User:LindaB Helendale/rot2roll pitch yaw
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Revision as of 01:38, 8 August 2015 by LindaB Helendale (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{LSL Header}} Roll, pitch and yaw are commonly used object related rotations (intrinsic Tait-Bryan angles) in avionics, sailing and navigation. Here are conversion functions...")
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Roll, pitch and yaw are commonly used object related rotations (intrinsic Tait-Bryan angles) in avionics, sailing and navigation. Here are conversion functions between LSL rotation and roll, pitch and yaw angles.
vector rot2roll_pitch_yaw(rotation R)
Convert rotation to roll, pitch and yaw angles
(c) LindaB Helendale
Permission to use this code in any way granted
Input: rotation (quaternion) R
Output: vector <roll,pitch,yaw>
Roll, pitch and yaw are body-related rotations (intrinsic Tait-Bryan angles):
first yaw to the heading, then pitch around the local Y-axis and then roll
around the local X-axis (nose direction). This is equivalent to world coordinate
rotations (extrinsic Tait-Bryan angles, or LSL Euler angles) in order roll, pitch and yaw.
Thus the rotation R is recovered from the roll, pitch and yaw angles by inverting
the order of the rotations (since in LSL they are in Z Y X or yaw, pitch, roll order):
rotation R = llEuler2Rot(<roll,0,0>) * llEuler2Rot(<0,pitch,0>) * llEuler2Rot(<0,0,yaw>);
vector eulerXYZ = < llAtan2(2*(R.s*R.x+R.y*R.z),1-2*(R.x*R.x+R.y*R.y)),
llAtan2(2*(R.s*R.z+R.x*R.y), 1-2*(R.y*R.y+R.z*R.z)) >;
rotation roll_pitch_yaw2rot(vector R)
return llEuler2Rot(<R.x,0,0>) * llEuler2Rot(<0,R.y,0>) * llEuler2Rot(<0,0R.z>);