Presence Code Python

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Extremely incomplete example of how to log an avatar in and establish a presence. So far it only sends enough to temporarily show in-world. More to come....

(based on a sample login script found at libsl login.)

<python>from struct import * from zerocode import * import md5 import xmlrpclib

import re import httplib, urllib from urlparse import urlparse import socket, sys, time import uuid from makepacketdict import makepacketdict

mypacketdictionary = {}

def login(first, last, passwd, mac):

 passwd_md5 = '$1$' +

 uri = ''
 uri = ''
 s = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(uri)

 login_details = {
   'first': first,
   'last': last,
   'passwd': passwd_md5,
   'start': 'last',
   'major': '1',
   'minor': '18',
   'patch': '5',
   'build': '3',
   'platform': 'Win',
   'mac': mac,
   'options': [],
   'user-agent': ' 0.1',
   'id0': ,
   'agree_to_tos': ,
   'viewer_digest': '09d93740-8f37-c418-fbf2-2a78c7b0d1ea'
 return s.login_to_simulator(login_details)

def get_caps(results,cap_key, request_keys):

 _, netloc, path, _, _, _ = urlparse(results[cap_key])
 params = "<llsd><array><string>"+ request_keys[0]+"</string></array></llsd>"
 headers = {"content-type": "application/xml"}
 conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(netloc)
 conn.request("POST", path, params, headers)
 response = conn.getresponse()

 data =
 return data

def ExtractCap(cap_result):

 trim_xml = re.compile(r"<key>([a-zA-Z_]+)</key><string>([a-zA-Z_:/0-9-.]+)</string>")
 new_key =
 new_cap =
 return new_key, new_cap

def establishpresence(host, port, circuit_code):

   sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
  1. Sending packet UseCircuitCode <-- Inits the connection to the sim.
   data = pack('>BLBL',0x00,0x01,00,0xffff0003) + pack('<L',circuit_code) + uuid.UUID(result["session_id"]).bytes+uuid.UUID(result["agent_id"]).bytes
   sock.sendto(data, (host, port))
  1. ISending packet CompleteAgentMovement <-- establishes the agent's presence
   data = pack('>BLBL',0x00,0x00,00,0xffff00f9) + uuid.UUID(result["agent_id"]).bytes + uuid.UUID(result["session_id"]).bytes + pack('<L', circuit_code)
   sock.sendto(data, (host, port))
  1. AgentUpdate
   packed_data_header = pack('>BLB', 0x00,0x000,0x04)
   packed_data_ID = uuid.UUID(result["agent_id"]).bytes + uuid.UUID(result["session_id"]).bytes
   packed_data_QuatRots = pack('>ffff', 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)+pack('>ffff', 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)  
   packed_data_State = pack('>B', 0x00)
   packed_data_Camera = pack('>fff', 0.0,0.0,0.0)+pack('>fff', 0.0,0.0,0.0)+pack('>fff', 0.0,0.0,0.0)+pack('>fff', 0.0,0.0,0.0)
   packed_data_Flags = pack('>fLB', 0.0,0x00,0x00)
   encoded_packed_data = zero_encode(packed_data_ID+packed_data_QuatRots+packed_data_State+packed_data_State+packed_data_Camera+packed_data_Flags)
   packed_data = packed_data_header + encoded_packed_data
   sock.sendto(packed_data, (host, port))
   buf = 100
   i = 0
   while 1:
       i = i + 1
       data,addr = sock.recvfrom(buf)
       if not data:
           print "Client has exited!"
           test =  ByteToHex(data).split()
           if test[6] == 'FF':
               if test[7] == 'FF':
                   if test[8] == 'FF':
                       print "Message #", i,"Flags: 0x" + test[0], mypacketdictionary[("Fixed" , int("0x"+ByteToHex(data[8:10]).replace(' ', ),16))], "0x"+ByteToHex(data[8:10]).replace(' ', )
                       print "Message #", i,"Flags: 0x" + test[0], mypacketdictionary[("Low",int("0x"+ByteToHex(data[8:10]).replace(' ', ),16))],    "0x"+ByteToHex(data[8:10]).replace(' ', )
                   print "Message #", i,"Flags: 0x" + test[0], mypacketdictionary[("Medium", int("0x"+ByteToHex(data[7:8]).replace(' ', ),16))], "0x"+ByteToHex(data[7:8]).replace(' ', )
               print "Message #", i,"Flags: 0x" + test[0], mypacketdictionary[("High", int("0x"+ByteToHex(data[6]), 16))], "0x"+ByteToHex(data[6])

result = login("First", "Last", "Password", MAC)

mypacketdictionary = makepacketdict()

myhost = result["sim_ip"] myport = result["sim_port"] mycircuit_code = result["circuit_code"]

establishpresence(myhost, myport, mycircuit_code)

  1. cap_out = get_caps(result,"seed_capability", ["ChatSessionRequest"])</python>