MMTD Charter

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MM Training Division Charter

The Mental Mentor Training Division (MMTD) is the group created to hold all prospective Second Life residents in the application, training and testing process to become MM Mentor Volunteers.

There are four owners of the MMTD. They are:

1. Ambar Writer Creator of the Group 2. Rails Bailey Appointed Owner 3. Doctor Gascoigne Appointed Owner 3. Jezzie McCellan Appointed Lead Owner

Advisory Board: Advisory Board will consist of a maximum of six member of Mental Mentors. The duty of the board is to advise the Lead Owner/Trainer on matters pertaining to application, admission and training of prospective MM Mentor Volunteers. Advisers will also act as Moderators of the group chat.

Lead Trainer: The position of Lead Trainer within the Mental Mentor group is a crucial one if new volunteers are to be recruited and trained.

The Lead Trainer in Mental Mentors shall be made an owner of the MM Training Division Group.

The Lead Trainer shall be responsible for the selection of suitable and qualified trainers from within the Mental Mentor Group.

Trainers: The Lead Trainer will appoint Trainers. Trainers will conduct Orientation and training sessions with MM Apprentice Mentors. They will also monitor Mentor buddy sessions.

MM Apprentice Mentors:

Applications made to this group do not guarantee acceptance as a MM Apprentice Mentor nor MM Mentor Volunteers.

Due to the fact that we no longer will be able to do a reference check for prospective apprentice mentors a formal interview will be required of all prospective apprentice mentors.

Each application will be reviewed for its merit and the Lead Trainer or a MM Trainer nominated by the Lead Trainer will be required to interview prospective new Apprentice Mentors.

There will be formal training given to all successful applicants that apply to be MM Apprentice Mentors.

The pass mark set for that training shall be 80%.

Apprentices who do not pass the training at the first attempt will be given two more opportunities to pass the training.

If any apprentice does not pass the training on the third attempt, they shall be advised to re-apply to become a MM Apprentice Mentor in 12 months time.

Application/Training Process:

1. Formal Application. Application should be made via note-card resume. Must include previous experience as a Resident Helper and at least 2 supportive recommendation note-cards from either a current Mental Mentor or a leader in another RHN group.

2. Interview with applicant.

3. Attendance of orientation/training classes conducted by MMTD Trainers.

4. Buddy sessions with a MMTD Trainer.

5. Examination (pass is 80%)

Upon successful completion of the application/training process, the MMTD Apprentice Mentor will be transferred to the Mental Mentor group.