Basic Menu test

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Basic Menu Test

  • Goal is to make sure that all basic menu are functional. However, accuracy is not verified.
  • Requirements: 1 user.

Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Verify F and the HOME key starts and stops flying.
  2. Verify that the World/Fly menu command does the same thing.
  3. Verify Ctrl-H opens and closes the chat history.
  4. Verify View/Chat History does the same.
  5. Verify Ctrl-Shift-S takes a snapshot.


  • Before each step, write down your balance.
  1. Choose File/Upload Image to upload a texture, see that $10 is deducted. Immediately after the texture is uploaded, a texture panel is opened with the name and description given by the user. See that texture opens automatically. Double click on the newly saved texture in Inventory/texture, verify it's the correct texture.
  2. Choose File/Upload Sound to upload an audio file, see that $10 is deducted, Immediately after the sound is uploaded, a sound panel is opened with the name and description given by the user . Sound should be played automatically and the audio file is saved in Inventory/Sounds. Double click on the saved sound in Inventory/Sound and verify it's correct
  3. Choose File/Bulk upload to upload 4 texture files: see that $40 is deducted, and the files are saved in Inventory accordingly as in step 1. Double click on the new textures in Inventory/Textures and verify they are the correct textures
  4. Choose File/Bulk upload to upload 3 audio files: see that $30 is deducted, and the files are saved in Inventory accordingly as in step 2. Double click on the new audio items in Inventory/Sounds and verify they all sound right
  5. Choose File/Take Snapshot. See that the Snapshot Preview window is opened. Click 'Save as texture ($10)'. Verify the texture is in your inventory/photo album, that the image is correct and that you $10 was deducted.
  6. Open the snapshot and click File/Save Texture As... . Verify that the image can be saved to your disk and is correct.
  7. Choose File/Close. See that the Texture window closes.
  8. Choose File/Snapshot to Disk. See that no money is deducted, and the picture is saved in your hard disk. Double click on the saved file from window explorer, verify the picture is correct.
  9. Choose File/Quit. See that you are logged out.


  1. Open the welcome note from Inventory/Notecards (or create a new one) and type something in it.
  2. Click Edit/Undo to see that what you've typed is erased.
  3. Click Edit/Redo to see that what you've erased re-appears
  4. Hi-light 2 lines and click on Edit/Cut
  5. click on Edit/Paste to paste it back
  6. Hi-light 2 line and click on Edit/Copy
  7. move cursor to a new and click on Edit/Paste to paste to a new location
  8. Hi-light 2 lines and click on Edit/Delete
  9. Click CTRL-Z (undo)to see that what you've deleted re-appears.
  10. Click CTRL-Y (redo) to redo #7
  11. Hi-light 2 lines and click on CTRL-X
  12. Click on CTRL-V to paste it back
  13. Hi-light 2 line and click on CTRL-C to copy
  14. Move cursor to a new and click on CTRL-V to paste it to a new location
  15. Hi-light 2 lines and click on delete key to remove the 2 lines
  16. Click on Edit/Select All to select all the content
  17. Hit del key to remove.
  18. Click CTRL-Z to undo #16
  19. Click CTRL-A to select all the content
  20. Click Edit/Deselect to deselect all the content
  21. Repeat #18
  22. Click CTRL-E to deselect all the content
  23. Click on Edit/Find.... To bring up the Directory/People window. Close the window
  24. Click on Edit/Gestures... to bring up the Customize Gestures window. Close the window
  25. Click on Edit/Profile... to bring up the Profile window. Close the window
  26. Click on Edit/Appearance... to bring up the Appearance window. Close the window
  27. Click on Edit/Friends... to bring up the Friends window. Close the window.
  28. Click on Edit/Groups... to bring up the My Groups window. Verify all the groups you belong to show up here. Close the window
  29. Click on Edit/Preferences... to bring up the preference window. Close the window
  30. Create a cube, change the cubes color to red. Click on Edit/Duplicate to create a new cube offset 0.5 meters in both the positive X and Y directions. Verify the new cube is red. Delete the second cube.
  31. Select the first cube. Click on Edit/Attach Object/Chest. See your avatar walk to the cube, and the cube attach to your avatars chest. Verify the cube is in your inventory and is bold.
  32. Click on Edit/Detach Object/Chest. Verify the cube is detached from your avatar and still in your inventory.


  1. Click on View/MouseLook to go into mouse look view.
  2. Hit Escape to go back to normal view.
  3. Click on M key to go into mouse look view.
  4. Click on ESC key to go back to normal view
  5. Click on View/Toolbar. Verify the toolbar becomes hidden.
  6. Click on View/Toolbar again. Verify the toolbar becomes visible.
  7. Right-Click on ground a good distance from your avatar and select "go here"
  8. Press 'space' to stop movement
  9. Click on View/Chat History to bring up the chat history window. It should be empty. Close the window
  10. Click on View/Instant Message to bring up the New Instant Messaging (IM) window. Verify that if there are calling cards, they are alphabetically sorted in groups first then user names, and info on whether they are online. Close the window.
  11. Click on View/ Inventory to bring up the Inventory window. Verify that the folders in it are all alphabetically sorted. Close the window.
  12. Click on View/Leaders to bring up the Leader Board window. It should list the top 10 avatars of each category and the user's relative position below.Verify the tabs work for each category. Close the window.
  13. Click on View/Muted Residents to bring up the Muted Residents window.
  14. Click on View/Camera Control to bring up the camera control window. Verify all arrows and +/- works accordingly. Close the window.
  15. Click on View/Movement Control to bring up the movement control window, verify all arrows controls the avatar movement accordingly. Close the window
  16. Click on View/World Map to bring up the Map window. Click the Terrain, Objects, and Land tabs. Verify the Zoom bar works. Close the window.
  17. Click on View/Mini-Map to bring up the Mini-Map window. Close the window.
  18. Click on View/Statistics Bar to bring up the Statistics window. Click Alt-1 to close it.
  19. Click on View/ Property Lines to see lines on land. Turn it off by clicking "P"
  20. Click on View/ Land Owners to see land owned. Verify your land is a different color from other owned land. Click on View/ Land Owners again to turn it off
  21. Click on View/Zoom In to Zoom in. Repeat to see the effect
  22. Click on View/Zoom Default to go back to default
  23. Click on View/Zoom Out to Zoom out. Repeat to see the effect
  24. Click on View/Ctrl 0 to Zoom in. Repeat to see the effect
  25. Click on View/Ctrl 9 to go back to default
  26. Click on View/Ctrl 8 to Zoom out. Repeat to see the effect
  27. Click on View/Ctrl 9 to go back to default
  28. Verify View/Alt Shows Physical highlights physical objects when Alt is pressed.
  29. Verify View/Highlight Transparent turns all alpha (transparent) objects a deep red.
  30. Verify View/Object beacons should draw colored lines thru objects that have scripts, are physical, or are making sounds.


  1. Turn on "Close chat after hitting return" in Edit menu/Preferences.../Chat. Click on World/Chat to enter chat. Verify chat bar at the bottom of the screen is hi-lighted. Type "Hello World " in the Chat bar. Hit return. Verify bar is no longer hi-lighted.
  2. Hit return to enter chat bar. Type "Hello World 2" in the Chat bar. Hit return
  3. Turn off "Close chat after hitting return" in Edit menu/Preferences.../Chat. Click on World/Chat to enter chat. Type "Hello World 3" in the Chat bar. Hit return. Verify that the chat bar is still hi-lighted, your cursor is still in chat bar and you can continue to type.
  4. Buy some land, and click on World/Create Landmark Here. Verify that Inventory window opens, a landmark called "Sim(123,45)" is inserted in the Inventory/Landmarks subfolder.
  5. Click on World/Set Home to Here.
  6. Click your map and teleport to some other location.
  7. Click on World/Teleport Home. Verify that you are now in the new home area created in #5.
  • (need section on start Gesture)
  • (need section on Set Away)
  • (need section on Set Busy)
  1. Click on World/Account History to bring up the Account window. Verify the content and name for accuracy. Click thru the tabs, Check that the scroll bar works. Close the window


