User:Myst Leissa/Limits

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Revision as of 23:53, 3 July 2014 by Myst Leissa (talk | contribs) (Initial Draft)
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I like, cute, pink, girly things. I like good literate and enjoyable people. I like good friends and family. I like things that make me stop and consider what I'm saying. Sometimes I can be a bit submissive in my likes. I tend to prefer giving people the uncensored truth rather than telling them untruths. I also like a great majority of the time helping others when I can, and sometimes I will venture an educated guess before I know the entire story. (I Prefer Girls for playmates, but on occasion a guy will standout)


My limits are fairly few but extremely important:

  1. All priority goes to my primary owners (Emilylo Mayako & Talia Malaspina)
  2. I am often hesistant to do outright sex, but for the right person and the entirely wrong reasons I will consider it.
  3. No Permalocks Please, (reasonable) timers are fine as are character locks during roleplay, but I do not want to be locked in a transformation or such for all my SL, violation of this rule is subject to my cheating out. Although I will agree to it under the right conditions I have a distaste for lock n' leave, however once I feel comfortable that you are not coming back(more than an hour in general) I will not hesistate to free myself by any means.
  4. 8 PM - 10 PM(PDT) is strictly off limits time for play as I am often with my family during these hours. The Only Exception is upon family outings where we appear as one group.
  5. While not entirely clueless I have some difficulty with RP, please forgive any mistakes I make in RP and correct me if I am wrong.
  6. No Purchases as a result of RP. No Purchases based on RP. No Purchases for anyone I dont know. In other words - I have no money for you.
  7. I reserve the right to add limits as people i encounter reach new lows of stupidity.
  8. I reserve the right to take my time answering questions, and will attempt to extend the same right to others, however if you do not stick around to hear the answer that's your fault
  9. As a matter of respect, please do not send objects/landmarks/notecards/etc without first explaining why you are giving them to me, any such attempts will be ignored, and possibly reported depending on the situation.
  10. I do *not* do voice, period. So many people have asked me for this I felt it worth mentioning now to save me the trouble of telling you no.
  11. I am my own person; Trying to lump me together with others, gets on my nerves.


I am an owned sissy/sub/doll/etc by most standards, however there will be times when I can afford to play with others, my first and foremost responsibility is to my owner Miss Talia, and her Partner Emilylo, please understand that if you wish to approach me about Playing. In addition to the information on my limits you should know that the longest I've gone in bondage is 3 or so hours, and I was starting to get very bored. Some longer locks have been placed upon me by my scripts but to the general public should keep bondage timers to 2 hours or less.

SL Family

  • Talia
  • Emilylo
  • Jenny
  • Hazel
  • Crocell
  • Kiyoun
  • Kieraly
  • Ginger
  • Andre - (The Only Male Av in the Family)
  • Athena
  • Jimpsky - (The Family Dog Av)
  • Pretz
  • Maerin
  • Flaire
  • Chika

These girls mean alot to me, we play together all the time. I'm happy I met them. I love them all; never will I stray from their love. They have my undying love, and absolute trust, the former I exhibit for many, the latter for few. Recently added to my loving family are the two girls, Kiyoun and Kieraly, don't be surprised if I act protective of them, or the rest of my family.