User:Andrew Linden/Office Hours/2010 09 14

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[11:00] Simon Linden: hello
[11:00] Moon Metty: hi hi
[11:00] carmel Brandi: hello,Simon
[11:00] Moon Metty: how's life?
[11:00] Simon Linden: Andrew should be here soon
[11:01] Simon Linden: Things are good enough ... still working :)
[11:01] Moon Metty: :)
[11:01] Ardy Lay: Hi
[11:01] Moon Metty: yep, we'll survive
[11:01] Moon Metty: hey Andrew
[11:01] Rex Cronon: hi everybody
[11:01] Rex Cronon: we will survive what?
[11:01] Andrew Linden: hello
[11:01] Rex Cronon: hi andrew
[11:01] carmel Brandi: hello,Andrew
[11:02] 2408 Alekseev: hello, Andrew:)
[11:02] 2408 Alekseev: heloo, rex:)
[11:02] Andrew Linden: Let's see... do we have any news?
[11:02] Rex Cronon: hi 2408
[11:03] carmel Brandi: Andrew,I'm having difficulty on my acct
[11:03] Simon Linden: The new 'Blue Steel' RC candidate went out this morning
[11:03] Simon Linden: it has a new versioning system, but is essentially 1.42.1
[11:03] Cummere Mayo: blue steel?
[11:03] Moon Metty: yes, why the name?
[11:04] Andrew Linden: Hrm... code names, but basically a few bug fixes.
[11:04] Ardy Lay: Zoolander ...
[11:04] Cummere Mayo: this a server version?
[11:04] Simon Linden: The release people came up with these code names for the three channels
[11:04] Simon Linden: It's a new server version with a few bug fixes
[11:04] Moon Metty: so the names are fixed?
[11:04] carmel Brandi: hello???
[11:05] Cummere Mayo: carmel im me
[11:05] Andrew Linden: carmel, state your acct difficulty, however we're probably not the lindens to fix it.
[11:05] carmel Brandi: first issue is I'm naked to everyone,unless i wear *sculpties
[11:05] Andrew Linden: Does this "blue steele" mean I need to come up with a code name for my maint-server work?
[11:06] carmel Brandi: that's the biggest issue
[11:06] Ardy Lay:
[11:06] Tillie Ariantho: Andrew: haha, yup. :P
[11:06] Simon Linden: No Andrew, your code ends up in one of the three channels
[11:06] Moon Metty: Soylent Green maybe?
[11:06] Bronson Blackadder: bluesteel is/was a british freefall nuclear bomb
[11:06] Andrew Linden: Carmel, make a box and try to wear it on your hand.
[11:06] Simon Linden:
[11:07] Simon Linden: or easier :
[11:07] Rex Cronon: carmel. r u wearing clothes?
[11:07] Tillie Ariantho: She's wearing a sculpted dress.
[11:07] carmel Brandi: make a box??
[11:08] Andrew Linden: that is Carmel, I'm not sure I believe your naked problem. I need convincing.
[11:08] 2408 Alekseev: Car,el is my freind
[11:08] 2408 Alekseev: she tried to wear clothes, but the layers will not be seen by another people
[11:08] carmel Brandi: smiles..
[11:08] 2408 Alekseev: but by herself
[11:08] Andrew Linden: So I'm curious to see if you appear to actualy wear the box when you put it on.
[11:08] Rex Cronon: carmel. u rez a box,and then attach it to your hand
[11:08] Simon Linden: let's back up a step ... what viewer are you using?
[11:08] Morgaine Dinova: Everyone here rezzed slowly, sim's a bit slow. She was a naked Ruth for a while, but not now.
[11:09] 2408 Alekseev: carmel has a problem with CLOTHIG layers
[11:09] 2408 Alekseev: not with attacmenys
[11:09] Andrew Linden: Morfgaine, I think her sculpty clothes were rendering as smaller spheres hidden within the body.
[11:09] carmel Brandi: im on phoenix 1.5.0
[11:09] Andrew Linden: Until the sculpty textures downloaded.
[11:09] Andrew Linden: carmel, the problem persists when you try the official SL viewer-2.1.1?
[11:09] Cummere Mayo: sounds like a packet loss issue to me
[11:09] Rex Cronon: there r some clothes that can be transparent
[11:10] 2408 Alekseev: she can't be seen wearing pants, underpants, skirt, shirt, undershirt
[11:10] 2408 Alekseev: if they are worn
[11:10] 2408 Alekseev: only she sees them
[11:10] Tillie Ariantho: Phoenix is bugged with alpha textures. O.o
[11:10] 2408 Alekseev: not us
[11:10] Andrew Linden: And yet she seems to have a custom skin on.
[11:10] Cummere Mayo: yeah that issue has come up at nyx's hour.
