Bug triage/2008-11-10/Transcript
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Revision as of 15:09, 11 November 2008 by Alexa Linden (talk | contribs) (New page: * [12:03] Bridie Linden: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bug_triage/Monday_Agenda * [12:03] Khyota Wulluf: gonna launch 1.22.0 * [12:03] [...)
- [12:03] Bridie Linden: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bug_triage/Monday_Agenda
- [12:03] Khyota Wulluf: gonna launch 1.22.0
- [12:03] Alexa Linden: Party people in the house!
- [12:03] Soft Linden: Bridie delivers
- [12:03] Alexa Linden: lol
- [12:03] Bridie Linden: grins
- [12:03] Bridie Linden: Let's dive in
- [12:03] Bridie Linden: * VWR-8932[c
- [edit]]
- [12:03] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-8932
- [12:03] Soft Linden: This one is fixed internally
- [12:03] Soft Linden: Should be in 1.22
- [12:04] Bridie Linden: great!
- [12:04] Bridie Linden: we should sync them up
- [12:04] Soft Linden: Can be marked fix pending, with viewer_1-22 as the branch
- [12:04] Gordon Wendt: if it pops up again after 1.22 reopen?
- [12:04] Soft Linden: yup
- [12:04] Bridie Linden: nods
- [12:04] Bridie Linden: Ok, next up...
- [12:04] Bridie Linden: WEB-841[c
- [12:04] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-841
- [12:05] Bridie Linden: reads
- [12:05] Soft Linden: I don't know if the referral change was intentional - this shold go sraight to the web team, I think
- [12:05] Khyota Wulluf: in no work
- [12:05] Bridie Linden: agrees/wonders with Soft
- [12:06] Bridie Linden: Let's import and send to web team
- [12:06] Alexa Linden: web it is :_
- [12:06] Alexa Linden: :)
- [12:06] Bridie Linden: ty
- [12:06] Bridie Linden: next up
- [12:06] Bridie Linden: VWR-5287[c
- [12:06] Alexa Linden: yup
- [12:06] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-5287
- [12:06] Alexa Linden: seen this
- [12:06] Phillip Vought: yes.. same here
- [12:07] Bridie Linden: old issue?
- [12:07] Gordon Wendt: hmm, it doesn't show as phantom in the edit dialog?
- [12:07] Squirrel Wood: if you have a set of linked prims and stand on one of the prims when the prim changes size/scale via script. the linkset turns phantom until you stop colliding with it
- [12:07] Soft Linden: It may or may not be. I'd want to know whether it's phantom for everyone or just the one person.
- [12:07] Alexa Linden: it may be but it happens a lot lately
- [12:07] Alexa Linden: just me
- [12:07] Bridie Linden: welcomes Erica Lindena with agenda: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bug_triage/Monday_Agenda
- [12:07] Soft Linden: Since havok4 I've seen cases where if I TP or unsit directly into the middle of something, I don't collide with the object anymore, but others still do
- [12:08] Alexa Linden: I can tp to my platform where otheres are walking
- [12:08] Soft Linden: Ah, Chalice mentions that in a comment too - says it's fixable by sitting on it and standing
- [12:08] Alexa Linden: and I will fall through over and over again
- [12:08] Alexa Linden: yes
- [12:08] Alexa Linden: that's what I do - I sit
- [12:08] Bridie Linden: Is this viewer issue or server?
- [12:08] Soft Linden: Definitely server
- [12:09] Gordon Wendt: If it's only when changing scale then that's an issue with how collisions are being handled when that's happening it seems
- [12:09] Bridie Linden: We should move it in Issue Tracker
- [12:09] Bridie Linden: Is this reproducable?
- [12:09] Soft Linden: I'm afraid if this is imported right now, it won't get attention
- [12:09] Soft Linden: Don't see any clear repro there.
- [12:09] Alexa Linden: ya, I can't repro it
- [12:10] Bridie Linden: Hmm
- [12:10] Soft Linden: If we could ask for help with finding one before import, it's more likely to get fixed on import
- [12:10] Bridie Linden: Maybe we can ask Andrew tot ake a peek...
