Server Beta User Group
This is the meeting tracking and progress page for the weekly Server BETA QA Meeting. This meeting is moderated by Oskar Linden. Please contact him on AGNI for more information.
The next meeting is Thursday, October 8th at 3PM SLT on ADITI.
Please enter items here for discussion at the next meeting.
Agenda for next meeting
- Discuss resolution of previous open items.
- Discuss targeted communication for Server BETA testing purposes
- Is the Second Life BETA group on AGNI too big?
- Would a Server BETA QA group help to get information to only those who need it?
- It could be invitation only.
- There is a BETA Server Office Hours wiki page now!
- A place for meetings and transcripts.
- A place for the next weeks agenda.
- A place to track open items.
- Ideas on how to get more people involved.
- How many is too many for these meetings?
- Upcoming Releases
Open Items
- http://// - "Top Scripts" in estate tools is inaccurate
- I need to follow up with Simon to see if he can add final notes and get the jira closed.
- http://// - Debug channel and script error reporting needs a major rethink
- related to vwr-199 and vwr-7062
- http://// - "Avatar entering sim or rezzing object causes sim to freeze for up to 30 seconds - everything stops for everybody there"
- Is it slated to get fixed?
- Maestro was taking a look it it. What were his findings?
- Update the MOTD.
- We need to get buying land on ADITI fixed.
Minutes from Previous Meetings
- 2009