[11:10] 2408 Alekseev: alpha textures work fine on phoenix:)
[11:10] Simon Linden: that sounds like a texture baking problem, but I'm guessing....
[11:10] Moon Metty: so that's the opposite of
[11:10] Cummere Mayo: skins render other layers dont seems to be part of the baking failing
[11:10] Moon Metty: Avatar clothing change invisible to all inworld, but visible to me.
[11:11] Cummere Mayo: is snowglobe 1.5 download still up?
[11:11] Rex Cronon: carmel. u could save your appearance, and attachemts, and revert to noob shape. than try wearing clothes
[11:11] Tillie Ariantho: 2408: but this is a Linden office hour now, and Phoenix is no viewer created by the Lindens.
[11:11] Andrew Linden: Ok, so normal prims do indeed show up on carmel when worn.
[11:12] carmel Brandi: whos'working here??
[11:12] Andrew Linden: So the "only sculpties" statement was incorrect.
[11:12] Moon Metty: oh, i have to wake up =_=
[11:12] Moon Metty: it's not the opposite
[11:12] Cummere Mayo: moon i think its a more severe form of that bug
[11:12] Andrew Linden: ok thanks carmel, you can drop the box now
[11:13] Morgaine Dinova: Actually, Phoenix *is* mostly created by Lindens, a good 90% of it I'd guess :-)
[11:13] Tillie Ariantho: but not supported by them. :P
[11:13] Andrew Linden: Phoenix is the new alternative for Emerald?
[11:13] Tillie Ariantho: yes
[11:13] Morgaine Dinova: You said "created" :-0
[11:13] Andrew Linden: well, 10% difference is plenty of room to break baked textures
[11:14] Rex Cronon: lindens created pheonix?
[11:14] 2408 Alekseev: yes, made by the indignated people who left emerald when the code was...not safe any more
[11:14] Slee Mayo: pheonix = jessica lyons/lgg(same emerald dev team)
[11:14] Rex Cronon: from what i know neither lgg nor jessica is a linden
[11:14] Andrew Linden: carmel, we don't know enough yet to fully diagnose your outfit problem
[11:15] Morgaine Dinova: Textures are working fine in Imprudence, and it's the same rendering code in just about all TPVs
[11:15] carmel Brandi: this means??
[11:15] Andrew Linden: what kind of outfit changes have you attempted?
[11:15] carmel Brandi: all
[11:15] Andrew Linden: Why don't you try changing your whole outfit now?
[11:15] carmel Brandi: Andrew...
[11:15] carmel Brandi: I believe LL hired you to assist
[11:15] Tillie Ariantho: carmel: that means that you should try an official LL client first. if you can wear clothing there, visible to all, then it's a phoenix bug and you go report to the phoenix team, and not Linden Lab. :)
[11:15] Simon Linden: Actually, he was hired to write code
[11:15] Cummere Mayo: actually they hired him to code
[11:15] Andrew Linden: Since the box showed up on your hand I'd expect an outfit of multiple attachments would actually show up.
[11:16] Arawn Spitteler: /me sheepishly appologizes for his tardiness in mentioing SVC-22, SVC-93 or SVC-2931, but feels he should keep his hand in.
[11:16] Simon Linden: Thanks Arawn :)
[11:16] Cummere Mayo: the people hired to assist are accessable via the webpage under stupport
[11:16] Moon Metty: :)
[11:16] Andrew Linden: SVC-93 is going to be fixed soon... I hope I made my final deploy for QA testing this morning.
[11:17] Cummere Mayo: I would try using the snowglobe 1.42 version though. for SOME people, it has helped with the same issue
[11:17] carmel Brandi: try the LL viewer,is the recommenation?
[11:17] Morgaine Dinova: Andrew and Simon are server guys anyway, any assistance they provide with the viewer is out of the kindness of their hearts ^_^
[11:17] Cummere Mayo: I would try and get teh 1.42
[11:17] Simon Linden: Using a different viewer is a way to narrow down where the problem is ... that's really the first steps to sorting it out
[11:17] Andrew Linden: Yeah carmel, I'd suggest trying harder to debug. Such as trying different viewers and trying completely differetn outfits -- different shape, skin, everything.
[11:18] Simon Linden: Since everyone else doesn't have that problem, it's something different about either your viewer, your AV, or the skin and clothing you're using
[11:18] Andrew Linden: Then you can come back to an office hour with a list of all the things you tried.
[11:18] carmel Brandi: will do
[11:18] Andrew Linden: Which will provide some clues as to what the problem is, if it survives those changes.
