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Covenants are often used when you decide you wish to sell land on your Estate or Private Region. You don't need to set a covenant to enable land sales, but we suggest it if you want to set up zoning or other rules on your Estate. You can sell land on your Estate without a covenant, but we don't recommend it.

Covenants are viewable by the parcel owner at all times, in the Covenant tab of the About Land window, or the Region/Estate window.

Setting the Covenant

To set or change the covenant for an Estate, simply drop a new notecard into the Covenant box in the Covenant tab of the Region/Estate window. A prompt asks you if you are certain. If you are certain, confirm it, and the new covenant will be set.


  • The Covenant applies across every region in an Estate.
  • Estate managers can set parcels for sale and they can reset the covenant.
  • Land parcels can be reclaimed at any time by the Estate owner.
  • Deselecting the land sales box does reset parcels already set for sale.

Covenants and Reselling Land

If you want people to be able to sell the land once they've purchased it, or to be able to deed it to groups after they've purchased it, you should select Enable Land Resell in the Region tab. Whenever there's a covenant present on an Estate, you must agree to it to purchase a parcel, whether the functionality to resell land is enabled or not.

Covenants and Communication

Covenants are intended to easily communicate the terms and conditions of owning property on your Estate, whether it be a single Region or several. We recommend that you not change the terms of a covenant without informing your residents, as unpleasantness may result. Communications you may want to have via covenant with your residents include:

  • Payment information
  • Zoning or theming of area
  • Best ways to communicate with you as the Estate owner

Estate owners and managers are still the final arbiters of the Estate. Land owners on your Estate may not request rollbacks or other technical support (restarts etc), but should contact you or your Estate Managers for those needs. This allows you to retain control of the Estate and management yourself.