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Emblem-important-yellow.png LSL Feature Request
The described function does not exist. This article is a feature request.


Function: list llGetEstateBanList( integer start );
0.1 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns a list that is a partial list (50 entries after position start) of agents (UUID) banned on the estate.

• integer start index

start supports negative indexes.


Index Positive Negative
First 0 -length
Last length - 1 -1


  • Positive indexes count from the beginning, the first item being indexed as 0, the last as (length - 1).
  • Negative indexes count from the far end, the first item being indexed as -length, the last as -1.


  • This function causes the script to sleep for 0.1 seconds.
  • If start is out of bounds the script continues to execute without an error message.
  • It is limited to returning 50 entries to keep the script from crashing. (300 * 43 bytes = 12900 bytes)



we can add, and we can remove bans - but we can't fully manage the estate ban list to its full potential. While the 300 name limit is generous, we could leverage this function to know exactly what is on the estate ban list at all times, and fully sync it up with an external database.

See Also


•  Negative Index

Deep Notes


//function list llGetEstateBanList( integer start );