Older maps show a continent named Elimorum, home of Eldren people [1]. However, Eden continent is more to west then Elimorum was. Eden is private-owned and has many tropical islands, tropical beaches and a lot of seas to sail. The sims in North-West have all the name 'Eden' while the other sims are named after exotic fruits.
Eden Continent is a standard example of tropical beach paradise. The average altitude is low (under 20 meters). The continent can be divided in 3 main divisions: Eden Estate, Central Waterways and Fruit Islands.
Eden Estate has a higher island density then other places. The name comes form the fact that all sim names start with the word Edem.
Central Waterways have a small number of islands (or no islands). They are used for sailing and form the largest continental sea on the grid.
Fruit Islands are composed of tropical islands (various sizes) and waterways. The name comes from the fact that the sims have name with fruit origin.
Statistic data
Size in sims: 147 (N-S 20, E-W 17)
Size in meters: 9.63 square km (5.12/4.352 km)
Sea sims (covered with water): 8
Coast sims (both water and land): 139
Land sims (no water): 0
Sims with road access: probably 0
Sims with no direct access: 0
Population density: average
Coordinates are in longitude (min-max) / latitude (min-max) format, as they are available from Gridsurvey [2]
Continent: 676-692/1196-1213
Eden sims: 677-683/1207-1213
Central Sea: 676-684/1204-1207
South - Exotic Fruits: 678-692/1196-1206
See also
[3] - Second Life Wikia
[4] - Eden info