MLPV2 Menu Maker Helper
<lsl> //won't make your MLP menu for you completely but will save you some typing time //drop in a box of animations that are paired by name logically so that they will appear in alpha order in an inventory list //it will make an MLP menu giving POSE name to first animation in the set of two //you may need to re-order M and F anims in the pose line //Chaz Longstaff November 2013 // //Sample of what this can produce for you //[05:26] POSE Cuddle 1 M|Cuddle 1 M|Kiss His Neck F //[05:26] POSE Relax Hug1 M|Relax Hug1 M|Sex Neck Kiss 01 F //[05:26] POSE Sex1 M|Sex1 M|Sex1 F //[05:26] POSE Sex1Brut M|Sex1Brut M|Sex1Brut F //[05:26] POSE Sex1BrutFast M|Sex1BrutFast M|Sex1BrutFast F //[05:26] POSE Sex1Fast M|Sex1Fast M|SexLickTit F
mySay(string objectName, string msg) {
string name = llGetObjectName(); llSetObjectName(objectName); llSay(0, "/me " + msg); llSetObjectName(name);
list printObjectList(integer type) {
list result = []; integer n = llGetInventoryNumber(type); integer i = 0; integer count = 0; string myitem; string myitem1; string myitem2; integer type; mySay("", "__________________________________________"); while(i < n) { string itemName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL, i); type = llGetInventoryType(itemName); if (type != INVENTORY_ANIMATION) { jump gonext; } string myitem = llGetInventoryName(type, i); if (count == 1) { myitem1 = myitem; } else myitem2 = myitem; if (count == 2) { mySay("","POSE " + myitem1 + "|" + myitem1 + "|" + myitem2 ); count = 0; myitem = ""; myitem1 = ""; myitem2 = ""; } else { count = count + 1; } @gonext;
++i; } mySay("", "__________________________________________"); return result;
on_rez(integer start_param) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() {
} changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) { llResetScript(); } } touch_start(integer total_number) { string tmp = "all"; integer type;
type = INVENTORY_ALL; printObjectList(type);