  1. Verify that selections in Tools/Select Tool will each bring up the tools palette with the correct tool highlighted.
  2. Enter Ctrl {1,2,3,4,5} to bring up the corresponding tools.
  3. Create an object and select Tools/Take Object. Verify that the object is moved from in-world into your inventory. Object is highlighted in the inventory
  4. In build mode, select Tools/Show Grid. Verify that the Grid is enable
  5. Turn Toggle Grid Display by entering G.
  6. Hit Ctrl-Shift-B to bring up Grid Options. Close the Grid Options window
  7. Reopen Grid Options window by selecting Tools/ Grid Options. Close Grid Options window
  8. Create 4 objects close together, select all 4 objects and click on Tools/Link to link them all up. Verify that the objects are infact linked by moving it.
  9. In build mode, select the object and click on Tools/unlink to unlink the object. Verify the objects are infact unlinked by moving it.
  10. Create a cube and cylinder near each other, 1m from each other and 1m above the ground. select the cube, the shift-select the cylinder. Click on Tools/Make Joint/Hinge. Turn on physics for the cube. Move the cube. it should rotate around the cylinder.
  11. Hold the ALT key, you can see the link become visible, with a yellow sphere in the parent joined by a line to a white sphere in the child, and the joint type displayed a the middle of the line.
  12. Create 2 cubes, 1 of them 1m above the other. Select, the bottom cube, then shift select the top cube. Click on Tools/Make Joint/Point to point. make the bottom cube physical. move the bottom cube. The bottom cube should swing like a tire swing around the top cube.
  13. If you hold the ALT key, you can see the link become visible, with a yellow sphere in the parent joined by a line to a white sphere in the child, and the joint type displayed a the middle of the line.
  14. Create 2 cubes, 1 of them 1m above the other. select, the bottom cube, then shift select the top cube. Click on Tools/Make Joint/Limited Point to point. make the bottom cube physical. move the bottom cube. The bottom cube should swing like a tire swing but be limited to a 90° arc around a point half-way between the cubes.
  15. If you hold the ALT key, you can see the link become visible, with a yellow sphere in the parent joined by a line to a white sphere in the child, and the joint type displayed a the middle of the line.
  16. Right click/Edit some land. Note the price of the land. Click on Tools/Buy Land. Verify you were charged the correct amount, and that the parcel is listed in your World/My Land window.
  17. Right click/Edit your land. Click on Tools/ Release Land. Verify that you were not refunded any money for the cost of the land.
  18. Edit the cube. Click on Tools/Take Copy of Object. Open your inventory and verify that the object is selected. Drag the object to the ground to verify it is the same object.
  19. Create a new object. Take it into your inventory. Rename the object to "delete me". Drag the object to the ground and change it's color to red. Click on Tools/Save Object Back to my Inventory. Now rez the "delete me" object from your inventory and verify that it is red.
  20. Create 2 objects. Name one object "container". Name the other object "cargo", make it red, and take it into your inventory. Drag "cargo" into the contents of the "container" object. Drag "cargo" from "container" onto the ground and change it's color to green. Click on Tools/Save Object Back to Object Contents. Drag "cargo" from "container" onto the ground again and verify that it is green.
  21. Make a default box. Add a New script. Duplicate the box and link the 2 boxes together. Click on Tools/Recompile Scripts in Selection. Verify that a progress window pops up and shows how many scripts are recompiling. Verify that you hear "Hello Avatar" 2 times.
  22. CTRL-ALT-D to un-hide Debug Menu. Click on Debug Menus. Verify it opens to a Debug menu


  1. Click on Help/Basic Help to bring up help page. Close the window
  2. Click on F1 to bring up help page. Close the window
  3. Click on Help/Script Help to bring up help page thru explorer. Note this takes awhile to switch to explorer. Close the explorer window and return back to SL
  4. Click on Help/Message of the day to bring up the MOTD. Make sure it is centered and readable,. Close the window
  5. Verify you can file a Complaint by clicking on Help/Report Abuse
  6. Verify you can Report a Bug by clicking on Help/Report Bug
  7. Click on Help/About SecondLife.. to bring up the latest SL info. Close the window