User:Octavio LeShelle

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STALEMATE[1] focuses on in-world rapid application development environments for virtual modeling and avatar intelligence for mobile augmented-reality gaming in support of decisions in the investment markets.

All free software delivered permits copying, modification and transfer under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.0[2] or the GNU lesser General Public License v3.0[3].

Second Life and virtual time travel: Feasibility considerations for augmented-reality gaming decision support

In evaluating Second Life as a viable immersive, decision-support platform for augmented reality applications, the focus lies on the requirement of context switching (teleporting) seamlessly between past, present and future/potential scenarios or simulated worlds. While offering a stress test, a case is made for its usability for virtual time travel.

To circumvent global grid-level implementation aspects for the moment, a local viewer approach from an intelligent avatar perspective employs a semi-transparent, geodesic dome-shaped, time-travel vehicle. From inside this vehicle the avatar ultimately projects a (prototyped) simulation model of the world in question (quasi-)panoramically onto the interior wall.

Earlier incorporation of the geodesic dome with (physical) time travel include a Mojave Desert landmark[4] and Disney's Epcot Theme Park's Spaceship Earth[5] inspired by Buckminster Fuller. A Lego version of the idea has also been tested on ROBLOX[6]. The form also lends itself naturally in conjunction with from planetaria derived surround projection technologies as IMAX (3D).

Salient features inherent in the general approach include:

  • reassessed human-computer interaction by uploading knowledge-based models to the avatar for user decision support in collaborative or educational settings
  • the prospect of using the virtual world as an agile, knowledge-based, model-driven, simulation-directed development environment for virtual worlds and generated applications

Mobile agent-assisted virtual modeling for augmented reality

The on Google Code hosted Project STALEMATE KBSDE Extension[7] includes investigation of requirements for a Second Life viewer (Lumiya[8]) being integrated with Mozilla Firefox[9]/Google Chrome[10] under Android[11] utilizing the Eclipse IDE[12]. The goal is to develop a mobile client environment for distributed, intelligent avatar-assisted virtual modeling of augmented-reality applications supported by Web mining and data warehousing.

Second Life according to Augmented Reality Gaming

[This is intended as a proposed alternative ontology/taxonomy of Second Life to exploit the potential target applications offered by augmented reality gaming.]

 * Featured Events[13]
 * Editors' Picks[14]
 * Popular Places[15]
 * Photogenic Spots[16]
 * Chat Hot Spots[17]
 * Adults Only[18]

  • Simulation
 * General
   + Adult Arts & Culture[19]
   + Adult Clubs & Entertainment[20]
   + Adult Fashions & Commerce[21]
   + Art[22]
   + Bars & Pubs[23]
   + Beaches[24]
   + Business[25]
   + Castles & Ruins
   + Discussions & Communities[26]
   + Fashion & Style[27]
     - Animations[28]
     - Shoes[29]
     - Hair[30]
     - Jewelry[31]
     - Tattoos & Accessories[32]
     - Clothing[33]
     - Skins & Shapes[34]
     - Gadgets[35]
   + Help & How To[36]
     - Newcomer Friendly Spots[37]
     - Adult Newcomer Friendly[38] 
     - Creator Resources[39]
     - Sandboxes[40]
   + Home & Garden[41]
     - Furnishings & Decor[42]
     - Gardens & Landscaping[43]
     - Homes & Buildings[44]
   + Land & Estates[45]
   + LGBT Friendly[46]
   + Linden Realms[47]
   + Media, Movies & TV[48]
   + Miscellaneous[49]
   + Music[50]
     - Country & Folk[51]
     - Live Musician Spots[52]
     - Pop Music[53]
     - Hip-Hop, R&B & Reggae[54]
     - Rock & Metal[55]
     - Electronic & Dance[56]
     - Indie & Alternative[57]
     - Jazz & Blues[58]
     - Cafes & Cabarets[59]
     - Live DJ Spots[60]
     - Duran Duran[61]
   + Pets & Animals[62]
   + Premium[63]
     - Premium Gifts[64]
     - Premium Sandboxes[65]
     - Wilderness[66]
     - Racer's Gulch[67]
     - Premium Flight Zones[68]
   + Romance[69]
     - Wedding[70]
     - Romantic Spots[71]
   + Second Life Origins[72]
   + Spirituality & Belief[73]
   + Underwater[74]
   + Winter Attractions[75]
 * First Life
   + Cosmic[76]
   + Education and Nonprofits[77]
   + International[78]
     - Turkish[79]
     - Spanish[80]
     - Russian[81]
     - Portuguese[82]
     - Polish[83]
     - Korean[84]
     - Japanese[85]
     - Italian[86]
     - German[87]
     - French[88]
     - Arabic[89]
     - Other Languages[90]
   + Memorials[91]
   + Nature & Parks[92]
   + Science & Technology[93]
   + Virtual Tourism (Real Life)[94]

 * Action
 * Adventure
   + Cyberpunk[96]
   + Haunted[97]
   + Strange & Mysterious[98]
   + Zombies[99]
 * Strategy
 * Role-playing Communities[100]
   + Historical[101]
   + Pirates[102]
   + Sci-Fi[103]
   + Urban/Noir[104]
   + Vampire[105]
   + Steampunk[106]
   + Fantasy[107]
 * Adult Role-playing Areas[108] 
 * Casual
   + Rides & Mazes[109]
 * Racing
 * Sports & Hobbies[110]
   + Sailing & Boating[111]
   + Surfing[112]

Second Life on Steam / Steam in Second Life

[Implications and opportunities inherent in the recent announcement[113] concerning collaboration between Linden Lab and Valve Software with its Steam gaming platform[114] will be discussed here. Second Life has yet to be submitted on Steam for Greenlighting[115], with Linden Lab apparently intending to precede this with the build tool Patterns[116]. Conversely Linden Lab has already introduced Pathfinder Non-Playing Characters[117] in emulation of mainstream gaming platforms such as Steam. The various aspects of (potential) cross-fertilization in this regard are worthy of some consideration.]

Copyright = Copyleft

All material published on this Linden Lab Second Life Wiki user page is subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license[118]. The ideas expressed originate from the author alias user Octavio Leshelle[119] or are in the public domain or otherwise free unless referenced as prior art. Proper attribution to the author includes "© <year [span]> S.M. Claassen @ STALEMATE".