Quickie Wiki Intro/pt
//this translation is under progress
Bem Vindo!Nos enconrajamos aos novos e existentes mentores e aprendizes chegando a criarem um profile proprio no wiki do second life, para as pessoas porem sempre encontrarem voces. Isso é particularmente util para aqueles que tem habilidades com idiomar ou outras habilidades.. Voce pode detalhar informação sobre voce, mais detalhadamente do que via a listagem de emails do voluntariado do SL. E também, pode incorporar modelos simples a sua pagina que irão automaticamente lhe cadastrar para um grupo de classe ou de habilidade. |
Log In para criar sua página de perfil
- Se voce ainda nao o fez, deve se logar no wiki do Second Life primeiramente.
- Clique no link LOG IN/CREATE ACCOUNT no topo direito desta página. Use seu Nome do SL e sua senha do sl também.
- Assim que estiver logado, seu nome irá aparecer no topo da página. Clique no seu nome. É um atalho no qual ira leva-lo para uma página como: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Your_Name e voce estára dentro do modo de edição (se a página não existir).
- Crie seu conteúdo
- Se voce for familiar com o wiki, comece criando sua página perfil. Mesmo que não seja familiar com o wiki, coloque alguma coisa la que esteja em sua cabeça ou que seja pertinente a vossa pessoa como mentor. Voce pode formatar depois.
- No final, inclua uma parte de "Modelos" abaixo para registrar suas habilidades e idiomas.
- Revise o next section para um exemplo de conteudo wiki. Voce pode customizar desse ponto adiante.
- Procure Ajuda
- Voce pode visitar as páginas de ajuda do Wiki SL Wiki Help ou Wikipedia Help para detalhes sobre o que são as marcas do wiki.
- Voce pode também ver as marcas do wiki de outras pessoas, para ver o que eles fizeram para ficar daquela forma. Edite a página de outros mentores a fim de visualizar estas marcas, 'mas não salve suas mudanças nás paginas deles!!!'.
- If you are not able to figure out the wiki markup, contact the any number of ( SL Mentor Scribes ) and ask them if they'll help you with your page. Please note that there will need to be "sweat equity" on your part. You will provide the content and the Mentor Scribes will help create your page in a nice, Wiki format.
What To Put Into Your Page
You'll need to think about what you're going to tell the other mentors and commit it in writing so it can be wiki-fied. Here is a sample markup
- I'm YOUR NAME from Germany. I am dedicated to the Second Life Volunteer program.
- My goal is to help make the Second Life Volunteers second to none.
- I speak English and German and can script in LSL.
- {{ISO_639-3/cat-speaking/Volunteers|eng}}
- {{ISO_639-3/cat-speaking/Volunteers|deu}}
- {{visl
- |Mentors=*
- |}}
- {{skills
- |Builder=
- |Scripter=*
- |}}
This markup will give you a short and sweet introduction about yourself and state in words what your language abilities are and that you can script.
The strange markups allow you to be automatically registered in the various pages. The markups themselves are not visible, but they produce a nice navigation at the bottom of the page, with your name registered. The example shows that you are a
* Second Life Mentor | * English speaking Resident | ||
* English speaking Volunteer | * German speaking Resident | ||
* German speaking Volunteer | * Scripter |
The above markup would produce a page that looks something like the following.
User: Your Name
Categories | Second Life Mentors | English speaking Volunteers | English speaking Residents | German speaking Volunteers | German speaking Residents | Scripter |
When you include these special templates and categories at the bottom of your wiki content on your page, it will automatically register your User Profile Page as belonging to certain groups. For example:
- {{ISO 639-3/cat-speaking/Volunteers|eng}}
will register your User Profile Page as belonging on the English speaking Volunteers and English speaking Residents pages. It will also create the navigation bar at the bottom of your page that link to those pages.
- Language Templates
A list of common language codes can be found here. There are two common ways to form this template:
Template Description {{ISO 639-3/cat-speaking|XXX}} This will establish your page as belonging to XXX-Speaking Residents group. Substitute XXX with the appropriate language code found on this page. {{ISO 639-3/cat-speaking/Volunteers|XXX}} This will establish your page as belonging to XXX-Speaking Residents AND XXX-Speaking Volunteers groups. Substitute XXX with the appropriate language code found on this page.
If your language doesn't appear on the list of common languages, follow this link to to the Code Generator by User:SignpostMarv Martin.
- Bulk Group Templates (visl)
This template is simple to use and is described in the following table. Simply copy the entire blue section into your profile page, and add an asterisk to the elements that pertain to you.
Code Description {{visl Opening tag - required |Greeters= Adds your User Profile Page to the Second Life Greeters group. |Mentors= Adds your User Profile Page to the Second Life Mentors group |Helpers= Adds your User Profile Page to the Live Helpers group |Instructors= Adds your User Profile Page to the Second Life Instructors group |Scribe= Adds your User Profile Page to the SL Mentor Scribes group |Linguist= Adds your User Profile Page to the SL Mentor Linguists group |Buddy= Adds your User Profile Page to the SL Mentor Buddy group |}} Closing tag - required
For example, the following template will add you to the Second Life Mentors and SL Mentor Linguist groups. This is done by adding the asterirsk "*" symbol after each of the lines that apply to you. The lines without asterisks will by ignored by the system. You can choose to keep or omit the non-asterisked lines.
- {{visl
- |Greeters=
- |Mentors=*
- |Helpers=
- |Instructors=
- |Scribe=
- |Linguist=*
- |Buddy=
- |}}
NOTE: It is very important to remember that addition of your User Profile Page to the various groups DOES NOT affect your Second Life Mentor group status. That is, if you are not a SL Mentor Buddy in-world, designating yourself as one in your user profile page does not automatically add you as a SL Mentor Buddy in-world. You must apply for that status separately. Also, please do not mis-represent yourselves. If you are not sure whether you belong to a group or not - ask another experienced Mentor (such as a Mentor Buddy).
- Skills Template
There are only two skills, but it must be specified in its own list
Code Description {{skills Opening tag - required |Builder= Adds your User Profile Page to the Builders group. |Scripter= Adds your User Profile Page to the Scripters group |}} Closing tag - required
The following template markup will establish you as a Scripter.
- {{skills
- |Builder=
- |Scripter=*
- |}}
- Specialty and Single Line Templates
Some groups do not follow the above templates, but are valid groups nonetheless. They can be specified individually (without the asterisks) as follows:
Template Description [[Category:SL Mentor Coach|{{PAGENAME}}]] Directly adds your User Profile Page to the SL Mentor Coach group. [[Category:I18n project members|{{PAGENAME}}]] Directly adds your User Profile Page to the i18n Project Members group. [[Category:Jira Reporters|{{PAGENAME}}]] Directly adds your User Profile Page to the Jira Reporters group. This is a group of people who have reported bugs on the Second Life Jira bug tracking site.
- Linden Templates
These templates are reserved for Linden Labs employees. As a resident, do not add these to your profile. They are merely listed for completeness.
Code Description {{llEmployee Opening tag - required. Establishes the Linden Lab Employee roles. |executive= |vol-manager= |com-manager= |liaison= |concierge= |CommMonkey= |GridMonkey= |QA= |dev= |main= |teen= |ex= |}} Closing tag - required