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Revision as of 11:37, 2 November 2012 by Kireji Haiku (talk | contribs) (added reference to llGetAgentList(AGENT_LIST_REGION, []))
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Emblem-important-yellow.png LSL Feature Request
The described function does not exist. This article is a feature request.


Function: integer llGetParcelPopulation( vector position );
0.1 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns an integer that is the avatars currently online in the parcel at position in region coordinates.

• vector position


  • This function causes the script to sleep for 0.1 seconds.



Useful in devices compiling other visitor statistics than that of "traffic" without having to use laggy (and inaccurate on large parcels) scans.

KBcaution.png Important: You can use llGetAgentList(AGENT_LIST_PARCEL, []); instead of the desired function described on this page.

Deep Notes


//function integer llGetParcelPopulation( vector position );