- [12:10] Alexa Linden: agreed
- [12:10] Bridie Linden: Soft, do you want to add a comment/request for info/repro?
- [12:10] Soft Linden: Sure, will do
- [12:10] Alexa Linden: and I'll ping andrew
- [12:10] Bridie Linden: Thx!
- [12:10] Bridie Linden: Thx * 2
- [12:11] Bridie Linden: Next up...
- [12:11] Bridie Linden: VWR-9172[c
- [12:11] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-9172
- [12:11] Bridie Linden: I haven't seen this one...
- [12:11] Alexa Linden: me neither
- [12:11] Khyota Wulluf: hmm
- [12:11] Gordon Wendt: plenty of repros
- [12:12] Bridie Linden: looks like not just Nvidia either
- [12:12] Q Linden: Hopefully people are sending in crash reports
- [12:12] Gordon Wendt: accidental repros though, I don't see how to try to induce this
- [12:12] Phillip Vought: Sent dozens the last week or so ;)
- [12:12] Gordon Wendt: Q, 3 attached to that issue
- [12:12] Q Linden: cool
- [12:12] Bridie Linden: Q can you take a look?
- [12:12] Gordon Wendt: plus I'm sure some sent through through the reporter
- [12:14] Bridie Linden: Should we import and see if we can find other examples of crash reports? or wait?
- [12:14] Q Linden: bridie, looking..we should import, yes
- [12:14] Q Linden: assign to maint-render, looks like a render issue
- [12:14] Bridie Linden: Thx Q
- [12:14] Bridie Linden: Next up...
- [12:14] Bridie Linden: SVC-2464[c
- [12:14] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-2464
- [12:15] Phillip Vought: What is the normal range for "other"?
- [12:15] Gordon Wendt: I think this one was also brought up at last week's (10/3) meeting
- [12:15] Gordon Wendt: err 11/3
- [12:15] Bridie Linden: Not sure Phillip, Soft?
- [12:16] Soft Linden: For that right-clicking one, it should be linked to DEV-20957 and DEV-21951
- [12:16] Squirrel Wood: normal is below 3ms
- [12:16] Bridie Linden: Ah, looks like Gordon
- [12:16] Joeseph Albanese: new info tho
- [12:16] Gordon Wendt: Yes it was, as needs more info with a request for the user environment which the reporter seems to have provided in the last comment
- [12:17] Gordon Wendt: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-2464?focusedCommentId=86024#action_86024 is the relevant comment I believe
- [12:17] Bridie Linden: But it is a question about sim performance...
- [12:17] Soft Linden: Sweethearts is way yellow in grid tool right now with 58
- [12:18] Soft Linden: Not all sims get bad with that many people there. This should go to support first to look at why the sim is laggy. May be an everyday problem with too many scripts or such
- [12:18] Phillip Vought: But "other" is a rather odd place to see script impact
- [12:18] Alexa Linden: so support ticket for the sim?
- [12:18] Bridie Linden: nods to Soft
- [12:19] Squirrel Wood: Ooo!
- [12:19] Bridie Linden: Did Dan leave?
- [12:19] Phillip Vought: its the one area we simowners can't affect
- [12:19] Squirrel Wood: You could add a traffic light display to the map display for each sim to show its condition :p
- [12:19] Bridie Linden: Who else could we ask to comment about what "other" means?
- [12:20] Aimee Trescothick: heh, "Weather" map sunny symbols, or rainy ones :D
- [12:20] Q Linden: "all the things we haven't instrumented"
- [12:20] Joeseph Albanese: lol
- [12:20] Bridie Linden: grins
- [12:20] Phillip Vought: Lol @ Q
- [12:20] Bridie Linden: So send to Support for now?
- [12:20] Squirrel Wood: This is where all the bu.. err.. features are hidden ;)
- [12:20] Alexa Linden: listens for the violins
- [12:20] Soft Linden: Would send it to support first to see if they can help with that specific sim.
- [12:20] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:20] Bridie Linden: sounds good
- [12:21] Soft Linden: There's a good argument for splitting apart times on "other" which could be a separate issue
- [12:21] Bridie Linden: Next up
- [12:21] Bridie Linden: VWR-1111[c
- [12:21] Phillip Vought: Does H4 use more "other" than H1 did?
