Group Abilities - Identity Test
1. Describe the expected behavior and purpose of the new code
This code is meant to replace and enhance existing code for the group identity control options. This code adds the ability to set members in roles which can modify the group's identity.
These features are dependent on the group Roles features.
3. Detailed plan(s) for testing new functionality, including success and failure cases if possible
[Groups: Identity Abilities Test]
[LENGTH] 00:20
[OVERVIEW]This test exercises the use of Group Identity Abilities and verifies those without such Abilities cannot modify the group's identity. This test requires 3 testers. Tester A is the owner of a group. Tester B is a member of the group in the Everyone Role only. Tester C is not a member of the group.
[NOTE] Identity test: Owners
[0010] Tester A: Log in.
[0011] Tester B: Log in.
[0012] Tester A: Right-click your Avatar > Groups. Double-click on the name of the group you are using for this test to open the Group Information window.
[0013] Tester A: Verify that all identity widgets and fields are enabled:
[0014] - Insignia (test by clicking once; the Texture Picker should open)
[0015] - Charter
[0016] - Show in Group List
[0017] - Publish on Web
[0018] Tester A: Uncheck 'Show in Group List' and 'Publish on Web'. Click the 'Apply' button.
[0019] Tester B: Click the Find button > Groups. Type in the name of Tester A's group and click the 'Search button'.
[0020] Tester B: Verify Tester A's group was not found.
[0021] Tester A: Check 'Show in Group List'. Click the 'Apply' button.
[0022] Tester B: Click the 'Search' button again.
[0023] Tester B: Verify Tester A's group appears in the search results.
[0024] Tester A: Check 'Publish on Web'. Click the 'Apply' button.
[0025] Tester B: Click the 'Search' button again.
[0026] Tester B: Click once on Tester A's group name in the search results.
[0027] Tester B: Verify the 'Publish on Web' checkbox is checked.
[0028] Tester A: Add the word 'pwnd' as the first word of the charter (preserving the actual charter). Click the 'Apply' button.
[0029] Tester B: Click the 'Search' button again.
[0030] Tester B: Verify the first word of Tester A's group charter is now 'pwnd'.
[0031] Tester A: Change the charter back.
[0032] Tester A: Click the Insignia box once to bring up the Texture Picker. Choose Library > Photo Album > Snapshot - Nice Sunset. Click the 'Select' button.
[0033] Tester A: Click the 'Apply' button.
[0034] Tester B: Click the 'Search' button again.
[0035] Tester B: Verify the Insignia has changed.
[0036] Tester A: Drag a texture from your inventory to the Insignia space. Verify the texture is applied to the Insignia space. Click the 'Apply' button.
[0037] Tester B: Click the 'Search' button again.
[0038] Tester B: Verify the Insignia has changed.
[0039] Tester A: Click the 'Members & Roles' tab > Roles sub-tab.
[0040] Tester A: Click the 'Everyone' Role once.
[0041] Tester A: Un-check 'Members are visible' and click the 'Apply' button.
[0042] Tester C: Log in.
[0043] Tester C: Click the Find button > Groups. Type in the name of Tester A's group and click the 'Search button'.
[0044] Tester C: Verify you do not see Tester B's name in the Owners & Visible Members list.
[0045] Tester A: Check 'Members are visible' for the 'Everyone' Role again and click the 'Apply' button.
[NOTE] Set up a Role with only Identity Abilities.
[0045] Tester A: Click the 'Members & Roles' tab.
[0046] Tester A: Create a new Role. Name it 'Identity', title 'Identity' with only the 'Change Charter, Insignia...' Ability enabled. Click the 'Apply' button.
[0047] Tester A: Assign Tester B to the 'Identity' Role. Click the 'Apply' button.
[NOTE] Identity test: Role with allowed Ability
[0050] Tester B: Right-click your Avatar > Groups. Double-click on the name of the group you are using for this test to open the Group Information window.
[0013] Tester B: Verify that all identity widgets and fields are enabled:
[0014] - Insignia (test by clicking once; the Texture Picker should open)
[0015] - Charter
[0016] - Show in Group List
[0017] - Publish on Web
[0018] Tester B: Uncheck 'Show in Group List' and 'Publish on Web'. Click the 'Apply' button.
[0019] Tester C: Click the Find button > Groups. Type in the name of Tester A's group and click the 'Search button'.
[0020] Tester C: Verify Tester A's group was not found.
[0021] Tester B: Check 'Show in Group List'. Click the 'Apply' button.
[0022] Tester C: Click the 'Search' button again.
[0023] Tester C: Verify Tester A's group appears in the search results.
[0024] Tester B: Check 'Publish on Web'. Click the 'Apply' button.
[0025] Tester C: Click the 'Search' button again.
[0026] Tester C: Click once on Tester A's group name in the search results.
[0027] Tester C: Verify the 'Publish on Web' checkbox is checked.
[0028] Tester B: Add the word 'pwnd' as the first word of the charter (preserving the actual charter). Click the 'Apply' button.
[0029] Tester C: Click the 'Search' button again.
[0030] Tester C: Verify the first word of Tester A's group charter is now 'pwnd'.
[0031] Tester B: Change the charter back.
[0032] Tester B: Click the Insignia box once to bring up the Texture Picker. Choose Library > Photo Album > Snapshot - Nice Sunset. Click the 'Select' button.
[0033] Tester B: Click the 'Apply' button.
[0034] Tester C: Click the 'Search' button again.
[0035] Tester C: Verify the Insignia has changed.
[0036] Tester B: Drag a texture from your inventory to the Insignia space. Verify the texture is applied to the Insignia space. Click the 'Apply' button.
[0037] Tester C: Click the 'Search' button again.
[0038] Tester C: Verify the Insignia has changed.
[0039] Tester B: Click the 'Members & Roles' tab > Roles sub-tab.
[0040] Tester B: Click the 'Everyone' Role once.
[0041] Tester B: Un-check 'Members are visible' and click the 'Apply' button.
[0042] Tester C: Log in.
[0043] Tester C: Click the Find button > Groups. Type in the name of Tester A's group and click the 'Search button'.
[0044] Tester C: Verify you do not see Tester B's name in the Owners & Visible Members list.
4. Detailed plan(s) for testing dependent code, including success and failure cases if
SEE ABOVE (dependent code tests are embedded in the test plan).
5. Requirements for gathering data on existing feature being modified, if applicable
5a. Follow this with requirements for gathering data on new feature in new format, etc.
5b. Explain how to compare data to ensure new feature is not worse (i.e. lower framerate, higher bandwidth, more db queries, etc.)