Setting your Home location
Revision as of 11:32, 3 November 2009 by Torley Linden (talk | contribs)
Your Home location can give your Second Life experience a comfortable familiarity. It can be a literal home, a hangout spot you enjoy frequenting, or another place you enjoy being — as they say, "home is where the heart is".
- Move your avatar to the chosen location
- Use World > Set Home To Here. A message appears confirming if your home is set successfully.
You can choose to always login at your Home location. You can always teleport straight to your Home location by using World > Teleport Home. Best of all, if you happen to wander (or intentionally march) into a damage-enabled area and are killed, death instantly teleports you back to your Home location (inworld death is never permanent in Second Life).
There are three types of land you can set Home to:
- Land you own - It's yours!
- Land owned by a group you belong to - You may have to activate the group to set Home there. The land can be set or deeded to the group.
- Mainland Infohubs - Public gathering places provided by Linden Lab.