- [12:21] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-1111
- [12:21] Joeseph Albanese: Isn't that a feature request?
- [12:21] Alexa Linden: it should be
- [12:21] Khyota Wulluf: :P
- [12:21] Bridie Linden: Yup
- [12:21] Alexa Linden: I'll move
- [12:21] Squirrel Wood: Periapse Linden - 12/Jun/07 04:56 PM
- Will look at new feature requests after Qarl finishes the first round of bug squashing. Keeping ticket open.
- [12:22] Gordon Wendt: Looks like it, sorry that one must have missed my attention when building the lists
- [12:22] Bridie Linden: 2007!
- [12:22] Alexa Linden: no worries Gordon :D
- [12:22] Bridie Linden: Let's ping Qarl on this :)
- [12:22] Alexa Linden: wow - chat lag
- [12:22] Squirrel Wood: but definitely not a bug.
- [12:22] Gordon Wendt: wow, must not have been too long before the JIRA was even created
- [12:22] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:22] Alexa Linden: I'll move and ping
- [12:22] Gordon Wendt: after I mean
- [12:22] Khyota Wulluf: feature requests?
- [12:23] Alexa Linden: ya
- [12:23] Soft Linden: Phillip - it might have more allocated to "other" - if you do find that disproportonate time is allocated there, it would be good to JIRA breaking "other" up into more detail. But please add notes on how to spike other disproportionately
- [12:23] Khyota Wulluf: is there another meeting for them too?
- [12:23] Phillip Vought: I'll watch and report
- [12:23] Bridie Linden: For feature requests, Khyota?
- [12:23] Khyota Wulluf: yeah
- [12:23] Bridie Linden: Not specifically
- [12:24] Bridie Linden: We cover them occasionally here
- [12:24] Joeseph Albanese: High votes usually gets them here
- [12:24] Bridie Linden: And try to make sure issues have the right component
- [12:24] Bridie Linden: nods to Joespeh
- [12:24] Khyota Wulluf: hmm
- [12:24] Bridie Linden: And we notice if there are requests w/LOTS of votes
- [12:25] Bridie Linden: *cough* dazzle *cough*
- [12:25] Alexa Linden: lol
- [12:25] Bridie Linden: NExt up
- [12:25] Bridie Linden: SVC-3259[c
- [12:25] Alexa Linden: this was from last week - more info added
- [12:25] Gordon Wendt: Another perennial issue it seems
- [12:25] Q Linden: soft, haven't we fixed this internally?
- [12:26] Soft Linden: Q - this is for issues left over after the Mac/Linux libcurl fix.
- [12:26] Joeseph Albanese: What is acceptable for packet loss?
- [12:26] Soft Linden: 1.21 contained those already.
- [12:26] Gellan Glenelg: there are a lot of similar issues being created recently. possibly dupes, but difficult to say when all the info you get is "Can't TP"
- [12:26] Alexa Linden: lol, ya Gellan
- [12:27] Phillip Vought: Linky for JIRA?
- [12:27] Soft Linden: A lot of the comments here point to more than TP problems. Saying that when they log in again they can't move, or saying that changing their bandwidth setting fixes things again
- [12:27] Squirrel Wood: any packet loss above 0% is unacceptable
- [12:27] Phillip Vought: Sq.. I concur and I want to live in your world ;)
- [12:27] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-3259
- [12:28] Bridie Linden: lol
- [12:28] Aimee Trescothick: we want all our lost packets back
- [12:28] Joeseph Albanese: That wireless router mentioned is junk.
- [12:28] Squirrel Wood: I have been disconnected while TPing and while moving to another sim... both were opensims in those cases.. on 1.21.6
- [12:28] Phillip Vought: This reaks of VPN issues
- [12:28] Phillip Vought: wreaks even
- [12:29] Bridie Linden: Soft, is there new/useful info there (in 3259)?
- [12:29] Soft Linden: Still reading
- [12:29] Gordon Wendt: Joeseph, wireless routers and general and SL have never gotten along it seems, supposedly SL breaks some basic rules that doesn't effect wired connections but can kill wireless connections entirely
- [12:29] Soft Linden: Nothing really so far. But we should import it because it's clear there are still some problems.
