Release Notes/Second Life RC BlueSteel/16

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  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2016-09-28 for RC BlueSteel, LeTigre, Magnum
  • Changes:
    • Minor internal changes.
    • Fixes BUG-40565 "Significant script performance degradation observed in server version"

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2016-09-21 for RC BlueSteel, LeTigre, Magnum
  • Changes:
    • Minor internal changes.

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2016-09-07 for RC BlueSteel, LeTigre, Magnum
  • Changes:
    • Minor internal logging changes.

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2016-08-03 for RC BlueSteel, LeTigre, Magnum
  • Changes:
    • Fix for BUG-37573 "Rez silently fails on RC Magnum, RC LeTigre and RC BlueSteel regions"

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2016-07-27 for RC BlueSteel, LeTigre, Magnum
  • Changes:
    • Minor internal logging changes.

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2016-07-13 for RC BlueSteel, LeTigre, Magnum
  • Changes:
    • Minor internal changes.

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2016-06-29 for RC BlueSteel, LeTigre, Magnum
  • Changes:
    • Minor internal changes.
    • Fixes addressing
      • BUG-11836 [ BENTO ] Increase max animation size
      • BUG-6035 LSL email registration (for receiving email from outside the region) can break without automatic recovery

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2016-06-22 for RC BlueSteel, LeTigre, Magnum
  • Changes:
    • Minor internal changes.
    • Tool Tip/Constant text fixes.

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2016-06-08 for RC BlueSteel, LeTigre
  • Changes:
    • Minor internal changes.

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2016-06-01 for RC BlueSteel, LeTigre, Magnum
  • Changes:
    • Add mnemonic names to be used in LSL scripts when attaching to the new attachment points on the Bento skeleton extensions.
    • Minor internal changes.

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2016-05-25 for RC BlueSteel, LeTigre, Magnum
  • Changes:
    • Fixed a new server crash that was found last week.

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2016-05-11 for RC BlueSteel, LeTigre, Magnum
  • Changes:
    • Minor internal improvements. No visible functional changes to Second Life.

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2016-04-27 for RC BlueSteel, LeTigre, Magnum
  • Changes:
    • Server crash fix
    • Minor internal improvements

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2016-04-06 for RC BlueSteel, LeTigre, Magnum
  • Changes:

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2016-02-24 for RC BlueSteel, LeTigre, Magnum
  • Changes:
    • Server crash fix
    • Minor internal improvements

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2016-02-18 for RC BlueSteel, LeTigre, Magnum
  • Changes:
    • Update on the simhosts. Nothing is changing Second Life functionality wise.

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2016-01-27 for RC BlueSteel, LeTigre, Magnum
  • Changes:
    • Fix for BUG-1313 "LSL llSetPos in root prim of attachment behaves differently at high altitudes - viewer does not show updates"
    • Internal fixes

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2016-01-20 for RC BlueSteel, LeTigre, Magnum
  • Changes: