Position change

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Emblem-important-yellow.png LSL Feature Request
The described event does not exist. This article is a feature request.


Event: position_change( ){ ; }

An event for avatar transitions from sitting to standing, standing to flying, etc. Such events can be monitored with a timer event; however, that's murder on a server. Must call llTrackAvatarPositionChange with permission PERMISSION_TRACK_POSITION.




And this is different then using (not_)at_target how? --Strife Onizuka 18:58, 20 April 2007 (PDT)

"It registers a position with a range that triggers at_target and not_at_target events continuously until unregistered." - we're trying to avoid continuous events as they aren't very nice to the poor sim executing them --Synack Fitzgerald 12:25, 14 May 2007 (EDT)

Deep Notes
