User:LindaB Helendale/rot2roll pitch yaw
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Roll, pitch and yaw are commonly used object related rotations (intrinsic Tait-Bryan angles) in avionics, sailing and navigation. Here are conversion functions between LSL rotation and roll, pitch and yaw angles.
Note that in llRot2Euler it is (somewhat) imprecisely stated that it returns roll, pitch and yaw angles. However, LSL Euler angles are extrinsic Tait-Bryan angles, in Z Y X order. With extrinsic rotations, after the Z-rotation the Y-rotation is done in world coordinates, rotating the rotated vertices around world Y-axis, and similarly with X. If the order of Euler angles in llRot2Euler were X Y Z the angles would be proper nautical angles (and llRot2Euler would return the same values as rot2roll_pitch_yaw below), but the order is built-in in the llRot2Euler and llEuler2Rot functions.
vector rot2roll_pitch_yaw(rotation R)
Convert rotation to roll, pitch and yaw angles
(c) LindaB Helendale
Permission to use this code in any way granted
Input: rotation (quaternion) R
Output: vector <roll,pitch,yaw>
Roll, pitch and yaw are body-related rotations (intrinsic Tait-Bryan angles):
first yaw to the heading, then pitch around the local Y-axis and then roll
around the local X-axis (nose direction). This is equivalent to world coordinate
rotations (extrinsic Tait-Bryan angles, or LSL Euler angles) in order roll, pitch and yaw.
Thus the rotation R is recovered from the roll, pitch and yaw angles by inverting
the order of the rotations (since in LSL they are in Z Y X or yaw, pitch, roll order):
rotation R = llEuler2Rot(<roll,0,0>) * llEuler2Rot(<0,pitch,0>) * llEuler2Rot(<0,0,yaw>);
vector eulerXYZ = < llAtan2(2*(R.s*R.x+R.y*R.z),1-2*(R.x*R.x+R.y*R.y)),
llAtan2(2*(R.s*R.z+R.x*R.y), 1-2*(R.y*R.y+R.z*R.z)) >;
rotation roll_pitch_yaw2rot(vector R)
// convert vector <roll,pitch,yaw> to LSL rotation
return llEuler2Rot(<R.x,0,0>) * llEuler2Rot(<0,R.y,0>) * llEuler2Rot(<0,0,R.z>);