- [12:29] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:29] Bridie Linden: nods
- [12:29] Gordon Wendt: that gleamed from what I've read on various JIRA issues on the subject btw, I've never tested that
- [12:30] Joeseph Albanese: Oh I agree but that particular model has MTU issues out of the box.
- [12:30] Bridie Linden: is so happy 972 fixed up her TP issues (on home network)!
- [12:30] Bridie Linden: No patches listed this week...
- [12:30] Bridie Linden: so we'll jump into the Misc pool
- [12:30] Soft Linden: Yeah. A -lot- of Mac and Linux people said 972 fixed things for them.
- [12:30] Khyota Wulluf: that puppeteernig one that never goes away!
- [12:30] Bridie Linden: splashes
- [12:31] Gordon Wendt: Bridie, there was one on the lists but it was that pupeteering thing and I gather that has been discontinued as a branch?
- [12:31] Gordon Wendt: so I removed it
- [12:31] Alexa Linden: lol thanks Gordon
- [12:31] Bridie Linden: ok
- [12:31] Bridie Linden: VWR-10326[c
- [12:31] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-10326
- [12:31] Alexa Linden: Periapse made a comment but ya, it stays on our list
- [12:31] Alexa Linden: looks at the nice avatar in the pic ^^
- [12:32] Bridie Linden: nice pics
- [12:32] Khyota Wulluf: oh yes, ive reprod this on windows too
- [12:32] Gordon Wendt: anthro fox av doing bullet time :)
- [12:32] Phillip Vought: This is repro'd with any avatar moving (non-animated)
- [12:32] Khyota Wulluf: laughs
- [12:32] Bridie Linden: We've got quite a few Space Nav issues piled up...
- [12:32] Soft Linden: Someone could suggest to Gigs that the patch search there should omit items with "last reviewed" dates in the future. That's how issues like the puppeteering will always appear.
- [12:32] Phillip Vought: I'm a photog and any movement in freeze does this
- [12:32] Alexa Linden: ya
- [12:33] Squirrel Wood: I see avatars leaving their prims behind and their "body" not being displayed... until I move the camera in such a way that they end up behind it. Then move it back and its fixed. Could that be related ?
- [12:33] Bridie Linden: but I don't think these will get attention any time soon
- [12:33] Bridie Linden: sadly
- [12:33] Phillip Vought: This is not space nav specific
- [12:33] Bridie Linden: Sounds like attachment issue...
- [12:33] Khyota Wulluf: is flycam in freeze frame not intended?
- [12:33] Joeseph Albanese: can we start a donation fund for space nav issues?
- [12:33] Khyota Wulluf: the shortcut doesnt work
- [12:33] Phillip Vought: yes Bridie
- [12:33] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-8920
- [12:33] Khyota Wulluf: only the spacenav button
- [12:34] Bridie Linden: dupe?
- [12:34] Joeseph Albanese: I dont think so
- [12:34] Alexa Linden: I don't think so
- [12:34] Soft Linden: Looks to me like the real issue is that the button shouldn't be active in that mode
- [12:35] Joeseph Albanese: one is prims coming unglued, this is prims disappearing
- [12:35] Soft Linden: If the keyboard is locked against camera movement, the spacenav should be as well.
- [12:35] Gordon Wendt: bounch to UI people?
- [12:35] Phillip Vought: Well there are two issues.. one movement where there should be none.. and a bug with attachments in Freeze frame
- [12:35] Gordon Wendt: *bounce rather
- [12:35] Bridie Linden: comment Soft?
- [12:35] Alexa Linden: this is linked to the meta issue already
- [12:35] Bridie Linden: relates to 8920?
- [12:35] Soft Linden: On the first issue, I'd rename it as "spacenav shouldn't allow flycam in freezeframe mode"
- [12:36] Gellan Glenelg: I don't think so bridie
- [12:36] Alexa Linden: no
- [12:36] Bridie Linden: hangs head
- [12:36] Alexa Linden: lol
- [12:36] Khyota Wulluf: aww
- [12:36] Alexa Linden: /em pat pats Brindie
- [12:36] Khyota Wulluf: spacenav in freezeframe is fun
- [12:36] Joeseph Albanese: aww someone give her a glod slart
- [12:37] Bridie Linden: is better now!
