Content Creation, Mesh Import, Scripting User Group
Topics are focused on anything related to the mesh import project. Feature requests, bug reports, design feedback, questions, comments, or example content are welcome.
Priority will be given to topics that are posted in advance and are relevant to the goals of the office hour. Feel free to include relevant links to JIRA or wiki pages.
Mondays at 11 AM in Pacific time (SL standard time)
Next meeting scheduled for: April 11, 2011 at Mesh HQ on Aditi
Also see the calendar of public user group meetings.
Agenda for the next user group meeting is:
Please add topics below prior to 10:50 AM. Also, please put your SL name down so we can follow up if we have questions. Thanks!
- Where do the prim counts in the edit floater and those used for parcel content audit come from? [Drongle McMahon]
- Friday's tweak for depth of field completely broke the effect when entering camera fly mode with the Space Navigator. Specifically, it reverses the effect and it doesn't focus where the mouse cursor is. The way you had it, not having to click to focus when in camera fly mode, gave an amazing range of effects for movies and pictures. With this tweak the depth of field is useless with the Space Navigator :((( [Angel Alphaville]
- Will it be made possible to drag/drop a texture on a rigged mesh that you're currently wearing? And tweak other settings via edit if it's modifiable-again, while you're wearing it? [Krystal Silverweb]
- Is there an explanation somewhere of the different parameter settings in the Auto Generate(LOD) section? [Krystal Silverweb]
- What's with the draconian mesh costs? [Chaos Borkotron]
- Will we ever have the rendering metadata that allowed you to see the dimensions of sculpt textures back in the client? Draconis Neurocam 11:13, 11 April 2011 (PDT)
- please add your agenda items here
Charlar Linden, Nyx Linden, and Runitai Linden. Please contact one of us if you are unsure if your topic is relevant or appropriate.
Links to chat transcripts of past meetings: Agenda and notes archive. Older archives are here.