));
   changed(integer change)         
       if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY && llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_NOTECARD) > 0)
           state default;


state moving {

   touch_start(integer num_detected)
       // Empty Touch State.  Fixes problems with missing touch events
       // Clean up Position
       llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE);
       llSetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM, FALSE);         
       llSetPrimitiveParams([ PRIM_POSITION, vTargetPos, PRIM_ROTATION, rRot ]);        
       state stopped;


Example Configuration Notecard

<lsl># Configuration Notecard for Physical Door

  1. Touching

max_distance = 10.0

  1. Door Action Details

offset = <3.5,0.0,0.0> open_time = 4.0 close_time = 4.0

  1. Door Sound Details

open_sound = open_volume = 1.0 close_sound = close_volume = 1.0</lsl>

See also