- [12:37] Bridie Linden: Renaming the issue sounds good
- [12:37] Aimee Trescothick: Space Nav in mouselook used to be even more fun :D
- [12:37] Alexa Linden: ya, I think that's a good idea
- [12:37] Aimee Trescothick: can't do that now :(
- [12:37] Bridie Linden: And is there another issue to be created?
- [12:37] Alexa Linden: Khyota, any issue if I rename this?
- [12:37] Alexa Linden: do you mind?
- [12:38] Khyota Wulluf: no course not
- [12:38] Bridie Linden: cool
- [12:38] Khyota Wulluf: go ahead
- [12:38] Alexa Linden: done
- [12:38] Bridie Linden: Shall we keep keepin' on?
- [12:38] Bridie Linden: Next is
- [12:39] Bridie Linden: VWR-5939[c
- [12:39] Squirrel Wood: 5939 sounds like a driver issue to me. I would suggest to reinstall the sound drivers and, to save time, get the latest ones from the manufacturers website.
- [12:39] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-5939
- [12:39] Khyota Wulluf: i added one above that, maybe not refreshed?
- [12:39] Alexa Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-10124
- [12:39] Joeseph Albanese: Squirrel is correct. I had it happen a few times, reinstalled driver and it never repeated.
- [12:39] Bridie Linden: sorry, 'bout that
- [12:39] Alexa Linden: Home and Last location screenshots should be saved as png.
- [12:40] Bridie Linden: So would someone comment on 5939?
- [12:40] Gordon Wendt: Feature request I think
- [12:40] Alexa Linden: yes
- [12:40] Bridie Linden: And now on to VWR-10124[c
- [12:40] Gordon Wendt: was doing some pre-looking at that one and it looks like a simple request to change the format that the load images are saved as
- [12:40] Soft Linden: For 5939, the reporter says that no sound on the computer work, not just SL. That doesn't sound like an SL issue
- [12:40] Khyota Wulluf: i could not decide weather this should be a feature request or not
- [12:40] Bridie Linden: is a request
- [12:40] Bridie Linden: 10124 is a request that is, not me
- [12:40] Squirrel Wood: I'll comment on the sound issue
- [12:40] Alexa Linden: I'll move it to FR
- [12:41] Bridie Linden: ty *2
- [12:41] Alexa Linden: NMI on VWR-5939?
- [12:41] Kerry Giha: It seems reasonable enogh
- [12:41] Kerry Giha: *enough
- [12:41] Alexa Linden: stream down?
- [12:41] Bridie Linden: wonders what Q thinks of 10124...
- [12:41] Alexa Linden: what exact programs no longer play?
- [12:41] Soft Linden: I'd do "contact support" for 5939 if anything.
- [12:42] Soft Linden: But if it's all sound stopping, not just SL, it's not likely to be anything we're doing.
- [12:42] Alexa Linden: true
- [12:42] Alexa Linden: support it is
- [12:42] Bridie Linden: sold!
- [12:42] Soft Linden: VWR-10124 sounds like a good idea. I die a little every time I see an 8 meg snapshot as part of my backups.
- [12:42] Bridie Linden: Q any thoughts on 10124?
- [12:43] Bridie Linden: grins @ Soft
- [12:43] Q Linden: Sorry, didn't see the flag -- it's definitely a feature request, but .bmp should die.
- [12:43] Bridie Linden: weeps a little
- [12:43] Soft Linden: There's a current issue for getting rid of one of the two files and only using one snapshot regardless of the login type. This should be linked to that.
- [12:43] Alexa Linden: is it worth sending to Rx?
- [12:43] Bridie Linden: Internal or in PJIRA Soft?
- [12:43] Soft Linden: Internal - looking for it
- [12:43] Q Linden: Why does RX care about format?
- [12:44] Khyota Wulluf: yay
- [12:44] Bridie Linden: I'd love for Viewer folks to consider...
