User:Nava Muni

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Revision as of 12:25, 29 February 2008 by Nava Muni (talk | contribs) (stub for course material)
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Nava Muni

I am a glove.
On my own, I am but a hollow shell of potential.
When donned, I become an embodiment of creation and imagination.
- Nava Muni

Who I am

Hello! I'm Nava Muni. (A little Sanskrit there for those so inclined to investigate.)
This abstract shell is the creation of a baryonic entity living someplace within New York City.

What I do

First and foremost, my SL life is 'defined' by being a scripter. In addition to scripting, I'm heavily involved in building, designing, planning, and logistics. I love to stay active!

I have over 25 years RL experience as a hardware and software designer and developer. I've worn the general's hat as well as picked up the shovel to dig in the trenches with everyone else. (Sometimes both at the same time!) My journey has given me many opportunities to work with people from a variety of backgrounds - each with his own set of skill and talents.
How do you manage this? You learn to bend. ;-]

So clearly (or not) I love teaching! Well ... to be more precise ... I love to help others learn. There are few things as satisfying as seeing the proverbial "light go on" as you guide someone through his trials.


Here are a few script-related areas in which I specialize ...

  • particles
  • geometry/trigonometry
  • (the dreaded) rotations
  • physics
  • IPCs
  • in-/out-world communications

For my out-world efforts, you'll find me working in ...

  • Java
  • C/C++
  • PHP
  • bash
  • Forth and several forms of assembler (for my embedded projects)

If you ever come twiddle some of my creations at home🖈, you might end up talking to a little piece of off-world hardware I've built.

Why I'm here

I'm here to have fun! And for me, "fun" is exploring my crazy ideas. "Fun" is also helping others' explore their crazy ideas! (Ok; sometimes not all the ideas are crazy.) But I could never say my goal with Second Life is to "make money." Not that you can't - and not that I haven't - but I came here to learn, discover, create, teach, and "expand myself." If I can help make someone else's path a little smoother - well, then I'll be all the richer for that!

Course Resource Materials

[^Mac4NonMac A Pragmatic Mac Primer for non-Mac Mentors]

Places I recommend ...

On the Web ...

I think the sloog services are a fantastic resrouce! sloog is an SL bookmarking service that allows residents to "tag" favorite places and people. You can then search for them later. All this can be accomplished both in-world with a HUD device or via the Web.

For volunteering, you have the unmatched SL Volunteer Portal and the indispensible VTeam blog!

You can't go wrong by learning how to navigate the JIRA
For aggregated support issues, check out the wonderful efforts of Gigs Taggart at SLJiraStats.

If you're looking to buy things ...

On the Grid ...

View the issues Nava Muni has filed at