Animesh Test

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NOTE: This test supports the new features of the Animesh viewer currently (March 2018) available for testing at Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers.


Test all functionality of the Animesh viewer.

Test Plan

Stop / Start animation with LSL

Test is at secondlife://Aditi/secondlife/Animesh2/7/247/23

  • Click the black monolith and choose to start animations from the menu.
  • Verify the Animesh model animates.
  • Click the black monolith and choose to stop animations
  • Verify the Animesh model stops animating.
  • Click the black monolith and choose to start animations.
  • Relog.
  • Verify the Animesh model is animating.
  • Move to an adjacent region
  • Verify the Animesh model is still animating.
  • Relog.
  • Verify the Animesh model is animating when viewed from an adjacent region.
  • Click the black monolith and choose to stop animations
  • Verify Animesh model stops animating.
  • Click the black monolith and choose to start animations.
  • Verify Animesh model animates.

Non-root prims in an animated object should be able to start and stop animations

Test is at secondlife://Aditi/secondlife/Animesh2/23/249/23

  • Click the black monolith and choose to start animations.
  • Verify the Animesh model animates.
  • Click the black monolith and choose to stop animations
  • Verify the Animesh model stops animating.

Any animation triggered by any prim can drive any bone in the skeleton

Test is at secondlife://Aditi/secondlife/Animesh2/37/248/23

  • Click the black monolith and choose to start animations.
  • Verify the man animates typing and turning at the same time. (Two scripts in the 2 boxes are playing animations on the skeleton.)
  • Click the black monolith and choose to stop animations
  • Verify the man stops animating.

Animated objects should play only requested animations

Test is at secondlife://Aditi/secondlife/Animesh2/37/249/23

  • Enable Develop menu -> Avatar -> Animation info
  • Click the black monolith and choose to start animations.
  • Verify only 2 animations appear above the Animesh, then disappear, then repeat.

Wear / sit on animesh

Go to secondlife://Aditi/secondlife/Animesh2/7/247/23

  • Log in an observer on an adjacent region
  • Take 3 copies of the Animesh model to your inventory.
  • Attempt to add the 3 Animesh models to different attachment points of your avatar.
  • Verify this fails with an error that explains you cannot attach more animated objects. (Current limit is 1 - 2017/11/9)
  • Click the black monolith and choose to start animations.
  • Verify the attached Animesh model animates.
  • Verify the observer sees the same thing.
  • Take a copy of the Animesh model and rez it on the ground.
  • Sit on the Animesh model.
  • Verify all the Animesh models animate.
  • Verify the observer sees the same thing.
  • Log in an observer with a viewer that does not support Animesh (eg. ). Verify the Animesh models are visible but not animating.
  • Cleanup: Detach the Animesh model. Stand up and delete that Animesh model.

Get list of currently playing animations

Go to secondlife://Aditi/secondlife/Animesh2/7/247/23

  • Take a copy of an Animesh object that is playing animations
  • Rez the Animesh object.
  • Add the following script to the Animesh object.
        llSay(0, "Hello, Avatar!");
        list curr_anims = llGetObjectAnimationNames();
        llOwnerSay("curr_anims are " + (string) curr_anims);
  • Verify all playing animations are listed while it is animating and none are listed while animations not playing
  • Cleanup: delete the animesh object.

Selection and Editing

  • Verify you can select an animating Animesh by dragging a selection box around it while the Edit Tools (ctrl+3) are open.
  • Verify all selected animated objects pause all of their animations for the person selecting them.
  • Verify observers see the selected Animesh continue to animate.
  • Unselecting any animated object should resume its animations.
  • Verify you can select an animating Animesh with left-click while the Edit Tools (ctrl+3) are open. (known issue MAINT-7709)
  • Verify you can select an animating Animesh with right-click. The standard object right-click menu will appear and the object will be shown with a wireframe.
  • Verify selecting an animated object via the Build menu -> Region Objects floater behaves similarly - the animation is stopped. (This is only testable if you are estate owner or manager or parcel owner)
  • Editing the translation and rotation of an animated object should work.
  • Editing the scale of an animated object will not work.
  • Moving an Animesh object across region boundaries while editing should work.