- [12:44] Bridie Linden: import and send to Viewer folks, pls
- [12:44] Q Linden: Let's import it and link it internally
- [12:44] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:44] Bridie Linden: (dance)
- [12:44] Aimee Trescothick: hmm, I wouldn't be in favour of not have separate snapshots for the two
- [12:45] Q Linden: aimee, why?
- [12:45] Bridie Linden: Let's pause the agenda for a couple of late breaking adds...one from Aleric and 2 from Gordon
- [12:45] Bridie Linden: Aleric?
- [12:45] Alexa Linden: okie
- [12:45] Aimee Trescothick: sometimes the reason for logging in at home is because you don't want someone with you in RL to see what you were doing when you last logged off :D
- [12:46] Alexa Linden: LMAO
- [12:46] Alexa Linden: sold Aimmee!
- [12:46] Gordon Wendt: Aimee, I thought you said we'd never speak of that :)
- [12:46] Alexa Linden: Aimee*
- [12:46] Kerry Giha: Been there :)
- [12:46] Bridie Linden: giggles
- [12:46] Phillip Vought: Why Aimee.. somethign to tell ;)
- [12:46] Aimee Trescothick: and when I log in normally I like seeing what I was doing last as a reminder :D
- [12:46] Alexa Linden: LOL
- [12:46] Aimee Trescothick: wellll *blush*
- [12:46] Ellla McMahon: please could I add a quick question too, if there's time
- [12:46] Soft Linden: Found it - the snapshot PNG issue should be linked to DEV-22890 when imported. It would make sense to do those two together.
- [12:46] Bridie Linden: thx Soft,
- [12:47] Alexa Linden: thanks soft
- [12:47] Alexa Linden: wrote it down
- [12:47] Bridie Linden: ok Aleric, Gordon and Ellla each get 3 mins and 30 secs
- [12:47] Q Linden: gonna comment on 22890 also
- [12:47] Aleric Inglewood: me now?
- [12:47] Bridie Linden: Aleric, whatcha got for us?
- [12:47] Alexa Linden: yup :)
- [12:47] Aleric Inglewood: Yesterday the non-UI part of my rendering went black. Not only mine, but friends that were with me as well. At first we thought it was a griever attack (whatever that would be) and my friends TP-ed away. I stayed because I wanted to know more.
- [12:47] Alexa Linden: fire a link at us :D
- [12:47] Aleric Inglewood: I found the following: Whatever it was it was rendered as 'simple'. It was so totally overloading everything that I could see nothing except when I switched to wire-frame only, and even then it slowed down my client (100% cpu usage).
- [12:47] Gellan Glenelg: were you in a sandbox?
- [12:47] Aleric Inglewood: The cpu usage was caused by mathematical calculations, not by drawing and my client was heavily loaded no matter what rendering I turned off. In the wire-frame view I saw that the "attack" came from one point, later I detected two of them.
- [12:48] Aleric Inglewood: Once caught in their beam, or so it seemed, it was impossible to escape even if I put mountains or buildings inbetween. However, if I TP-ed out and back in to a spot where the sources were not visible to me - I had no problems, until I rounded a corner and it "spotted" me again (or I spotted "it" ?).
- If I got closer than 200-300 meters from a source my client stalled, being so completely overloaded that I could move at all anymore. Also the server was extremely overloaded; lag could have resulted from that too. I have a screenshot here: http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/griever-screenshot.png . That was already so near the sources that I could hardly move.
- [12:48] Khyota Wulluf: oh the griefer attack?
- [12:48] Aleric Inglewood: The effect also came with a sound that strengthened my feeling it was a crafted effect. Not only that, I TP-ed to another SIM and there was the same thing going on (the screenshot is of that sand box sim). At the moment the effect disappeared, about half an hour later, first one source disappeared and 2 seconds later the other. I immediately flew to the spot where the source had been, but saw nothing special, except a an avie that flew up into the air, seemingly from the point where the source had been). I spoke to a resident there and he told me he also had been switching to another location in order escape the effect and had found it to be on two places (it seems to be a region wide attack, he said).
- [12:48] Aleric Inglewood: Question: server bug, or ddos? Does anyone know what this is?