[11:18] Simon Linden: So that's why we're suggesting trying different viewers and outfits
[11:19] Cummere Mayo: also leave a comment on
[11:19] carmel Brandi: thank you kindly
[11:19] Morgaine Dinova: Carmel: here's the Imprudence link, might help --
[11:19] carmel Brandi: have a fabulous day all
[11:19] 2408 Alekseev: thank you too:)
[11:19] 2408 Alekseev: have a great day:)
[11:19] carmel Brandi: Imprudence was worse
[11:19] Morgaine Dinova: Cya carmel
[11:19] carmel Brandi: thank you tho
[11:19] Simon Linden: good luck
[11:19] Rex Cronon: tc
[11:20] Moon Metty: there's a bug that causes a lot of server lag
[11:20] Andrew Linden: There appears to be a problem with some map tiles showing up grey on viewer-1.23
[11:20] Moon Metty: when you open the world map, and zoom all the way out
[11:20] Andrew Linden: looks like I may have to help look into that problem later today.
[11:20] Ardy Lay:
[11:20] Moon Metty: Ardy has reproduced it on viewer 2 too
[11:20] Andrew Linden: I don't know the mapserver code well, but then no one who is still at LL does anymore.
[11:21] Cummere Mayo: /me facepalms
[11:21] Moon Metty: if you look at the dilation graph , i will open my map for 30 seconds
[11:21] Panel 3: Freeze of 0.645394s detected (LSO)
[11:21] Panel 3: Freeze of 0.829815s detected (Mono)
[11:21] Panel 3: Freeze of 1.818689s detected (LSO)
[11:21] Panel 3: Freeze of 2.230007s detected (Mono)
[11:21] Panel 3: Freeze of 1.209070s detected (Mono)
[11:21] Panel 3: Freeze of 3.164017s detected (LSO)
[11:21] Morgaine Dinova: Oh dear
[11:21] Moon Metty: enough for now :)
[11:22] Morgaine Dinova: That sure was nasty freezes
[11:22] Cummere Mayo: shhheeeeeeeaaat
[11:22] Cummere Mayo: thats pretty bad
[11:22] Ardy Lay: V2 doesn't hit it nearly as hard at what Moon just did but it still hits it badly.
[11:22] Simon Linden: hmm, there used to be a bad bug like that where zooming out would cause a reqest to go to every simulator within your map view, which was not good when you zoomed way out
[11:22] Moon Metty: ok Ardy
[11:22] Andrew Linden: meanwhile, my work on faster linkability rules is on hold -- the map problems, trying to get other work though QA, and another attempt at tcmalloc is trumping that work.
[11:23] Andrew Linden: Hrm... does viewer-1.23 still have that map problem? I can't remember where the fix for the zoom-out happened.
[11:24] Moon Metty: the server lag is bad with 1.23.5 yes
[11:24] Simon Linden: I think it was server side, because that was where it was all being routed
[11:24] Simon Linden: but I'm not sure
[11:25] Simon Linden: If you try turning off all the checkboxes on extra stuff to show, it may work better
[11:25] Moon Metty: i tried turning them all off
[11:25] Simon Linden: any difference?
[11:25] Moon Metty: but i think they are still requested, so it doesn't matter
[11:26] Moon Metty: it may be different in viewer 2
[11:26] Simon Linden: ah right, those might just change how the viewer draws it
[11:26] Moon Metty: Ardy, did you try that?
[11:26] Ardy Lay: Trying now. I'll open the map then uncheck what is checked.
[11:26] Andrew Linden: I'll have to re-install viewer-1.23 today and look at the map
[11:27] Ardy Lay: That did was my map with only Person checked. Now none are checked and I will pan the map.
[11:27] Ardy Lay: dip
[11:27] Morgaine Dinova: I think you guys should install the main TPVs, you might be surprised ;-)
[11:28] Moon Metty: i think Roberto tried meerkat, it didn't cause lag
[11:28] Ardy Lay: That hash on the chart was me panning the world map with no icons enebled, Viewer 2.1.2
[11:28] lonetorus Habilis: andrew, do you know why map tiles stored in asset server where discontinued?
[11:28] Rex Cronon: morgaine. what if they have the same problem as that girl that has invisible clothes?u want to see the lindens naked:)
[11:28] Morgaine Dinova: Meerkat's antique though, hasn't been maintained for over a hear
[11:28] Morgaine Dinova: year*
[11:29] Andrew Linden: lonetorus, I think the map tiles are supposed to still be stored in the asset system for now, to support viewer-1.23
[11:29] Morgaine Dinova: She didn't have invisible clothes, to me. The sculpties just took longer to rez, as they always do.
[11:29] lonetorus Habilis: they are no longer being updated
[11:29] Andrew Linden: however that is one of the reasons to discontinue viewer-1.23 support, so we don't need to store them there anymore.
[11:29] lonetorus Habilis: last update was some 6 weeks ago
[11:30] office hours is half over
[11:30] Andrew Linden: really? hrm
[11:30] Morgaine Dinova: Map updates broken?
