Education Support Faire
Revision as of 07:20, 23 January 2009 by Pathfinder Linden (talk | contribs) (→Resident Support Organizations - Booth Locations)
Welcome to the Education Support Faire wiki. Support for Real Life Educators in Second Life comes from both Linden Lab and Resident Support Organizations. The goal of this wiki is to provide links and information on all support opportunities that can help Real Life Educators succeed.
This is a living document that will grow and evolve over time. Initially it will be used to share details on the first Education Support Faire, but we would like to see it evolve into a frequently updated resource that helps direct Real Life Educators to new Linden Lab support channels as well as Resident Support Organizations.
Second Life Education Support Faire 2009
Linden Lab Support Resources - Booth Locations
Coming soon!
Resident Support Organizations - Booth Locations
- FireSabre - Education support and development in Teen Second Life. -
- Georgia State University - Tutorials and exhibits of best practices for educators. -
- Insight Virtual College - Insight Virtual College is a "bridge between worlds" offering first life teachers the opportunity to teach to Second Life residents. IVC also offers Second Life skills classes such as building, scripting, role play, business, and new resident orientation.
- IntelliGroup Creators of Intellibooks and other Second Life tools for educators and students. -
- International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) -
- Masters of Digital Media program at the Centre for Digital Media -
- Memorial University, St. John's NL - Orientation manuals and tutorials. -
- Second Life Education Council -
- Second Life Education Roundtable (SLER) and Montclair State University - Hosted by Montclair State University, SLER’s mission is to provide a roundtable setting for interested parties to discuss various topics relevant to furthering the use of Second Life for education. Roundtables occur weekly and often have up to 50 participants. All are welcome to attend, whether presenting or just sitting in to learn about new possibilities. -
- Second Life Teachers without Borders (SLT) - A free teaching network community providing teaching tools and student support. -
- Simon Kline - Educational displays and scripting tutorials. -
- SmartPatrol - Webbrowser-based statistics application for Second Life. -
- The Journal of Virtual Worlds and Education -
- University of Michigan-Flint - Teaching and Learning World Music. -
- vARTS Sponsor Project - Australian project to promote sponsorship of the arts in Second Life. -