- [12:48] Gellan Glenelg: aleric, it sounds like what I've seen a lot recentlly: scripted megaprims, usually in sandbox goguen
- [12:49] Alexa Linden: yup yup
- [12:49] Gellan Glenelg: always same creator; completely obscures screebn ; often crashed my client
- [12:49] Bridie Linden: wowza
- [12:49] Khyota Wulluf: we can make megapirms again??
- [12:49] Aleric Inglewood: Can't there be anything done to automatically detect them and stop their effect?
- [12:49] Bridie Linden: Worthy of AR?
- [12:49] Phillip Vought: umm.. I'm not tellin' if they dont know ;)
- [12:49] Soft Linden: Which JIRA are we on? I've lost myself!
- [12:49] Gellan Glenelg: not a jira, soft
- [12:49] Gordon Wendt: Soft, this isn't a JIRA I don't think
- [12:50] Bridie Linden: adhoc agenda items now soft
- [12:50] Alexa Linden: this is Q & A Soft
- [12:50] Khyota Wulluf: looke like a tesseract o.o
- [12:50] Gordon Wendt: I'd say AR + possibly bring up the wider issue next time the G-team meets
- [12:50] Alexa Linden: I would AR someone like this
- [12:50] Alexa Linden: jinx
- [12:50] Squirrel Wood: malformed megaprim ?
- [12:50] Gellan Glenelg: from my observations, it's multiple, rotating black megaprims, at least 1024x1024
- [12:51] Squirrel Wood: physical?
- [12:51] Alexa Linden: ouch
- [12:51] Alexa Linden: that would hurt
- [12:51] Gordon Wendt: Squirrel, with some scripting and some of the functions available on a larger prim you can do some pretty twisted things to a sim. Only tested this on Aditi though.... </me shiftily looks both ways>
- [12:51] Bridie Linden: Ok to discuss Gordon's issues now? Aleric ping one of us if you have further questions
- [12:51] Gellan Glenelg: don't know, squirrel. I usually just AR and wait 20 minutes before going back
- [12:51] Gordon Wendt: Right, two quickies, https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-9326 and https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-7792
- [12:51] Alexa Linden: and I would AR them
- [12:51] Gordon Wendt: both are related I believe
- [12:52] Gordon Wendt: although on the last one I'm still not sure if it's a height issue
- [12:52] Aleric Inglewood: The best would be to catch the people who do it... but it's also having a bad effect on SL as a whole. I talked about it with a friend and he said "yes, that happens a lot lately, it's why many people want to leave mainland"
- [12:52] Bridie Linden: 9326 is imported
- [12:52] Gordon Wendt: even though it's on 1850
- [12:52] Alexa Linden: yup
- [12:52] Gordon Wendt: MISC-1850 rather which is the height meta issue
- [12:52] Phillip Vought: Imported last week yes?
- [12:52] Squirrel Wood: Ah. I remember one of those two from last weeks triage
- [12:52] Bridie Linden: and we'll look @ internal triage tomorrow, most likely
- [12:53] Gordon Wendt: Squirrel, yes I think both were brought up in relation to another one that has since been marked fix pending
- [12:53] Alexa Linden: yup
- [12:53] Bridie Linden: Same for other one
- [12:53] Gordon Wendt: ok thanks
- [12:53] Gordon Wendt: that's all from me then
- [12:53] Alexa Linden: wooty :D
- [12:53] Bridie Linden: Ok, I'll update if there's additional info tomorrow
- [12:53] Bridie Linden: Ellla?
- [12:53] Ellla McMahon: [1] I can repro this but to write it up I need a region where the Music URL is ALWAYS not going to work .. is there one ? Or do we just wait til it gets to Triage ?
- [12:53] Ellla McMahon: thank you Bridie :)
- [12:53] Aimee Trescothick: hmm, I thought those got fixed already
- [12:54] Alexa Linden: could I set a dead url on my land for testing Ellla?
- [12:54] Soft Linden: I got lost for a moment here. Is anyone making a JIRA for the griefing/megaprim stuff?