[11:30] Andrew Linden: that sounds like a bug
[11:30] lonetorus Habilis: morgaine, map tiles on asset server, accessible via uuid
[11:30] Andrew Linden: sigh...
[11:30] lonetorus Habilis: there are products that use this feature
[11:30] Simon Linden: there's been speculation that something broke in the system that generates or uploads those map tiles
[11:30] lonetorus Habilis: like sim scanners, loading up a map tile for the bakground
[11:31] lonetorus Habilis: or some estate managers use it to keep track of their estate
[11:31] Moon Metty: yes
[11:31] Andrew Linden: those products should migrate to the new map tiles.
[11:31] lonetorus Habilis: how?
[11:31] lonetorus Habilis: theya re not in world anymore
[11:31] lonetorus Habilis: only as offworld jpeg
[11:32] lonetorus Habilis: it would means a costly bot driven uplaod mechanism
[11:33] Andrew Linden: I dunno. I suppose I'll know more when I look at the mapserver system today.
[11:33] Andrew Linden: There are in-world objects using specific map tile UUID's for surface textures?
[11:33] Liisa Runo: plenty
[11:33] lonetorus Habilis: #Accessing_map_images_directly <- this only alows to load jpegs offworld
[11:35] lonetorus Habilis: i belive the old map tiles where also used as default image in landmarks
[11:36] Cummere Mayo: /me wonders if its even worth aring this sexest idiot thats calling all women ho's in a group chat >.>
[11:37] Rex Cronon: ?
[11:37] lonetorus Habilis: if noone does anything, then it seartanly does become acceptible
[11:37] Andrew Linden: lonetorus, new landmarks use the old map tile images?
[11:37] Simon Linden: fwiw I have another meeting at 11:45 today
[11:37] Andrew Linden: or old legacy landmarks refer to old map tile images?
[11:38] lonetorus Habilis: old landmarks i shgould think, probably all different now after, 1.23 viewers
[11:38] Andrew Linden: ok, I'll try creating a landmark in 1.23 later today to see what happens
[11:38] lonetorus Habilis: well, it was more of a question i suppose, since i dont really know ;)
[11:39] Andrew Linden: oh ok. well I don't know either. I'll have to test.
[11:39] Moon Metty: yup
[11:39] lonetorus Habilis: just thought that might be another issue to check
[11:40] lonetorus Habilis: oh and bluesteel sim crossinngs seem much improved
[11:40] lonetorus Habilis: that was needed :)
[11:40] Andrew Linden: really? the only region crossing changes there were yours Simon, right?
[11:41] Simon Linden: It's probably the 'new restart' effect
[11:41] Simon Linden: or maybe you got quieter neighbors :)
[11:41] Andrew Linden: "new restart" effect?
[11:41] Moon Metty: yeah, there are many factors
[11:41] lonetorus Habilis: could also be a artifact of near empty sims, but i did try rezing out some really heavy scripts, to give some time dilation, and sim crossings still seemed fluent
[11:41] Moon Metty: a freshly restarted region always performs better
[11:41] Andrew Linden: oh I see.
[11:41] lonetorus Habilis: the bluesteel test regions are 4 sims alone
[11:42] Simon Linden: well, I'm glad to hear it, but know there weren't a lot of changes except for crash bug fixes in it
[11:42] Andrew Linden: I thought for a minute Simon was talking about the geomtry-cache-incoherency problem, whose fix is not deployed yet.
[11:42] lonetorus Habilis: only sim crossing i saw that looked a bit dodgy, was another person, crossing in my view as a imposter, that visually to me looked like he rubberbanded
[11:43] lonetorus Habilis: but yeah, we shall see how it performs after a few days ;)
[11:43] lonetorus Habilis: should go rez some stuff to chew on the resources
[11:43] Moon Metty: i guess the bluesteel regions will see plenty of traffic :)
[11:44] Simon Linden: hmm, there was one bug related to sim crossings and attachments fixed it in .. I don't know if that would have much of an effect, however
[11:44] Simon Linden: it caused a memory leak, so in the long run it should help the simulators stay healthy
[11:45] Andrew Linden: Simon and I have to run to another meeting now.
[11:45] Andrew Linden: Thanks for coming everyone.
[11:45] lonetorus Habilis: will the sim instances that have common borders try to stay on the same machines and or rack?
[11:45] Rex Cronon: tc andrew
[11:45] Moon Metty: thanks for the meeting Andrew and Simon :)
[11:45] Cummere Mayo: thank you andrew and simon :)
[11:45] Simon Linden: Thanks everyone ... see you next time
[11:45] Rex Cronon: tc simon
[11:45] Moon Metty: bye!

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