User:Tomos Halsey
Skills: Programming, Scripting, Building, Sculpting, Mesh modeling, Material mapping, UV mapping, "Seamless" Texturing, User interface design(HUDs), Animation, and Architecture.
I guess you could say I'm an ace of all SL trades.
My skill set came from video game design on indie titles for the PC and Xbox 360.
I try my hardest to extend sl's possibilities by bringing real world integration and standards to the sl scripting database and teaching math at a practical standpoint.
Our Gearwolf company basically invented a box factory that creates the boxes people think inside of, that's how far outside the box we love to think. Due to this standard it takes projects much longer to be completed.
My inspiration to do all this and work this hard is from one of my scripting teachers and mr Nexii Malthus.
Medium-time Resident of 4 something years.
11 years of modeling experience in real world video games (mesh/voxel).
7 years of programming experience in a variety of languages.
Steve the spider :3
A 4 legged custom physics engine driven spider mechanoid that uses Inverse Kinematics to move. It has a working repel line for hanging over structures and terrain adaptation algorithms to adjust its surface to work upside down and any direction.
Starwars AT-ST walker
A 2 legged procedural animation mech walker vehicle that has legs that adapt to terrain and uses a custom physics engine as well.
Fluid Hover Suspension
A suspension system that controls the vehicles movement through its tires and doesn't skid invisible plates on the ground to move. It basically "hovers" on its tires.
Quadruped Wolf Mech
A 4 legged procedural mech walker vehicle that can sprint full speed, has weight shifting on turns and movement, and has terrain adaptation legs.
B-Spline Tail/Tentacle System
A B-Spline driven system that allows bending and moving multiple prims next to one another using low number vector points for tails and tentacle like objects.
B-Spline Tank Track System
A B-Spline driven system that allows bending many prims near one another in a B-Spline loop using terrain normal raycasting to generate knott vectors for a tank track to follow.
A few contributions and cleanups in areas of the wiki. Most of my contributions are found under the examples page.
some additions to Nexii's interpolation library
Mesh you're doing it this PLEASE
NOTE: To you stupid mesh clothing designers that make irregular tessellated clothing
Regular quad tessellation - for rigged clothing
Irregular triangle tessellation - for cloth simulation
Other tidbits
My little userpage shortcut to the LSL Portal.
Array Support through JSON
Built-in animations
Mesh Land Impact Algorithm
Car Physics Paper