A Community Gateway (CG) is a starting point for new Residents of SL which is not obtained by Linden Lab, but by an established community in SL. These gateways often offer their own orientation path and try to give Residents an easy start. They might even provide an own RegAPI on their website (like Mainland Brasil or France3D).
This list shows the current and new members of the Community Gateway program sorted by language. We will go live with the updated Community Gateway program in January 2009. The new members will then also be listed on the Community Gateway selection page in the registration process.
Chinese speaking Communities
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CG Name |
Description |
3Immersions |
三境中国第二人生作为一个综合性社区,为使用中文的第二人生玩家提供全面务服。社区内有宜人的风景,民族特色的建筑,开放式的学习区和交流区。公司专注于 Second Life相关的开发与服务,并为第二人生中文用户提供汉化客户端。此外,三境公司还专门为中文用户提供一个公平、公正、公开、便捷的交易平台(www.3jlife.com),帮助中文用户完成林登币、虚拟物品及虚拟地产交易等一系列商务活动。交易网站上设有论坛,以便中文用户相互交流经验和技术。 |
Anshe Chung的梦国 |
作为Second Life中最为成功的社区,,梦国以超过500个专业设计的景观区 和16个风格迥异的主题区而著称于世.。梦国的每一个区域都以其独一无二的生活方式和特色鲜明的建筑风格, 营造出截然不同的感受。梦国现有的成千上万的居民,包括很多杰出的企业家和艺术家吸引着现实中的政府机关、全球100强,、非营利组织、富豪和社会名流纷纷选择梦国作为他们虚拟人生的总部。作为梦国的首都,Plush City是Second Life中最大的商业和娱乐专区,现在已经成为了一个充满人生体验和无限商机的大都会。在开发商Anshe Chung建立的自由的社会环境和有序的经济环境下,梦国已经成为了一个集财富和激情于一身的大陆,更成为了虚拟现实空间史上的一个奇迹。作为第一个开创国际知名网络虚拟社区的中国企业,长期以来 |
Welcome Passage
Dutch speaking Communities
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NL 0031 |
0031 is een bloeiende nederlandstalige community en is al de startplaats voor vele duizenden avatars geweest. Onze website www.nl0031.nl en een overzichtelijke orientatie eiland helpt u op weg om de Second Life® wereld te ontdekken. |
English speaking Communities
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CG Name |
Description |
Anshe's Dreamland |
Dreamland - Second Life's largest resident created neighbourhood has been setting standards for virtual communities since 2004. Explore more than 600 regions envisioned and designed by virtual world celebrity Anshe Chung and more than 5000 Dreamland residents. |
Welcome Passage
Avatar Island |
Make Avatar Island your first stop in Second Life. On Avatar Island you’ll find all you need to create and accessorize your avatar before heading out into SL. You can even use a photo of yourself (or anyone else!) to make a truly unique avatar! |
Avatar Island
Big Pond |
At BigPond’s Australian themed estate, The Pond, you’ll find gorgeous beaches to relax on and inspiring outback expanses, not to mention some world famous tourist attractions. Come experience Oz in SL! |
Dublin in SL |
Dublin is known for its warmth, community, and events. Drop by The Blarney Stone for a pint and a chat with the regulars. Catch a live show; shop; sightsee - real Dubliners say, "It's just like being there!" Visit our web at www.DublinSL.com. |
Fashion Research Institute, Inc. |
Fashion Research Institute’s gateway for training & development entry for apparel industry personnel. FRI hosts art galleries, fashion designers, and a range of interactive activities in our Shengri La 5-island complex. |
Shengri La
Orientation Station |
Welcoming you to the Metaverse are five professionally built training regions and welcome area. Clever is our fun gamer region with cool Avatar appearances! Bright allows for general resident entry and also is a reservation region for VIP private use. Scholar is designed with extensive tutorials for educators and students. Business people who want quicker yet in depth training can enter our Genius region, where you will find business resources and corporate attire. Our Metaverse Mentors will provide personal attention and can even be paged from any region to assist you. OS supports 24 languages! We welcome you to enter a new experience in Second Life learning. |
Steampunk Victorian Caledon and NCI |
Steampunk Victorian Caledon: Warm, civil, friendly! Free small starter residences for do-it-yourselfers and the community-minded alike! In association with NCI, the biggest new resident group on the grid. |
Caledon Oxbridge
The Azure Islands |
One of the largest resident owned and operated continents, with over 13 square kilometers of virtual land to explore and over a thousand residents to meet! We've prepared a new user experience that gives you a grounding in how to get the most out of Second Life! |
AzureIslands Welcome
Vienna Freebies (EN) |
Join us and enjoy your Second Life for free! We offer you more than 1500 themed freebie sets, free clubs, parties, live music events, snow board races, sky diving games and much more! |
Virtual Ability |
We provide a community of support for people with disabilities or chronic illnesses, their family and caregivers. Our training is open to anyone, and ideal if you learn best by self-paced detailed instruction. |
Virtual Ability
French speaking Communities
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Description |
France Pittoresque |
Île francophone d'accueil, discussion, aide et détente sur Second Life depuis mars 2007, idéale pour vos premiers pas (tutoriaux, vêtements gratuits, etc.). Un groupe de plusieurs milliers de membres. |
