Estate Tools test
Revision as of 12:16, 7 November 2006 by Dan Linden (talk | contribs)
JamesLinden, January 11, 2005
You'll need:
- 3 sims in estate 1
- 1 sim in estate 2. You should be the owner of this sim.
- 1 sim with no estate
I'm not sure if there's a user-friendly way to set up estates or sim ownership. I believe the CSR tool can create estates. The God > God Tools item should be able to assign a sim to an estate, if you know the estate number. I'm not sure how to set yourself the owner of a sim other than editing the simstate file and pasting in your agent id.
UI Enablement
- Log in. Go to any sim you don't own.
- Open World > Region/Estate. Everything should be disabled in all panels except help buttons. You should be able to see values for all the controls, like terrain raise, block terraform, etc.
- Close Region/Estate, go into God mode.
- Open Region/Estate - everything should be enabled in all panels.
- Close Region/Estate, exit God mode.
- Fly to the region you own.
- Open Region/Estate. Everything should be enabled in all panels.
- For subsequent tests, go to Region/Estate > Estate and make sure Allow Direct Teleport is turned on. (Unless you want to set up telehubs in your regions.)
Panel: General
- Make sure you're in a sim you own.
- Make sure you own a parcel of land, maybe 8x8 meters or so.
- Make sure Edit Land and Fly and Safe (no damage) are on for the parcel.
- Raise the land in your parcel with the edit tool. It should raise.
- Check "Block Terraform" and click Apply.
- Try to lower the land in your parcel. It should not lower.
- Uncheck "Block Terraform" and click Apply.
- Try to lower the land in your parcel. It should lower.
- Start flying.
- Check "Block Fly" and hit Apply.
- You should fall to the ground and be unable to fly.
- The "no fly" icon in the menu should appear.
- This should be true even if you are in your "yes fly" parcel.
- Fly out of the region and teleport back. You should fall to the ground.
- Go into god mode. You should be able to fly again.
- Uncheck "Block Fly" and hit Apply.
- Leave god mode.
- You should be able to fly again, according to per-parcel rules.
- Go inside your "Safe" parcel.
- Check "Allow Damage" and click "Apply".
- The heart icon should appear in the menu bar.
- You should be hurt by a fall from a large height.
- Uncheck "Allow Damage" and click "Apply"
- Per-parcel damage rules should apply.
- Set agent limit to 1 and click "Apply".
- Try to teleport in two agents. The second should fail.
- Try to walk a second agent in from a nearby region. That agent should not be able to walk in.
- Set agent limit back to 30 and click "Apply".
- You should be able to teleport in two agents.
- You should be able to walk in two agents.
- Check About Land > Objects for your 8x8 parcel. It should say 14 objects supported.
- Set Object Bonus to 2.0 and click Apply.
- About Land > Objects should say 29 object supported. (Known bug SL-9784 - need to restart the sim for the viewer to figure it out.)
(Known bug SL-9952 - "Simulator object usage" says 0 out of 29 while "Objects parcel supports" says 28.)
- Assuming this is your only parcel on the simulator, create 31 or so boxes on the parcel, then step out of the parcel.
- The boxes should start getting returned to you after a minute or so. (Right click the parcel to hurry things along.)
- It should return objects until you have 29 left.
- (I think object limits and return are broken, and it's not the estate tool's fault, except for the above restart issue.)
- Give your parcel an unique name, like "xxxzzz123".
- Set your parcel to list in the places directory.
- Make sure you can find your parcel under Find > Places.
- Set maturity to Mature and click Apply.
- Menu bar should show mature immediately.
- Under Find > Places, turn off "Include places in mature regions".
- Try to find your place "xxxzzz123". You should not find it. (Bug SL-9785 - region restart required)
- Bring up the world map. Hover over your region. Tooltip should say "mature".
- Set maturity to PG and click Apply.
- Menu bar should show PG immediately.
- Under Find > Places, you should be able to find your parcel.
- The world map tooltip should say "PG".
- Bring another avatar into the sim (total 2).
- Click "Teleport Home One User" and select that user.
- The avatar should be teleported home.
- Bring two other avatars into the sim (total 3).
- Click "Teleport Home All Users"
- All avatars should be teleported home except for you.
- Bring another avatar into the region (total 2).
- Click "Send Message To Region" and type a message.
- Both you and the other avatar should get the message.
- Manage Telehubs is covered in Telehub Tools Test
Debug Panel
- Build a box that chats "Hello Avatar" continuously.
default{state_entry(){while(1)llSay(0, "Hello, Avatar! "+(string)llFrand(1));}}
- Check "Disable Scripts" and click Apply.
- The box should stop chatting.
- Uncheck "Disable Scripts" and click Apply.
- The box should start chatting.
- The collisions/physics tests can either be done in a region that already has a low physics FPS, or you can build a test yourself.
- Build a "bowl". A large 8x8x8 hollow half-sphere works well.
- Build a default sphere with a cut begin of 0.2. This makes it concave to hurt the physics engine more.
- Put a script on the spheres so they are continuously moving and colliding in the bowl.
default { state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(0.2); } timer() { llApplyImpulse(<1,0,0>, TRUE); } }
- Put about 50 cut moving spheres in the bowl.
- Statistics Bar > Simulator > Time > Physics should show lots of time spent in physics.