- [12:54] Alexa Linden: all the radios always have a good 50 defunct streams with them :p
- [12:54] Phillip Vought: Doesnt say Dead Alexa.. says "bad" .. I assume he means malformed
- [12:55] Alexa Linden: ahhh
- [12:55] Alexa Linden: hmmmm
- [12:55] Ellla McMahon: its just for writing up the repro, if the URL is active for certain times of the day/week then the issue can't ALWAYS be repro'd
- [12:55] Alexa Linden: well if I have an example you could use my land
- [12:55] Bridie Linden: right Ellla
- [12:55] Bridie Linden: or mine
- [12:55] Phillip Vought: Example in the Jira
- [12:55] Bridie Linden: soft: I asked Aleric to
- [12:56] Bridie Linden: I think Ellla is saying that the repro may not always repro, Phillip
- [12:56] Ellla McMahon: [2] I repro'd last night (see later comments)
- [12:56] Entering god: mode, level 150
- [12:56] Bridie Linden: Alexa do you want to add malformed stream to your parcel?
- [12:57] Alexa Linden: heck I can add teh bad stream here
- [12:57] Ellla McMahon: but if the URLs are activated then it won;t repro
- [12:57] Bridie Linden: :)
- [12:57] Alexa Linden: since we don't play music here
- [12:57] Joeseph Albanese: Do you just need a spot to use for a while?
- [12:57] Alexa Linden: there
- [12:57] Ellla McMahon: but there's no URL
- [12:57] Bridie Linden: Great, well that brings us to near 1pm
- [12:57] Gordon Wendt: goes through his lists, so many issues so little time
- [12:57] Alexa Linden: the url is plugged in here ellla
- [12:58] Alexa Linden: [3]
- [12:58] Bridie Linden: Hiya Sheet, just wrapping up
- [12:58] Phillip Vought: Quick Question.. How's the Texture pipline redesign going?
- [12:58] Ellla McMahon: thank you : )
- [12:58] Alexa Linden: :)
- [12:58] Gordon Wendt: Bridie, if you want to make it a two hour one we have a ton left in the misc pool :)
- [12:58] Sheet Spotter: Darn, I arrived just in time to hear "We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming." :-)
- [12:58] Bridie Linden: if my day were 25 hrs, Gordon...
- [12:58] Khyota Wulluf: hey soft i had a problem with this new trunk and i diddnt have time to squeeze it in
- [12:58] Alexa Linden: hahaha Hiya Sheet :D
- [12:59] Bridie Linden: Reminder that we have the RC triage on Wednesdays @ 3pm
- [12:59] Aimee Trescothick: you have 25 hour days? I thought we only had 4 hours?
- [12:59] Bridie Linden: and 2 new office hrs/triages on the Preview Grid for server issues on Tuesdays and Thursdays
- [12:59] Q Linden: Aimee, God mode, remember?
- [12:59] Gordon Wendt: Sheet, we're working off of [4] we got down as far as VWR-5939 on the regular schedule
- [12:59] Aimee Trescothick: ;)
- [12:59] Bridie Linden: grins @ Aimee
- [12:59] Khyota Wulluf: 2008-11-10T20:59:25Z llxml/llcontrol.cpp(381) : error
- 2008-11-10T20:59:25Z ERROR: getBOOL: Invalid BOOL control RenderGround
- [12:59] Alexa Linden: Thank you all for coming and I'll see you on Weds.
- [13:00] Bridie Linden: Thx for your help/patience/reports/knowledge!
- [13:00] Q Linden: outie.
- [13:00] Squirrel Wood: ^^
- [13:00] Bridie Linden: See ya next time!
- [13:00] Sheet Spotter: Thanks, Gordon. I'll have to catch up from the transcript. My bad. :-(
- [13:00] Gordon Wendt: Bridie, is there even an RC at the moment?
- [13:00] Aimee Trescothick: waves
- [13:00] Soft Linden: Khyota - I'll do a trunk/ build and see after this meeting.
- [13:00] Squirrel Wood: Have a productive day!
- [13:00] Soft Linden: Does the error happen right away?
- [13:00] Kerry Giha: See ya Thanks
- [13:00] Phillip Vought: Thanks again :)
- [13:00] Squirrel Wood: May you haunt them bugs!