Bienvenue sur notre parcours d’orientation pour débutants sur Second Life. France3D, le point de départ idéal de votre seconde vie : shopping, jeux, discos, ski & snowboard, business, art & création, bons plans, évènements culturels. |
FRANCE3D Sentu Novio
Gaia |
Bienvenue! Gaïa a été créée pour vous et votre seconde vie. Découvrez la plus populaire et la plus ancienne des régions d'accueil francophone. Les French Mentors sont là pour vous aider! |
Liberta |
Liberta, un état virtuel dans un cadre réaliste venez rencontrer, partager et vous amuser ; villes, montagnes, plages, forêt, mer naviguable et moyents de transports comme l'avion, tramway, bus, bateaux, telecabine... |
German speaking Communities
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CG Name |
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Die Deutschland Startinsel |
Die Deutschland Startinsel ist der Start- und Treffpunkt für die deutsche Community in Second Life. Egal ob Du angesagte Parties, kostenlose Ausrüstung oder Anfängerkurse suchst – hier bist Du richtig! |
Deutschland Startinsel
Frankfurt Virtuell |
Die virtuelle Erlebniswelt Frankfurt - erste deutsche Stadt in Second Life. Für (fast) jeden Geschmack etwas dabei. Von Partymusik bis Rock, unter der Erde in der U-Bahn, oder über den Wolken in der Skyline: unterschiedliche Locations mit vielfältigen Musikrichtungen und Leuten. |
Köln 3D |
Mit dem Virtuellen Köln und dem Virtuellen Kölner Dom findet ihr auch in Second Life die liebenswerte Rheinmetropole! Mit ausführlichem SL-Einführungs-Tutorial in deutscher Sprache. |
Virtuelles Koeln
München virtuell |
“München virtuell” ist das einzigartige Modell der Münchner Innenstadt. Über 200 Gebäude, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Lokale, Galerien, Clubs und Shops. Ein einzigartiges Erlebnis und eine freundliche Community. |
Munich City
Die virtuelle Metropole im Maßstab 1:1. Hier tanzt der Berliner Bär! Events, Clubs, Sightseeing, Shopping, Sport & Kultur. Leichter Einstieg: Persönliche Helfer, Jobs, eine Schule und... ALLES GRATIS! |
New Berlin
Swiss Tutorial |
Swiss Tutorial, das schweizer Tutorial zu Second Life®; interaktiv, im Web und inworld, in deutscher Sprache. Folge einem Lernpfad von interaktiven, attraktiven und abwechslungsreichen Übungen. |
Swiss Projects
Vienna Freebies |
Gratis über 1500 Styles, Outfits, Accessoires, Fahrzeuge und vieles mehr! Lebe Deinen Traum und genieße den Fun! Starte bei Vienna Freebies, der deutschen Gratis-Community in Second Life! |
Italian speaking Communities
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CG Name |
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ISN Virtual Worlds |
SL Italian Community ed il continente Italiano Prometeo, con le sue molte attività e attrattive, fra le quali: sport, feste, concerti, DJ session e contest. Nella nostra isola di Orientamento, troverete tutorial in italiano e tutor. |
Italy Orientation
Japanese speaking Communities
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日本最大コミュニティのマグスルなら、やりたいこといろいろ見つかります。 初心者にもわかりやすい日本語チュートリアル、クレジットカードのいらないリンデンドル販売、大小さまざまな土地のレンタル、ショッピングにコンサート、レーシングサーキットなど、たくさんのコミュニティで皆様をお待ちしています。 |
Mobile Factory |
モバイルファクトリーが提供するセカンドライフ初心者向け登録方法には以下の特徴がございますのでご注意ください。特徴1 : 登録が簡単すぎる!(約3分で完了!)特徴2 : すぐに友達を作れるコミュニケーションツール「Wassr」をプレゼント!特徴3 : セカンドライフの通貨「リンデンドル」がもらえるキャンペーン随時開催!特徴4 : 日本人が多い |
Virtual Walker |
東京ウォーカーのバーチャル版、バーチャルウォーカーは登録者10万人以上の日本最大のセカンドライフポータルです。 日本語による簡単登録、操作ガイドの他、毎日スタッフがセカンドライフ内で活動し、イベントも行われています。 ウェブサイトと雑誌連動型の企画など、安心で楽しい日本人セカンドライフコミュニティの登録はこちらからどうぞ! |
Walker Orientation
Korean speaking Communities
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CG Name |
Description |
Sera Korea |
세컨드라이프 대한민국 공식 파트너! 세라코리아(www.serakorea.com)로 오세요.- 상시 거주하는 공식 도우미 아바타(멘토)가 도움을 드려요. - 체계적인 매뉴얼을 통해 다양한 재미를 즐길 수 있어요. - 쇼핑몰, 영화, 카페 등 다양한 공간을 무료로 제공합니다. 지금 바로 세라코리아를 통해 세컨드라이프에 가입하세요. 세라코리아에서 세컨드라이프 국내 사용자들과 함께 친목, 정보 등을 공유할 수 있는 기회를 마련하세요. |
Sera Korea 15
Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian Portuguese speaking Communities
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Description |
Mainland Brasil |
MLBR – O continente brasileiro no SL repleto de novidades, eventos, empreendimentos e residentes multiculturais. Conheça a linda praia de Copacabana simbolizada na MLBR e muito mais... |
MLBR Copacabana 2
Spanish speaking Communities
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CG Name |
Description |
MundoSL |
Conecta directamente con los hispanohablantes. Nuestros orientadores y video tutoriales te ayudaran a aprender las claves y tecnicas de este mundo para que evoluciones en el lo antes posible. |
SecondMind I
Spanish Orientation Island |
Entra en Second Life de la mano de Spanish Orientation y nace en la primera isla de ayuda en español enlazada en la web de SecondLife.com Visita nuestros foros de ayuda en español en http://www.metaBerso.com |
Spanish Orientation
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