- In Region/Estate check "Disable Collisions" and click Apply.
- The spheres should stop moving. Physics time should go near zero.
- You should still be able to walk. You should collide with objects.
- Uncheck "Disable Collisions". The spheres should start moving again.
- "Disable Physics" should work the same, except you should not be able to walk.
- Test Top Colliders next.
- Click Top Colliders.
- You should get a list of the sphere objects. (Or the nasty colliders, if you're using an existing region.)
- Click "Show Beacon".
- The object should highlight with a red beacon.
- Create a box with this script:
state_entry() { integer x = 0; while(1) { x = x + 1; } }
- Name it "Bad Box". Deselect it.
- Click "Top Scripts"
- Bad Box should be at the top.
- Click "Show Beacon"
- A beacon should appear over Bad Box.
- With an avatar other than yourself (AvatarB), claim some land.
- Put some scripted objects on that land.
- Put some scripted objects on other people's land.
- With the avatar that owns the region (AvatarA), select Region/Estate > Debug
- Choose Avatar... and select the other avatar.
- Click "Return avatar's scripted objects on other people's land"
- AvatarB's objects on other people's land should go away.
- AvatarB, put some more objects on other people's land.
- AvatarA, click "Return ALL of avatar's scripted objects"
- All the scripted objects should be returned to AvatarA, regardless of what land they are on.
- Click "Restart Region"
- You should get a two minute warning.
- Click "Cancel Restart"
- You should get a "restart canceled" message.
- Click "Restart Region" again.
- You should get a two minute warning.
- Wait 60 seconds.
- You should get a one minute warning.
- Go to another sim.
- The region should disappear as it goes down, then reappear as it comes back up.
- Bring the region owner and another avatar into the sim.
- Try changing the base textures. The mini-map should update for both avatars.
- Try changing the detail textures. The world textures should update for both avatars.
- I have no idea how the texture elevation ranges are supposed to work. I'd try changing the high values for all corners, then seeing if the blend points on a mountain change.
- Change the water height and click Apply.
- The water height should change immediately.
- Change the terrain raise and lower heights to 1.0 and -1.0. Click Apply.
- Make sure you are not in God mode.
- On a parcel you own, with Edit Land turned on, try to raise and lower the land.
- You should only be able to raise and lower by 1 meter.
- Change terrain raise and lower to 5.0 and -5.0. Click Apply.
- You should now be able to raise and lower by 5 meters.
- Make sure you have never used the Force Sunset (Ctrl-Shift-N) option. If you have, the sun stuff won't test correctly. You'll need to relog.
- Check "Use Estate Sun". Click Apply.
- If the sun is different in the rest of your estate, the sun position should change immediately.
- Verify the sun is in the same position as the rest of the estate.
- Check "Fixed Sun" and set a different sun position. Click Apply.
- Use Estate Sun should uncheck. (You cannot check "Fixed Sun" because it is disabled while "Use Estate" is checked. SL-9792)
- Sun should update immediately.
- Check "Use Estate Sun" again and click Apply.
- Click "Download RAW Terrain"
- Save the file to desktop.
- Open in Photoshop as 256x256, no header, 13 interleaved channels.
- The first (red) channel should resemble the terrain.
- Using a pure red brush (255,0,0) paint a thick line on the terrain. You're making a mountain range.
- Save as a RAW file, same format, with a different name.
- Back in SL, click "Upload RAW terrain" and select the new file.
- The terrain should change, showing a new mountain range where you painted.
- Go to a parcel you own.
- Use the land brush to lower some terrain to make a deep pit.
- Back in estate tools, click "Bake Terrain".
- You should now be able to raise the terrain only +5 from where it was baked.
- After raising the terrain, the "Revert" tool should bring the pit back to how it was when baked.
- Raise the terrain again.
- Click "Revert Terrain". It should go back to how it was when baked.
Estate Panel
- An estate manager is someone who can change the region/estate panel, but doesn't own the region.
- Add an estate manager for your primary estate. (This estate only)
- Make sure the new estate manager has logged out. (SL-9810 - it would be nice if it updated immediately)
- Log in as the estate manager.
- Verify that the manager can open the Region/Estate panel and everything but the RAW terrain tools, Bake Terrain, and Estate Managers buttons is enabled.
- Verify that the manager can make changes like sun position, disable scripts, etc.
- Remove the manager from this estate.
- Relog the estate manager.
- Verify the region/estate dialog is disabled for that user.
- Try the same steps, but add the estate manager to all your estates.
- The estate manager should have the whole dialog in all your estates.
- The allow list, group list, and ban list are all explained in Estates Test.
- The only difference is that you should be able to add/remove entries from either just the current estate, or all estates.
- Visible from mainland and mainland visible from here are explained in Estates Test.
- Check "Allow Direct Teleport" and click Apply.
- Verify a non-god can directly teleport to any place on the sim.
- Uncheck "Allow Direct Teleport" and click Apply.
- Verify a non-god only teleports to telehubs in the estate.
- Put your avatar in one sim in your main estate.
- Put another avatar in another sim in your main estate.
- Put a third avatar in a different estate entirely.
- Click "Send Message To Estate..."
- You and the avatar in your estate should receive the message.
- The avatar not in your estate should not receive the message.