How to Increase Land Traffic in Second Life
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Games and Other Attractions
A good way to attract avatars to visit your land is to include fun attractions that will encourage repeat visits. Essentially people need a reason to visit your land in the first place. There are a number of games that exist to help attract players to your land.
ADS Games
The Goldtokens Gaming Network which is one of the largest gaming networks in Second Life with over 40,000 players participating per month. They provide a wide range of different games that allow players to form clans, farm and trade resources and earn linden dollars - all while exploring lands in Second Life.
Gold Hunt
The Gold Hunt is a hugely popular grid-wide hunt game. Players explore locations across Second Life in the search for coins and gems that allow them to earn linden dollars. This is an ideal game if you'd like players to explore all different areas of your land.
Fish Hunt
The Fish Hunt is an extremely popular fishing game. Players visit a fishing buoy located on your land and are able to earn linden dollars by fishing. If you are looking for visitors to be concentrated in one area of your land then this is a great option.
The game is essentially free for players who start the Fish Hunt by getting free fishing equipment from the marketplace. They then find new locations to fish at using their player HUDs and the game's website. They can then choose from a range of accessories such as improved fishing rods and bait.
Gold Piggy Hunters
Gold Piggy Hunters was created by Kaitlin Rayna. Earn Free Lindens by clicking the gold piggy and teleporting around visiting locations. Click the gold piggy and wait 5 minutes then get paid 1 L$. Owners pay a total of 2 L$ one to the visitor and one to the creator per person per click. Owners increase their traffic by getting visitors to visit their lands and visitors get paid 1 L$ just for visiting.
Adding a Lindo Terminal will help increase traffic at your store, venue, or land. Players will come to play and explore. Lindo is a very simple, no lag HUD game where players water a flower and earn L$. This allows for them to participate in spending a lot of time at your place shopping, dancing, or having an enjoyable conversation and time. The terminal is very easy to set up. Group support is also very friendly and helpful. Add a seed dispenser to sell virtual seeds to players, and even make a profit from that!
Inworld Advertisement

Advertising inworld is another option that may help you increase traffic. There are a wide range of advertisement boards available to rent in locations across Second Life. Some of these get a considerable exposure and are therefore great places to promote your brand and your land. Those who click on them usually receive a notecard or other item that the renter has deposited there.
Alternatively, you might choose to advertise using an advertisement network such as SecondAds which has thousands of adboard locations spread all over Second Life. These networks usually charge based on clicks and impressions and therefore can be more cost effective then renting a single adboard and hoping that someone will choose to click on it.
Second Life Search
One of the first things a new landowner interested in increasing their traffic should be to add their land to the Second Life search. This is done by going to the 'About Land' panel and ticking the box that says 'Show Place in Search'. Doing so will cost 30 Linden Dollars a week. It's also important to select the right category for your land as this will be displayed in search. There is a detailed guide on how to get listed in search.
After listing in search it might take 24 hours or so to see yourself displayed in the in-game search. However, be patient and soon enough you will see yourself listed there. Detailed guidelines are provided on how to write your search listing.
Holding Events
Holding events is another great way to attract visitors to your land. There are a wide number of ways to promote events such as teleporting in your friends and holding special games and prizes. However, possibly one of the best ways to promote your event is to list it in the official Featured Events Guide. This will mean your event can be advertised well in advance both on the Second Life website and in the Second Life Viewer itself. There is a detailed guide on how to list events available.
Classified Adverts
Another option is to pay for classified advertisements in the Second Life Search. These are essentially paid listings which are ranked according to how much has been paid. To add a classified listing go to your profile and you'll see options listed under your picks. There is also a detailed guide on adding classified listings available.
Destination Guide
Becoming listed in the destination guide is an excellent seal of approval for what your land has to offer. You'll be specially featured for a short period which will bring a rush of interest and attract a rush of new visitors. It also means you'll be featured in the Second Life Search under the destination guide section, bringing gradual additional traffic over time. There is a detailed guide on how to get included in the destination guide available.